Third time is the charm!

Bikini27 Posts: 1,298 Member
This isn't my first round on this website...but it will be the last time I see my weight this high!!!!
I turn 25 tomorrow, and that marks a quarter of a century filled with fad diets, failed workout schedules, and a fluctuation of nearly 60 pounds from my lightest at age 20 to this very moment.

I'm going to do it this time, NO GIVING UP. It's been 20 years since I wore a bikini and 2 years since I've worn a bathing suit AT ALL. I've chosen my handle to help motivate me into a two piece bathing suit and away from cover-ups and excuses.

God give me strength and support to make it stick this time!



  • Mommabee
    Mommabee Posts: 103
    Welcome back and welcome to your new lifestyle! You have the motivation to do it this time, no more fads, just good food and exercise, the healthy "diet"!
    Can't wait to hear about you getting into that bikini!!!