Laxative Tea

Hello! I've been reading into drinks and foods that help shed some weight, and I came across laxative tea. Does anyone know if this really works or help lose weight? And what does it taste like?

I'd like an opinion before I go our to the store and buy it. Thanks!


  • Damiilla
    Damiilla Posts: 66
    I drink a senna tea every once in a while just to get things moving while on my diet. It tastes like any herbal tea since they usually mix peppermint or nettle in with it. I don't lose any more weight than usual, it just cleans you out. Sort of a placebo weight loss effect. It isn't proven safe to drink for long periods of time.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    Laxative tea will have the same results as taking a laxative pill O.o

    All its going to do is give you stomach pain, and a lot of bathroom trips. It will do nothing for fat loss at all.
    I would highly recommend avoid laxatives as a weight loss supplement! Dangerous, unhealthy, and well.. pointless.
  • Monnietron
    Monnietron Posts: 96 Member
    I occasionally use Senna tea (LaxaTea by Celestial Seasonings) and half the time it doesn't even make me go! Drank it Saturday night, finally went this morning (no help from the tea). It tastes pretty good though so I don't mind.
  • raccoon182
    raccoon182 Posts: 29
    I was interested in it for a short effect. Sometimes I eat too much and feel stuffed. I wouldn't go crazy with the tea, but I was curious. Thanks. :)
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    That sounds like unhealthy thinking to be honest. You should not take laxatives unless its absolutely necessary imo

    If you feel stuffed, just go for a walk and let your body digest it on its own :] No need to hurry it along
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    Presuming that you are consuming nutrients that your body needs to thrive why would you want to rush them through your body unnaturally?

    Or did I miss a meeting?