Do you weigh everything?

Hi! I have done MFP before and have lost a bit of weight but I ended up quitting as I was so bored of tracking every single thing. I've been going to the gym for 3 times a week since April and haven't really noticed a change in my body shape or on the scale (actually weigh more and its definitely not muscle lol) So Ive come to the decision to give MFP another go as I think its a healthy way of loosing weight. Tomorrow I will track everything but I was wondering do you weigh everything even lettuce/tomatoes/cucumber/spinach and other veg and fruit??? I did before but part of me thought maybe it was a little crazy. Please help! Thank you! xxx


  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I weigh and measure most things as a result of many years of doing weight watchers. I buy my meat, chicken and fish in quarter pound servings - Whole Foods is good about cutting things to size. I don't measure my veggies all the time, but I do estimate when I am tracking them on my food journal. It's sort of set up to certain amounts. With fruit, I guestimate and go by the food database. Things like cherries I count - the database has a measurement for one cherry and I'll put down the number I eat.

    I know it sounds obsessive, but I get some pleasure out of knowing I'm accurate. My next chore is to increase my intake.
  • I dont weigh my food at all I go based off of the recommended serving as far a veggies I still go based off of the serving size but if I have more than a serving size i dont worry because they are veggies I really just pay attention to Fat Carbs and Protein and the meat I eat...choosing lean and meats that have less fat and choosing turkey over ground beef or pork bacon....I usually just make sure the meat is no bigger than the palm on my hand....I do log everything I eat even if its 1 chip just so I can make sure I dont go over my calorie goal....Good luck I hope this helps
  • Phaedra2014
    Phaedra2014 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Yes I weigh everything. When I weigh my ingredients, my health is in control. When I eyeball ingredients, my appetite is in control.
  • leahartmann
    leahartmann Posts: 415
    Not everything. I estimate some things and go by the sizes in the database. I log everything, but I don´t necessarily weigh it. But it´s a kind of sport for me to be as accurate as possible without going overboard. I´ve seen some log in even water (in their diary, not the glass beside it.)
  • robynlynn815
    robynlynn815 Posts: 26 Member
    I weigh everything. Yes, I even weigh lettuce :tongue:
  • craftykat12
    craftykat12 Posts: 50 Member
    when I started weighing everything I began to lose weight. I take my scale with me everywhere I go. so I am down 52 lbs.
  • kellygirl324
    kellygirl324 Posts: 74 Member
    I weigh everything! Unless of course Im eating out. My thought is this: It doesn't take that long, and if you're not measuring, how can you be certain your calorie estimations are correct. If they're not, those possible extra calories add weight on over time. You could plan your meal for the next week days or week, and measure all at once. Maybe that would help. :-)
  • AiimeeDee
    AiimeeDee Posts: 116 Member
    I weigh and measure everything.. It is a giant pain in the butt, but you get used to it and it does get easier. It was a real eye opener when I first started. I was eating two and three serving's. A way to look at it is when you eat your food at the suggested serving you can have more variety through out the day. One thing that I do it eat from the cup or half cup, rinse and keeps dirty dishes down.. Good luck, stick with it and change will come :)
  • Purple_Orchid_87
    Purple_Orchid_87 Posts: 517 Member
    When I weigh my ingredients, my health is in control. When I eyeball ingredients, my appetite is in control.

    this is a great line to quote!
  • cally69
    cally69 Posts: 182 Member
    I weigh and measure every item that I count but I don't count vegetables except for potatoes, peas and sweet corn. I don't eat back my exercise calories so I figure that gives me some leeway with the veg.
  • dervie9
    dervie9 Posts: 2 Member
    I don't weigh anything, but I often just overestimate the amount. Not accurate, but better than underestimating.
  • HerbT51
    HerbT51 Posts: 36
    I weigh or measure almost everything. However, you will never be able to eat enough lettuce or celery to make much difference. Any dressing, even simple oil & vinegar, should be accurately measured. Green leafy vegetables or broccoli & cauliflower can be estimated but peas, beans, and corn ("starchy" vegetable) should be closely monitored. Always weigh fruit since they can be carb loaded even if they are otherwise good for you.
  • kornmaiden
    kornmaiden Posts: 109
    I guestimate on lettuce and some veggies because they are low in cals. Meats and fruit I weigh and measure, as well an most other things.
  • TinaS88
    TinaS88 Posts: 817 Member
    I have to. Otherwise I will consume a ton more calories then I even realize. As for veggies and stuff, if I cut them up I measure based on cups, not grams... much easier that way.
  • CherylGardner
    CherylGardner Posts: 75 Member
    I weigh pretty much everything... as much as possible. My scale does ml/fl oz, so I've actually started to using it more than my liquid measuring cups...
  • BarbaraC47
    BarbaraC47 Posts: 175 Member
    I also weigh everything, I feel I have some control when I weight stuff - if I go over my calories then its easier to see why!! It does get easier and weighing and logging is a constant reminder that I am in control - and that motivates me so much!!
  • katicasi82
    katicasi82 Posts: 121 Member
    I weigh everything too...
  • Yes I weigh everything. When I weigh my ingredients, my health is in control. When I eyeball ingredients, my appetite is in control.

    This quote is great!! ^Thank you! :) Yes, I weigh or measure out most things. But veggies and fruits I eat first before anything else so they will fill me first. I have gone above and beyond with veggies and fruits in a day, and realized that I was actually really under my calorie/fat/sugar "limit" because they are GOOOD and NATURAL! But I know people who measure everything and that works for them. Do what works for you!
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    I weigh and log absolutely everything, even down to seasoning. If it's going in my body then it goes in my diary. :wink:
  • kalwi
    kalwi Posts: 10
    I trust my eyes and hands, if I'm not sure I weight it. I usually mistake by +/- 10 or 20grams.
    I reccomend you weighting some avarage items like potatoes, bread, carrots etc. later when you eat it you will know how much it could weight. It's a good practice for your brain :)
  • krumpli
    krumpli Posts: 76 Member
    I weigh/measure most of my food. Or, I have done in the past. (For example, I eat my cereal out of the same [cheap plastic] bowl every time, and I put a tiny mark on the inside where one serving should go to. If it's a gram or two off, I don't care.)

    That said, if I put a piece of lettuce on my sandwich, or whatever, I don't measure!
  • Vonwarr
    Vonwarr Posts: 390 Member
    I tend not to weigh very low cal vegetables, just roughly estimate... but I weigh/measure as accurately as possible for high calorie foods, oil, butter, bread/starch, meat, etc.
  • lucycaz
    lucycaz Posts: 191 Member

    I weight everything - it has made a real difference to my weight loss

    I even weigh veggies and salad and every ingreident I put in recipies...

    I measure liquids to the mill log everything good or bad

    What I have found is that by logging everything it keeps me honest and I have also stopped nibbling when I cook becouse I can't log it so I just dont

    121 ils in 14 months is what I ahve to show for my 'trouble'

  • sparkle2011
    sparkle2011 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you so much everyone. Its good to see what everyone else is doing I think I'll weigh everything like before xxx
  • sparkle2011
    sparkle2011 Posts: 12 Member
    Thank you! Well done on your weight loss that is amazing!!! xxx
  • sparkle2011
    sparkle2011 Posts: 12 Member
    Yes I weigh everything. When I weigh my ingredients, my health is in control. When I eyeball ingredients, my appetite is in control.

    Love this I will try and remember this each day :smile:
  • Sabine_Stroehm
    Sabine_Stroehm Posts: 19,263 Member
    I've never weighed anything. When I first started I figured out what a few ounces looked like (meat etc) and what a cup of cereal looked like. And that was it.
  • sparkle2011
    sparkle2011 Posts: 12 Member

    I weight everything - it has made a real difference to my weight loss

    I even weigh veggies and salad and every ingreident I put in recipies...

    I measure liquids to the mill log everything good or bad

    What I have found is that by logging everything it keeps me honest and I have also stopped nibbling when I cook becouse I can't log it so I just dont

    121 ils in 14 months is what I ahve to show for my 'trouble'


    Thank you! Well done on your weight loss that is amazing!!! xxx