looking to lose over 100 pounds, anyone else?



  • carloubrew
    carloubrew Posts: 20 Member
    I stated that I was only looking to lose 67 or 70 lbs but at the rate I am going it is now 100+. I weighed this morning and I have gained instead of lost. I am so hurt and desperate. I am a 43 yr old grandmother who desperately wants to get her body back. Any suggestions on how I can beat this over-eating monster?
  • I stated that I was only looking to lose 67 or 70 lbs but at the rate I am going it is now 100+. I weighed this morning and I have gained instead of lost. I am so hurt and desperate. I am a 43 yr old grandmother who desperately wants to get her body back. Any suggestions on how I can beat this over-eating monster?

    I wish I did, I am just starting out. Just keep pushing yourself to do better, and feel better! And lots of water!! Good luck!
  • DDKathy
    DDKathy Posts: 2
    I need to lose 100 pounds or so, too - ARGH! Besides keeping track of my calories on this site (which really helps me) does anyone have any specific, everyday tips? I know the basics of losing weight - portion control, exercise, drink my water, etc., but I need IDEAS TO HELP ME FOLLOW THE RULES! I learned these two watching from The Biggest Loser, but I'm sure there are more.

    1. Use serving-size measuring cups in serving bowls instead of a tablespoon. It doesn't hurt the family to learn portion size, too!
    2. After having a taste, dump salt over the food I might nibble on but shouldn't.

    I also bought protein drinks at Costco after seeing that I rarely got even half the protein I should. I guess protein keeps us from feeling hungry.

    Any more great tips?
    Thank you!
  • Octopies
    Octopies Posts: 157 Member
    I'm looking to lose around there. My goal weight is anywhere between 150 and 130, making it 80-100 lbs left for me.
  • Southernsass6885
    Southernsass6885 Posts: 100 Member
    I"m looking to (ultimately) lose close to that. I'm starting off small and working my way up. I'm 218 right now and my first goal is to get to 205. Serious baby steps. But you totally have my support. I just started this today and I've totally got your back.
  • shannong311
    shannong311 Posts: 59 Member
    Feel free to add me..anyone really, been here for a bit, need to lose 130 all together...I'm on everyday for support and motivation :)
  • Gracy22
    Gracy22 Posts: 11 Member
    I am joining the over 100 plus club... would love to have you all as friends... encouragement is so important during this time.
  • DDKathy
    DDKathy Posts: 2
    It's been about 3 weeks, and keeping track of my calories on this (or any) site has helped me. And even if I go a a few calories over, I'm still not gaining weight at the rate I was... So I don't beat myself up if I have a bad day or two. Or three or four. I just climb back on the wagon.

    I do try to keep ready-to-eat veggies sitting in water in the front of the fridge, with no lid. If they're first thing I see, and if they're pretty (I mean vibrant colors, not fancy cutting!) I'm more likely to eat them in front of the TV than chips or ice cream. I know, I should be taking a walk or only eating at the table, but I'm working on one change at a time - and not beating myself up for what I don't do! I'm eating veggies instead of chips - Yippee!

    Babies trip and fall a LOT before they learn to walk. (Remember those bruised and scabbed faces you were worried people would interpret as child abuse?!) YOU can't fall down and stay down. (Well, you could, but you don't want to!) Keep practicing baby steps - one little change that slowly becomes a habit. Then another little change. Where would your kids & grandkids be if they fell and stayed down? Keep going, girl!
  • sassbox66
    sassbox66 Posts: 2
    to all those loking to loose 100 pounds.My heart goes out to you .I hd lst 50lbs an started gaining it back i found a site on facebook and books on the kindle. How to loose 100 pounds. any one wanting to add me i need encouragement to get back at it.I still have 40 to go i would ike to loose
  • I've set a goal of 50 lbs for myself to start but my overall goal is to lose over 100 lbs. Add me if you'd like.
  • I am right there with you! I have been overweight most of my life as well. This site is amazing!
  • I am also 250lbs and long term I'm looking to lose about 100lbs.

    I'm here if you need someone to talk to or any support, just add me :)

    I wish you the best in your journey
  • bhawkins0711
    bhawkins0711 Posts: 92 Member
    I've used this site before, lost about 30 lbs, then gave up after vacation. Vacations always kill my motivation. I'm now 255 and would like to lose 115 lbs to be at a goal of 140. Looking for lots of new friends to keep me motivated!!!
  • aerienna
    aerienna Posts: 1
    I started in January at 287. I am down to 260.8 and have 125.8 to go. It's slow going for me because I have fibromyalgia and I am very limited in what I can do for exercise and how much I can handle before I am bedridden, which I try to avoid! I just keep at it!!! :smile:

    I actually don't think about the long term goal but weigh in every single morning and just keep working to lose one more pound...then just one more ...then just one more.

    By focusing on a single pound at a time it keeps me from becoming overwhelmed and once I hit a 5 or 10 pound mark I strive not to go over it again for a week before I get too excited!! ;)
  • Hi everyone,

    I am also looking to loose over 100 pounds, i didn't really start gaining my weight till after i had my first child. I started yo-yo dieting and i tried so many different diets but they obviously haven't worked and after each diet i just binged all the time. This all led to me gaining more weight after every diet attempt and my weight sky rocketed my weight up to 349 pounds. I visited the doctor 2 weeks ago and my blood tests are not good and he told me that i must get my weight off or i wont see my five year old reach her teens. So, i am here to change my lifestyle, not just do another diet. I am looking to make new friends and people who understand my daily struggle and know where i am coming from. It is so good to see that i am not alone and i know that we can all help each other to change our lifestyles and lead longer, healthier, happier lives. :flowerforyou:
  • Tati_Mo
    Tati_Mo Posts: 10
    HI! I have to lose aover 100 pound too!!! Feel free to add me!!! We can motivate each other!
  • GottaLoveRenee
    GottaLoveRenee Posts: 30 Member
    I'm looking forward to losing over 100 pounds also. Let's all connect and encourage each other. I've been a member for quite some and recently decided to put myself first, seriously, and make changes to get this weight off. I am sooooo driven! :glasses:
  • okeedokee5
    okeedokee5 Posts: 46 Member
    Hi there. I'm in the process of losing about 100 pounds as well... I started at 227, am currently 171, and hoping to get down to 125 or so. I think the important thing to remember is that it takes TIME, and that there will be ups and downs in the process, but the important thing is to never give up.

    Please feel free to add me! Same goes to anyone else!
  • Amber_lee_81
    Amber_lee_81 Posts: 36 Member
    Hi there!! In the same boat I would love you or anyone to add me to help each other get thru this!
  • Hello Everyone! I just started this a few days ago and am already starting to feel overwhelmed. I have 114 pounds to loose, it seems like so much, but I know I can do it. I'd love to meet some people so we can support and motivate each other.