Breaking the old routine!

Good Morning!

My weight has been up and down in the recent months and now im back at my most heavy! I have my wedding coming up in febuary next year and I dont want to look this way for that.

I would really like some support and friends on here to try and get me and keep me on my new routine! Obviously I will help out as much as i can in return too!


  • liamwalter
    liamwalter Posts: 6 Member
    PS I know the photo is of me drinking beer but i had just help pull a tractor for a mile and it was well deserved!
  • ladyshellbelle
    ladyshellbelle Posts: 98 Member
    Hi young man :)

    we will get you there, the Wedding is the motivation so stick a pix of your suit by the fridge or some where you will see it. Start small, walking, log everything you eat because thats the surprising bit because once you see how much of your allowance that bloody biscuit has taken you wont bother again.

    make some time for you so you can get fit and get help from your friends and family... we are here to help you..I got told off this morning for eating all weekend when away but thats what my friends on here do.. but back on track and joined a running club for the first time this week and put my name down for a race for 2013 so I have to start some where.. god help me :)

    good luck.. and love the name.. its the same as my son's so I have to help you :)
