protein suggestions



  • imlik
    imlik Posts: 64 Member
    i add protein to my oatmeal which bumps up my intake considerably. eggs are a great source. i also use deli turkey meat as snacks here and there when i get hungry between my meals.

    What kind of protein? Is there just like, a jar of protein that you use?

    Watching this thread for new developments, as I also need less carbs and more protein

    i use a whey protein powder. just plain flavor is good enough for me. i work at starbucks so i use our protein powder on days i work. mmm.

    Thank you!
  • Lyn293
    Lyn293 Posts: 5
    My doctor told me to eat more protein. She said eat 120 grams of protein per day. That is way over the recommendation here, but I am going with my doctor's recommendation.

    I usually get 85 to 90 grams per day. I eat 7 egg whites for breakfast, 4 to 6 ounces of chicken, fish, turkey for lunch or cottage cheese and pineapple, or greek yogurt with a protein mix in it. For dinner, I have more chicken, fish or turkey with some whole grains and vegetables.

    You can really have anything in moderation. Today I had a steak bowl at Chipotle. No cheese, sour cream or guacamole. It was great and I am still under my 1200 calories tonight and under carbs.

    Hope that helps you.
  • michaelispas
    michaelispas Posts: 39 Member
    You will need a supplement to get the right amount of protein each day. If you're aiming for 50% or whatever, whey protein works. Feel free to look at my diary, you will see I'm on a high protein, moderate carb, low fat nutrition guideline. Tons of protein food on there you can find ideas from. Good luck!
  • Jelibeen
    Jelibeen Posts: 15 Member
    I like to have hard boiled eggs on hand, turkey pepperoni sticks and greek yogurt
  • squeaktones
    squeaktones Posts: 195 Member
    thank you all for your input. i appreciate it all very much. i noted all of it in my food notebook so i can look back at it later. my body doesn't store protein well for some odd reason and my labs always say i am protein deficient. i haven't tried shakes or whey before. the garbonzo beans for hummus sounds good too. i made it once. it wasn't too bad. i will just have it with veggies instead of pita. i have never tried roasted chickpeas either. sounds interesting. i will give them a try. thanks michaelispas for the invitation to look at your diary. i will take you up on that. i haven't tried choboni yogurt. on my next shopping trip i will get some. i buy the egglands best eggs for my boyfriend so he can have eggs on the weekends but never thought of boiling any for myself. that is such a good idea.thank you for the links and the recipes. thank you all again for your help. have a great night everyone. best of luck on your weight loss goals and commiting to a new and healthier lifestyle.
  • Lyn293
    Lyn293 Posts: 5
    That sounds delicious!!!