This is why I'm fat



  • AllDIVA
    AllDIVA Posts: 45 Member
    Special K crisps are sweet. 100 calories and 20 carbs. I deal with the same thing every single night. Prayer helps. sometimes. Drinking water. leave a few extra calories for later. go to bed earlier. keep a journal about how you are feeling and why. My trainer says get a hobby. That hasn't happened yet. thin about it this way... Some men when they think about getting married they think about what they are giving up.. like many times we do when changing our eating habits. Think about what you are gaining by changing your eating habits... I is hard but doable!
  • nerdieprofessor
    nerdieprofessor Posts: 512 Member
    I'm a little disappointed that almost every single reply on here has to do with eating food and reinforcing the behavior. I stick to my earlier comments about habit correction...

    The concept of food in bed gets me. I never have hunger in bed because bed is not a place I associate with food (or TV watching).

    Maybe the OP should stop watching TV in bed, change up some no food things...
  • leilaphoenix
    leilaphoenix Posts: 839 Member
    Where is the fruit, and veg, and protein in your diet? You are eating so much packaged food - try making some things yourself?
  • azalais7
    azalais7 Posts: 187 Member
    While I think the posters who have said you should change your habits are absolutely right, the types of foods you eat ARE a habit in and of themselves, and frankly I think a more significant one than watching TV in bed (though there's great reasons not to do that, too).

    I think someone else mentioned that they try to eat fewer calories at lunch to save up for the evening. Looking at your food diary, that is definitely what you should be doing--you eat over half your day's calories at lunch currently, and that doesn't leave you much for the evening when you already know you're going to be hungry. And yes, as everyone else has said, you need to swap out the processed stuff.

    BUT--don't necessarily feel like you have to change everything all at once. Small changes--creating new habits--can often be more effective. Focus on one food change at a time--eat carrots instead of those french fries with your burger, for example. Work on that for a week, then make another small change.
  • Buy this scale ( and get your husband to talk all his numbers. I bought this for my wife (she told me she wanted it, I'm not that stupid) but when it came in I tried it out and within 5 minutes I was on our Precor Elliptical and starting my first real diet in years. Men have the ability to down play everything until they are presented with cold hard facts
  • JenniferNoll
    JenniferNoll Posts: 367 Member
    For people with a limitied budget looking for healthier ways to eat: I found a website called Hillbilly Housewife, which has a page called Healthy Hillbilly Housewife. I found lots of recipe ideas for hearty filling food with lower cal options. It does tend to use a certain amount of processed foods, but if someone is looking to take baby steps, it could be helpful. It also has nutritional information for each recipe.
  • sssygirl
    sssygirl Posts: 55 Member
    Stop making excuses for why you are eating processed and junky food. If you really want to be healthier..change your habits.

    Buy real food..make meals from scratch..if your family doesn't like it..tell them they can make their own dinner.

    Also buy healthy snacks for you and your kids..I would think as a mom you would want to make sure they have the best possible life..healthy life.

    I also find the processed foods have less amounts in them so you really are not spending less money..
    Lean meat
    Beans -have a couple meatless meals through out the week it will save money

    Also as another poster said..check out the last chance for the produce and meat...even if they are a little over can either cook them or put them in something. Freeze the fruit and use it for smoothies or in Oatmeal.

    Good Luck..don't give up!