New and ready to lose!

Hi everyone, I am new to MFP and I am ready to lose some weight but more importantly, have a healthier lifestyle.My goal in to lose 60 lbs, which seems huge right now but I am excited to start. I have been tracking on MFP for a week now and so far I love the way it works. I am also looking for some weight loss buddies as well as any good suggestions for groups to join or boards to read!


  • StephnElbow
    StephnElbow Posts: 91 Member
    good luck, you got this. you can add me if you'd like :)
  • I too want to loose 60 pounds and I just joined my fitness pal. I will be starting tomorrow tracking everything that I eat. Its going to be hard work but I have to do something. We can keep each other motivated and help track each pound we loose until we get 60 off. If you would like I would love be your buddy on here?
  • That sounds great! I always need more accountability! Nice to meet you too!
  • Hi. I'm Nely. I want to loss 40-50 pounds. I just downloading this app on my phone so I hope it helps me track my movements. I'd love some new friends to keep me motivated.