Starting Over

phitme Posts: 124
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
Wow. So here it is the end of 2009 and I find myself at my heaviest weight ever. I know how to do what I need to do, both with diet and exercise yet I'm still overweight. Time to get busy getting healthy.

Anyhow, my name is Kirsten, I am 34 and live in Atlanta. I am married and have a cat and a dog, no kids. Just wanted to introduce myself to everyone.


  • Be strong you can do it. I started 3 months ago with the heaviest I have ever been also. I have lost 21 lbs and still have a ways to go. But I keep telling myself to be strong and see how much I feel and look so different.
    Keep track of everything on here, it has helped me so much to see what I eat and how I workout. If it wasn't for this web site I dont know if I could really do it.
    My name is Susan and I hope my story will help you.
    Happy New Year!!!
  • erinsolesky
    erinsolesky Posts: 20 Member
    Good for you, Kirsten. I'm working on my weight as well ... just had my second baby 8 weeks ago and have already lost 32 lbs. I'm working on losing the next 30 now by using the calorie counter and doing step aerobics 5x per week. Hope to see your weight loss progress!!

  • NurseMisty
    NurseMisty Posts: 312 Member
    Welcome welcome welcome! I've been coming here since April of this year (which is almost over with). I lost 25 pounds...but almost all of the 25 found me again after I stopped logging my foods and working out regularly!!! You'll enjoy being here, it's a great group of people!!

    Welcome aboard Kristen!
  • Awesome Kristin! Is your profile picture of you running a marathon?? I just ask because this is one of my ambitions. I just started myfitnesspal myself! How much weight do you hope to lose?
  • phitme
    phitme Posts: 124
    Thanks for the warm welcome ladies! I have 70ish pounds to lose total. My current goal is the first 15 because 70 overwhelms me.

    The picture is of me running my first 5K (3 miles). I am training to walk my first half marathon in April. I am excited about it but nervous at the same time.
  • First time posting and a little nervous about doing it too

    where do I start...... 6 yrs ago I quit smoking and gained a lot of weight and start an exercise program and lost close to 50 lbs. About a 1 yr ago I hurt my back at work and couldn't run and the stress was starting to build and then found out my dad was sick and then the extra pounds started to add up. My back is feeling better and it;s time for me to start over but the laziness has settle in, but I found this site and I'm hoping that I will get my energy back again and also need other people support that know what I'm going through... thanks for letting me share
    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
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