Please give me ideas for different ways to work out!

I am looking for suggestions for new active things to do to stay interested and build more fitness in to my lifestyle. I'd love to be able to make new friends and or learn a new skill at the same time as keeping healthy. I do do regular cardio/classes, walks, rebounding and kettlebell at home but I need something else to keep me going back for more!

I have tried
belly dancing - which I love and will continue
rock climbing - which I don't like as even after a few tries is too much for my puny arms
aerial silks - great exercise but left me with huge painful bruises and the realisation that I am not a gymnast!

What else do you do? Have you heard of? Would you suggest? Would you love to see? What is the craziest part of your fitness plan? What exercise do you keep on going back to? Give me all your suggestions!!


  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
  • fatboymax
    fatboymax Posts: 90
    i play beach volleyball ... fun summer sport ...not hard on the joints... fresh air...lots of fun!
  • snoppdog69
    snoppdog69 Posts: 25
    How about pole dancing classes? My friends and I tried it for the first time at the weekend and it was fun. We are definately going back!

    Its not how you expect it to be and a great workout.
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    i play beach volleyball ... fun summer sport ...not hard on the joints... fresh air...lots of fun!

    I do like the sound of this (and the bodies that they have!) but I'm in Birmingham (UK) and I think we are the point in the UK which is furthest from any sea! I wonder if there are any indoor places/sandy areas around here though... must be something!
  • Adsnwfld
    Adsnwfld Posts: 262 Member
    For Cardio I do a large variety of things. I run, use an eliptical (Precor AMT), use a stairmaster (that thing that looks like an escilator), Swim and bike both stationary and on the road. (for me the ipod is a must). Then I rock climb, play at the pool with my kids, go to the park, play vollyball, I also do weight work in the gym.
    Take a rock climbing class, it isn't your arms but your legs that do most of the climbing. You said you coudn't do it because of your arms, a change in technique will both strengthen you and make it easier.
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    How about pole dancing classes? My friends and I tried it for the first time at the weekend and it was fun. We are definately going back!

    Its not how you expect it to be and a great workout.

    I have seen some very impressive pole dancing routines, very acrobatic and graceful so this might be a good thing to go for. I did hear you end up with lots of bruises though!
  • rougenoire
    rougenoire Posts: 114 Member
    For Cardio I do a large variety of things. I run, use an eliptical (Precor AMT), use a stairmaster (that thing that looks like an escilator), Swim and bike both stationary and on the road. (for me the ipod is a must). Then I rock climb, play at the pool with my kids, go to the park, play vollyball, I also do weight work in the gym.
    Take a rock climbing class, it isn't your arms but your legs that do most of the climbing. You said you coudn't do it because of your arms, a change in technique will both strengthen you and make it easier.

    Wow, that's quite a mix of things and some good examples of getting out of the gym too. I have been told a few times it shoudl be my legs doing the work but I panic and cling on to the wall so make life more difficult for myself! I am pear shaped with weak arms so I feel like my weight distribution is wrong for climbing, sure this must be wrong though as all the people at the climbing cnetre are lithe and toned and I bet they didn't start out like that!
  • douglerner
    douglerner Posts: 237 Member
    I gave up my moped and bought a bicycle and enjoy daily cycling along the nearby river.

  • natpalit
    natpalit Posts: 113 Member
    If you like belly dancing, have you ever tried pole dancing classes? Although the dancing has a sleazy reputation, it really doesn't have to be, check this out:
    I'm not saying you're gonna be dancing like this anytime soon, but it sure it fun to try, it's great for your core, and overall strength, really fun, different, and you will amaze yourself with what your body can achieve.
  • likemeinvisible
    I walk/run trails and I like it when the trail gets tough and I have to jump around branches, mud and other obstacles.
    Maybe find a really pretty place to go for you walk, like a river bank, the woods etc.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    I do tae kwon do. I love it, what is more fun than getting to punch and kick stuff! The cals burned depends on what you do in the class. I usually log it at 350 based on my sister in laws hrm. Usually it is a great workout and we have so much fun.
  • natpalit
    natpalit Posts: 113 Member
    Also, if you're not a fan of climbing because you're afraid of falling, why don't you try bouldering/traversing. This is essentially climbing without ropes, but you climb very low walls, (no taller than 3m usually,) and the aim is to move from side to side, not upwards.

    I am very weak in my upper body, but as others have said it more about the technique. and most of the strength needed is in your lower body and back. Your grip strength has a big impact as well.

    Other things you might think about trying:
    Salsa Dancing
    Dance workout DVDs
  • fatboymax
    fatboymax Posts: 90
    i play beach volleyball ... fun summer sport ...not hard on the joints... fresh air...lots of fun!

    I do like the sound of this (and the bodies that they have!) but I'm in Birmingham (UK) and I think we are the point in the UK which is furthest from any sea! I wonder if there are any indoor places/sandy areas around here though... must be something!

    How do you think they got those bodies? It is a very addictive sport and so much fun. I am sure there are places around. I live in Montreal Canada. we have them in parks on grass and sand. They also have inddor courts for our ridiculous winters!