why am i eating a lot, but not gaining weight back?

ok. i've recently lost about 25 pounds in the past 3 months or so. and I am back to my pre pregnancy weight. sitting at about 120 pounds right now. ever since i reached 120 pounds, i have been slacking on my dieting and logging my foods. still working out intensely, but eating pretty much whatever i want. what's weird, is i havn't gained any weight in the past week of binge eating. i have maintained and stayed the same weight. i'm confused. why am i not gaining back the weight i lost since i'm eating so much. ? or is it just easier to maintain weight, then to lose it.


  • snelson0511
    Ooo don't go down that slippery slope it'll catch up eventually. Are you working out? Are you nursing? You might have revved up your metabolism enough that it hasn't adjusted yet...but it will in my experience and opinion. Just consider yourself lucky and start fresh tomorrow back on the wagon HA! :)

    Good job getting all the baby weight off!!!
  • jesz124
    jesz124 Posts: 1,004 Member
    Yeah I agree with above. It may not show straight away on the scales but believe me it will catch up with you sooner or later if you carry on bingeing.
  • janemem
    janemem Posts: 575 Member
    I agree with the others, don't be lulled into a false sense of security. I've been through times where I slacken the leash a bit and eat what I want (within reason but way more than normal) and it doesn't seem to register on the scale or the tape measure so I think, oh this is good I can eat like this all the time, and then after a short while BAM! it's there and by that time you've gotten used to eating more and it seems even harder to lose those extra inches/lbs all over again.
    Go back to sensible maintenance eating before it's too late, lol! :happy:
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    Coming from over 6 months maintenance experience - no, maintaining is not easy! I have now found how to do it correctly or a way that works for me and I do allow myself days off - again, I'm maintaining and no longer 'dieting' so you need to slacken the rules slightly however coming straight off the wagon and eating whatever you want is a road to gaining back weight.

    Like other have said, find out where you're at with your maintenance calories it really is a key bit of information to know at this point. Also what happens if you can't work-out or are ill? Maybe what you're currently eating each day is coming up to the correct number of cals in relation to your work-out and maintenance calorie number? x
  • Espressocycle
    Espressocycle Posts: 2,245 Member
    Did you go down to the crossroads and sell your soul to the devil? Because if you did, you should have just asked for money.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    If you're doing a lot of exercise, you could just simply be burning enough calories to compensate.

    You can eat a lot more than you realize and maintain with excercise.

    For instance my net average last week was 2800 which is still an almost too fast weight loss diet for me. I ran 2.5 miles four days, played a softball game, lifted 3x and helped a friend move last week though, so I actually ate about 3400 on average.