Salt water cleanse?



  • ocukor1
    ocukor1 Posts: 66
    Ridiculous. If you eat good, your body will clean itself. Why do you think you're full of some nasty stuff that needs cleansing?
  • mnowens
    mnowens Posts: 71
    well i don't want to do it to drop weight, i want to remove the "old fecal matter" built up on the sides.....because i have never in my life done a cleanse or anything similar to it. I just wanted a fresh start in my bowels

    That doesn't happen. Poo doesn't stay in there unless you have an impaction. People who do flushes and colonics might just be mildly constipated. The answer to that is to simply add more fiber to your diet and drink plenty of water. If it's actually hard to go, try some senna tea or Colase.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    well i don't want to do it to drop weight, i want to remove the "old fecal matter" built up on the sides.....because i have never in my life done a cleanse or anything similar to it. I just wanted a fresh start in my bowels
    There's no such thing as "old fecal matter" building up on the sides of your intestines. That's not how the human body functions.

    Yeah. That's ... uh ... weird.
  • myfitnessnmhoy
    myfitnessnmhoy Posts: 2,105 Member
    what trud said is right, lemon water is good for one thing is activating bile secretion , which makes you digest better and faster if i was you i wouldnt add salt but olive oil thats my own 5 cents you can take than in the morning its the NATURAL flush!!

    have fun!

    ^^^ The keys to something like this are:

    1. Lemon water is basically increasing your Vitamin C. It can't hurt you unless you're drinking a whole crapload of it.
    2. Olive oil is full of good quality fats. If you fit them in your diet, they are beneficial and not harmful.
    3. Even if something like this does no good in terms of actual colorectal health, you're increasing your intake of beneficial nutrients and healthy fats.
    4. Lemon water and olive oil are readily available and inexpensive.

    So if you are fixated on doing a cleanse, MAKE IT THIS ONE.

    And maybe eat a little extra fiber to keep the alimentary train running.
  • akagudelo
    akagudelo Posts: 12
    I also have done the Salt Water Cleanse a few times while on the Master Cleanse, and i DO NOT RECOMMEND IT!

    If done correctly it does completely flush you out, but the experience is just awful and very extreme.

    Try not to eat processed food, have alot of veggis, fruit, and whole grains, and most importantly drink ALOT OF WATER.
    Soon enough you'll rid yourself of all that "waste" you're looking to get rid of. Much better alternative and less harsh than the SWC.
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    This is basically what they do for a colonoscopy. When I was in the hospital with a perforated appendix which ended up resulting in a bowel resection, they handed me the jug of liquid you’re supposed to drink (PEG, which is basically salt water) and moved a bedpan close to the bed. When I remarked that the bathroom was only a couple steps away and the bed pan would not be necessary the nurse smiled and said, “Oh no, you’ll need it.” And she was right. It is miserable, I would not electively do that kind of ‘cleanse.’ Plus it’s incredibly hard on your kidneys; they suggest you not do that cleanse for colonoscopies more than once a year, if that. Not to mention, it’s not going to help with your digestive issues- anyone that tells you there is years of ‘build-up’ in your intestines is not well informed on the science of one’s digestive system (they're full of sh-t, only not real ****, just the figurative kind.) Changing your eating habits is the only thing that will help.
    Here’s some concise information on the subject-
  • kateminx
    kateminx Posts: 62 Member
    well i don't want to do it to drop weight, i want to remove the "old fecal matter" built up on the sides.....because i have never in my life done a cleanse or anything similar to it. I just wanted a fresh start in my bowels

    If you somehow have "old fecal matter" attached to your colon, eat a normal amount of fiber every day, drink your 8 glasses of water, and I assure you that it will be replaced with "new fecal matter" in short order. The colon should have a certain amount of fecal matter in it - that's what the colon is FOR.

    Removing ALL fecal matter from the colon means you are also purging out beneficial bacteria and other stuff that SHOULD be there for your body to operate efficiently. You feel so bad, that when you start recovering you start feeling normal - and you think the "cleanse" somehow improved you.

    In a similar manner, you can stop headaches by tapping your head gently with a hammer. Once the extreme pain of the hammer-tapping-induced headache subsides, you won't even notice the original headache and you'll be able to convince yourself that you've made an improvement.

    Thanks for that advice - I wasn't sure if it would work as my problem was not quite the same, but now having ceased banging my head against a brick wall all my headaches have stopped! :)
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member

    I'm giving it a try as think I could do with clearing the pipes lol xxx
  • AmberJo1984
    AmberJo1984 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I haven't heard of this cleanse before; but, I would think if you eat like you should, and exercise, your system will cleanse itself.
  • MsNewBooty83
    MsNewBooty83 Posts: 1,003 Member
    you might as well buy a tube of preparation H when u pick up ur salt. lol. when ur butt hole starts dry heaving youll need it. you could be setting urself up for a pretty rough aftermath. i wouldnt do it myself. remember there is good and bad bacteria living in your intestines, when u wipe everything out of there youre stripping urself of the natural good bacterias too, you can wind up with some serious issues there. i dont know if you eat while ur doing this cleanse, but def pro biotic yogurts and any cultured dairy would probly help. eeek. im advising against it tho! but who takes medical advice from a zombie anyhow? good luck whatever way u decide to go!
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    100% pure pseudo-scientific quackery. You do not accumulate fecal matter stuck to the sides of your intestine unless you are suffering from a medical condition that causes impaction.

  • Nana_Booboo
    Nana_Booboo Posts: 501 Member
    I personally think all the "cleansing" is a big hype.

    Just eat right, exercise and drink plenty of good old fashion water.

    You'll feel great after a day or two.
  • kenazfehu
    kenazfehu Posts: 1,188 Member
    Yes, I did it as part of the Master Cleanse (the maple syrup/lemonade), and one word of caution. Just when you think it has all passed and you can relax, you can't. Major leakage can happen with squatting to pick something up, coughing, sneezing, etc. Embarrassing if you have to be with people. I was alone - thank goodness!
  • xxbookwormbabexx
    xxbookwormbabexx Posts: 92 Member
    Becoming healthy (this includes your digestive system), is really not a matter of cleanses or "diets" or secret tricks.
    Eat healthy. Work out.
    Your body is quite a fine tuned system when one takes care of it.

    Ditch the cleanse :) Best of luck.
  • mercymarque
    That souds like something out of the master cleanse which I have tried and it's crazy... if u follow my fitness plan based on how you would like to lose weight it will work. You will stall and need to re look how your eating and exercising but this is a great site. Days will get hard and you may eat something you should or eat out of control. Log everything you put in your mouth. Keep ur diary open, look at what others are eating, get out and move. This is a life style change. You can have some of the same things you were eating just in moderation. Drink plenty of water. What works for him/her may not work for you and that's okay. Good luck on your weight loss journey.
  • bathsheba_c
    bathsheba_c Posts: 1,873 Member
    Drinking salt water is what they had my best friend in elementary school do in order to induce vomiting after she ate raw chicken and couldn't get herself to puke using the old "finger down the throat" method.
  • JLD81
    JLD81 Posts: 133 Member
    If you really want to clean out, try what they give you before a colonoscopy. It is a combination of dulcolax and miralax. I would honestly check with a doctor, first, though. I had my second colonoscopy last December, and ever since then, my "habits" have changed, and I needed to use colace to be able to go. So be very careful what you do.
    Remember, it is normal to have "stuff" built up inside of you, so even if you cleanse now, it will build back up, so that is not a normal way to lose weight.

    YUCKY! that stuff made me want to die! I had to call the drs office and tell them there was no way I could drink that crap without something to mask the taste. I had to mix it with crystal light and still had problems choking it down. Nothing like being stuck in the bathroom (because after just a couple sips it goes to work immediately) with a drink in your hand with a straw ( so u can try to avoid ggetting the taste on your tongue) and gagging every sip u take. To this day I still can't drink that flavor of crystal light because it gives me flashbacks!!!!
  • AllTehBeers
    AllTehBeers Posts: 5,030 Member

    I'm giving it a try as think I could do with clearing the pipes lol xxx

    Please tell me why you bumped this from a YEAR AGO.

    That is all, thanks.
  • jelben
    jelben Posts: 13 Member
    alimentary dear Watson!
  • MrsWilsoncroft
    MrsWilsoncroft Posts: 969 Member
    Tried it tonight and it is very successful lol