Back to School 10lb Challenge



  • katzba
    katzba Posts: 19 Member
    I'd like to join!
  • gigi9887
    gigi9887 Posts: 7
    I am definitely in! It would be great to be 10 Ibs lighter before school starts. I'm a teacher and school starts a little earlier for me, but I'm willing to try!
  • mrc165
    mrc165 Posts: 3 Member
    Count me in! Even though I'm almost there, but I'm trying to keep it off in this last month while I'm away on vacation for 3 weeks.
  • klynn7884
    klynn7884 Posts: 1 Member
    I would like to join.... please add me I need motivation
  • debbiexo
    debbiexo Posts: 9
    I would love to join, please sign me in :D
    and if anyone wants to add me feel free, the more friends I have the better, I really need motivation
  • timideyes
    timideyes Posts: 2
    Count me in!
  • ill join! :)
  • lizzyzoey
    lizzyzoey Posts: 1
    Im in!!!!!
  • nice challenge ,count me in!!!!
  • Same!
    Only 5 weeks of summer left for me! Let's do this. Make every day count!
  • I want to join!
  • Synryo
    Synryo Posts: 54 Member
    Count me in as well

    Going to uni in New Zealand this coming year, and have to look great for all the foreign hotties =D
  • Im in
  • anonymouswheels96
    anonymouswheels96 Posts: 15 Member
    i'm in :)
  • linwaggs
    linwaggs Posts: 25 Member
    Count me in! I teach, and go back to class next week, but would love to reach my goal weight in September!
  • I'm gonna go out on a limb and.......................say...... yep !!!!sometimes in September is a good mile stone for a headstart teacher!!I

    count me in!!!!!!!! 10 pounds ..............I'm not afraid of YOU!!!! BRING IT!!!!! :angry:
  • getmoving6658
    getmoving6658 Posts: 10 Member
    Mission Accomplished!!

    End of the August 10 pound Challenge : Started at 190
    Now...179.5 I LOST 10.5 POUNDS!!!