What do you have for lunch?

Everyday I basically have a half of a tuna fish sandwich and some Greek yogurt. I'm starting to get bored and would love to hear what everyone here eats so I can make some healthy changes :)


  • deadmittens
    deadmittens Posts: 536 Member
    I usually eat lean cuisine spa meals. The seasame chicken stir fry one is my FAV and I also like the schezuane (sp?) shrimp one. One of those plus an apple or something.
  • sssygirl
    sssygirl Posts: 55 Member
    It all depends on the day. Sometimes I have a turkey sandwich on pumpernickel bread with lettuce tomato and mustard.
    I also have on occasion the progresso light soups, an easy low cal add on to any sandwich.
    Salads with leftover chicken or ground turkey.
    I make Veggie Chili & Cabbage Soup from scratch and freeze in individual containers.
    Hummus with Falafel and veggies and a few pita chips.

    I try not to veer too much as I tend to get out of control.
    Adding in an apple or veggies is great too.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Usually leftovers - if I'm at work and have access to a microwave. Today I'm having chicken and veggie sauce with pasta.

    Or, if I'm going to be out and about, a sandwich (peanut butter or vegemite and cheese) with some fruit/veggies on the side.

    Or, rice/tuna/salad or a baked potato with tuna and cheese, or a wrap with chicken or ham and salad.

    Or, if I have to buy my lunch, usually a wrap with salad or sushi rolls.
  • linz1125
    linz1125 Posts: 441 Member
    I'm struggling with this too! I packed my lunch for tomorrow - a peanut butter and honey sandwich with a homemade fruit salad. Not very exciting. But I have been substituting avocados for mayo in tuna sandwiches and it's yummy! Add some shredded carrots or some spinach and it's quite yummy. Just don't forget a squirt of lemon juice to keep the avocados from turning brown!
  • Pimpmonkey
    Pimpmonkey Posts: 566
    Everyday I basically have a half of a tuna fish sandwich and some Greek yogurt. I'm starting to get bored and would love to hear what everyone here eats so I can make some healthy changes :)

    Try getting out of that Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner rut and just have whatever meal you want whenever. That way you never get bored. Just pick a meal that fits with your calorie goals and be happy.
  • BaileyBoo13524
    BaileyBoo13524 Posts: 593 Member
    Everyday I basically have a half of a tuna fish sandwich and some Greek yogurt. I'm starting to get bored and would love to hear what everyone here eats so I can make some healthy changes :)

    Try getting out of that Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner rut and just have whatever meal you want whenever. That way you never get bored. Just pick a meal that fits with your calorie goals and be happy.
    I'm not in a rut I eat 6 meals per day, but can't seem to find better solutions for my lunches due to a hectic work schedule. Just looking for a little variety when it comes to lunch all my other meals I'm good at switching up.
  • sisa1965
    sisa1965 Posts: 52 Member
    Apple with 1 TBSP of peanut butter, yogurt and 1 oz of cheese.. this is the meal I have the hardest time with,,,
  • dkpk1965
    dkpk1965 Posts: 17
    3 slices of turkey with provolone cheese and mustard on a 100 calorie multi-grain thin bread. 6 strawberries and a granola bar.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I usually get a Greek salad with grilled chicken, or a salad with greens, pecans, strawberries, chicken and a blackberry vinaigrette dressing. The Greek salad has more fat, so I go with it when I need extra calories.
  • AwesomeSquirrel
    AwesomeSquirrel Posts: 632 Member
    I bring soup to work in a thermos :) This week i mushroom soup and since it's under 200 calories per serving I'm supporting it with a ham and lettuce wrap. Last week I had Caldo Verde which was very filling and came in at around 330 so no sides then.
  • moseler
    moseler Posts: 224 Member
    I mix it up almost everyday... my current favorite is Tyson Grilled and Ready Teriyaki Chicken Breasts with either Normandy Veggie mix or Pict Sweet frozen Seschuan (I KNOW I spelled that wrong) Asparagus. The asparagus is in a steamer bag and is REALLY low in calories so I eat the WHOLE thing!
  • Kalynx
    Kalynx Posts: 707 Member
    Everyday I basically have a half of a tuna fish sandwich and some Greek yogurt. I'm starting to get bored and would love to hear what everyone here eats so I can make some healthy changes :)

    Try getting out of that Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner rut and just have whatever meal you want whenever. That way you never get bored. Just pick a meal that fits with your calorie goals and be happy.
    " I'm not in a rut I eat 6 meals per day, but can't seem to find better solutions for my lunches due to a hectic work schedule. Just looking for a little variety when it comes to lunch all my other meals I'm good at switching up.

    When I cook, if I know I like something a lot I make many portions and freeze it after a couple of days usually in smaller containers that stack easily in freezers to grab and go anytime or later on down the road when I want something different or just don't feel like fooling with cooking. Sounds like what you do with tuna salad. :)

    Wed night I made a nice roast (grass fed) pierced with garlic slivers, rubbed it with a moist sea salt, and seared on stove top for 8-10 minutes with olive oil and a few onions. Dumped all that in glass baking dish and put black pepper, dried rosemary, and fresh thyme ...and poured a bit of white wine over dish and let that roast in oven around 300 for an hour covered in foil to keep the moisture in....very quick to prepare and delicious. That was my dinner with some red potatoes and my lunch the next day.

    Last night (about 2 am lol) I put the half I hadn't eaten - it was about 10 oz - into a pot of water with all the remaining liquids and let it simmer on low low low over night covered with foil and simmer. This morning I woke up to a wonderful smell, and scooped out the meat and picked it apart and pulled away any connective tissue, and put back in pot with a few whole baby bell peppers and a few habaneros and two small tomatoes cut into sloppy large chunks. Later today I came back and scooped out peppers & tomatos and blended in food processor and put back in pot, added some diced baby bell peppers(about 2 cups) I had in freezer and 2 cups frozen green beans and a bag of birdseye steamers (aspargus, corn and baby carrots) ...decided it needed more tomatos so I diced up 3 more and put those in (not smoothly processed this time).......and quick pulled out two chicken breasts i had in fridge and diced those up in processor and cooked quick with butter a diced onion and a few chili peppers I had in fridge. LOL while that cooked with half a stick of unsalted butter I realized I needed more garlic so got out a bulb and chopped that by hand - and had to dump pot into stew pot with more water..OH and some more dried rosemary..added the chicken mixture and covered again and raised heat for about an hour on medium and let it bubble (covered) until done...oh I added about 1.5 tsp sea salt to taste to the pot.

    That made 20 1 cup servings..I will be freezing most of it and will have a wonderful healthy MSG free soup ready to go for many lunches or dinners to come. And it was hardly no work at all stretched out over many hours and man it smelled good!!

  • jltaft21
    jltaft21 Posts: 34 Member
    1 cup organic Spinach/Arugula mix from wal mart
    6 slices of oscar meyer smoked turkey
    4 olives
    2 T. Raspberry Vinagrette

    It's yummy and very low in calories. Plus, the spinach adds iron and the turkey adds protein.

    It tops out at 137 calories and is satisfying. If you are still hungry, you can add a 60 cal Jello Pudding cup or a dried fruit bar from Trader Joe's at 50 Calories.
  • ctwm84
    ctwm84 Posts: 31 Member
    Usually I have a Healthy Choice microwave soup bowl and a geek yogurt.

    Sometimes tho I will have tostadas, or Chicken and broccoli pizza on whole wheat crust, some kind of salad, kung pao tacos, some whole wheat pasta with a single serving of cheese and chopped tomatoes and onions... the list goes on really. I am constantly experimenting.
  • SomeoneSomeplace
    SomeoneSomeplace Posts: 1,094 Member
    Low Cal Tortilla ( I use Joseph Flax- 70 Calories) Chopped up Black Bean Veggie Burger ( I use Garden Burger Black Bean Chipotle- 100 Cals) and a full or half pack of 100 calorie wholly guacamole + some fresh packed "salsa" from stop and shop, which is basically just a bunch of diced up veggies/spicy peppers, trader joe's is good too). It's so freaking good and it's filling! Sometimes I just mash up some avacado instead of the prepackaged stuff. It comes out to less then 300 calories!

    I love Amy's Black Bean Veggie Burrito's and their black bean soup but the latter is absolutely LOADED with sodium the former isn't bad for frozen food.

    I also love some baby spinach or romaine mixed with 1/2 cup black beans (110 cals) w/ some taco seasoning (i use low sodium), the stop and shop or trader joes fresh cuts salsa (5 cals per TBS) 1/2 cup of corn (60 cals) , 1/4th an avacado (60 cals), some siracha hot sauce (5 cals per tsp). All this for about 350 calories! And it doesn't even need dressing! Sometimes I squeeze a lime on there oh also some tortilla strips just a sprinkle 35 cals in to TBS
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    I am a veggo, so my lunches vary but mainly have vegetables.

    Curried egg sandwhich on wholemeal + seeds bread with a side salad.
    Salad sandwhich on whole+ seeds bread with bubble and squeak
    Homemade pizza on a wholemeal mission wrap
    Snack pack for university - small packet of wholegrain chips, string cheese, boiled egg, veggies (baby carrots with cottage cheese), low fat snacks as well (roll ups, snackabout packs, small non fat yogurt) and fruit of choice (strawberries, watermelon ect)
    Sweet potato fries are a great side to lunches too
    Mini quiches and savoury muffins
    The list goes on!
  • stupidloser
    stupidloser Posts: 300 Member
    Thats kinda hard not knowing what your goal is.
  • yenkheng
    yenkheng Posts: 4
    Mainly leftovers from Dinners, here's a few examples that may hopefully help; you would probably need a microwave at work.

    1) Chuck steak or Chicken and vegetable stew (slow cooker is a good investment) with or without additional carbs (bread or rice cake etc)
    2) Mince- I do beef mince or kangaroo mince mainly, with lots of veges (again you can have them with or without carbs)
    3) Roast beef/ chicken/ lamb etc- for sandwiches or I add feta cheese, olives etc for a greek style salad
    4) Stir fry beef/ pork/ chicken strips and vege with steam rice
    5) Fried rice with eggs and meat (sometimes diced sausages). I use left-over jasmine or long grain rice that have been stored in fridge as it is drier and nicer as fried rice. I add black soy sauce, a little fish sauce and oyster sauce.

    I have cottage cheese for the first time today and would be exploring more ways to have it.
  • mccbabe1
    mccbabe1 Posts: 737 Member
    leftovers from nt before... or whatever i have in the house.. you should get a bomb salad.. w/fixins.. some dried cranberries/bluberries.. feta cheese../chicken.... light dressing.. good stuff!.. or even add a salad (small )with your tuna.... or a small wendys chili!.. tons of options..
  • ericbonfiglio
    You can eat about anything you want on this diet, as long as you just count the calories...you can get a braums grilled chicken sandwich with half the bun and small fries for only about 250 calories