Tiredness and lack of motivation. Please help!

I seem to have hit the wall for want of a better expression. The kids are off school for the summer holidays which doesn't help, so tired as haven't been sleeping well at night (due to it being warm and Carpal tunnel syndrome playing up I think) and the weight just doesn't seem to be coming off. Trying really hard but I guess I love my food too much! Saw a picture of myself on a climbing wall yesterday and thought OMFG!!! It really seems to have depressed me even more! I could go on and on with 'excuses' but just don't know what else to do??? Please help!!!


  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    Okay this is my personal thing. If I am tired/sluggish/lazy I pop in a jllian michael's dvd and just start. Usually by the end of the warm up I'm already perking up.

    As for motivation. For me it's being an example for my little sister that is overweight, and showing her how "easy" it is. Other things such as having my parents say they are proud of my committment and just the sheer fact of being fit and healthy motivate me
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You need coffee! Though I may be saying that cause its early
  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    This may sound harsh but.. get off your bum and play with your kids! It will feel less hot with the more weight you lose, and you will have more energy. All it takes is one week of forcing yourself off the couch and I bet the week after you'll be sleeping better and have more energy.

    BTW I am saying this because I do the same, it is in the 110s with the heat index over here in Texas and I pack up my son in the stroller and go on a long walk. It is very sweaty. And awesome.
  • wgn4166
    wgn4166 Posts: 771 Member
    I have CVID. I am very sluggish most of the time. I ordered "Walk Away the Pounds" by Leslie Sansone.
    This has helped me so much. I pop in the DVD and walk. I don't have to go outside. I just get up in the morning, but on my tennis shoes, get some water, and walk.
    I have tried several DVD's. I love this one the best. She keeps me motivated.
  • FelicityEliza36
    FelicityEliza36 Posts: 252 Member
    Do you take any vitamins?

    They make such a difference. Without them you feel like a slug. Whenever I take my vitamins - I wake up in the morning, example I was up at 530 this morning and I am used to sleeping in as late as I can before I have to get up for work.

    I jump out of bed so energized and ready for the day, like I wasnt even sleeping. No groggy feeling, the "not wanting to get up" doesnt exist anymore.

    Try a multi-vitamin and fish oil is really good for you too!

    And agree with the other lady - BE LIKE NIKE - AND JUST DO IT! ;p
  • STrooper
    STrooper Posts: 659 Member
    In the time it took you to write your complaint, you could have been 200 steps further down the road. Unless you have a medical problem (and maybe carpal tunnel IS interrupting your sleep), use the picture as motivation to remind yourself of what you both are and don't wish to be.

    For me, it took both a picture and that gnawing feeling I needed to do something.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Carpal tunnel syndrome playing up
    So more time outside and less at the computer might be a win-win situation ?
  • basillowe66
    basillowe66 Posts: 432 Member
    One of my son's teams motto was " IF IT IS TO BE!! ITS UP TO ME"!! I think this applies to you. You are overweight because you ate too much and did too little!. I don't mean to be mean, but we can try to motivate you, but if you don't alter your eating habits, it won't happen. You have to eat less sugar, white bread, probably fast food, chips, fries, etc. Eat better calories and more protein. Protein helps melt fat. You should eat 80 grams of protein a day!

    Best of luck!!! Basil
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    I think sometimes focussing on the negatives is more damaging than good. By this I mean focussing on how 'awful' you look in the pic, or how tired you are, isn't gona help. Try remembering back to your last really intense, sweaty workout. You must have felt so great afterwards?! Aim for that feeling again. I am so tired and sluggish today, my hamstrings ache from level 2 of the 30 day shred (jillian michaels programme), and I feel depressed (don't know why). I haven't brought my gym kit to work with me because I do genuinely need to give my hamstrings a rest (I think they are strained) but I am going to go for a walk at lunch, no excuses, and just try my very hardest to stay positive. You need to do this too. If you'd like to talk, please do add/message me. I hope you feel better x
  • queenhiphop
    queenhiphop Posts: 286 Member
    Carpal tunnel syndrome playing up
    So more time outside and less at the computer might be a win-win situation ?

    I'm sure this would help in a fantasy world but carpal tunnel syndrome doesn't cure itself when you simply spend less time at the computer. The lady who wrote the post needs advice and support, not people trying to make her feel stupid because she is reaching out for guidance.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    I could go on and on with 'excuses'

    This is the part to try and fix right here. No excuses.

    Even if you have bad weeks, it would be much better than where you would be if you quit right?
  • Dragonldy69
    Dragonldy69 Posts: 368 Member
    I have CVID. I am very sluggish most of the time. I ordered "Walk Away the Pounds" by Leslie Sansone.
    This has helped me so much. I pop in the DVD and walk. I don't have to go outside. I just get up in the morning, but on my tennis shoes, get some water, and walk.
    I have tried several DVD's. I love this one the best. She keeps me motivated.
    She is awsome.I love working out with her videos.. I always feel grea after I workout with her.. :flowerforyou:
  • skoshness
    skoshness Posts: 175
    Try some new challenges for August (there are loads to choose from on here)
    Read some of the success stories here, they're very inspiring
    Start to make small changes to your diet, experiment, try healthy unprocessed foods you've never tried before
    Treat yourself to an exercise dvd or join a gym

    Don't stop, keep it up even if you have to go slow for a bit, good luck!
  • roguestates
    roguestates Posts: 223
    recruit your kid(s) to go for a walk? it will make you feel better. try to stave off the negative feelings because they'll keep you stuck in the unmotivated territory.

    what are you eating and how much?
  • RondaK1
    RondaK1 Posts: 53 Member
    I agree with you completely, I am feeling very sluggish today .. And we All have days like this for whatever reasons.. try to remember that we have ALL been in the same boat, and that is why we are here . And we ALL put our pants on 1 leg at a time.. Write me as well if you need to.. I was over 300 lbs and it was a challenge to pick something up off the floor. Honey, you make me wanna get up and get moving.. why don't we do it together.. see you in a bit.
  • conniehv40
    conniehv40 Posts: 442 Member
    I am sorry to hear how you feel. It is SO hard--being at home with kids can tire you out and if you have other issues breaking your sleep pattern-that is the worst!

    Are you able to go for a physical regarding your carpal tunnel syndrome? Or your tiredness? (make sure it isn't thyroid or something?)

    I think with children, the last person that get the doctor appointment is Mom!

    I have 3 teens and when the days are bad-ugh-I get so sensitive and pulled right down to their level. I make myself take an ipod and go to a place to walk!
    Good luck, but keep trying to find solutions!!!
  • dawson55510
    dawson55510 Posts: 197 Member
    Sounds like your depressed if im honest but exercise is the best cure. i also have bad carpel tunel in my right had keeps me up at night but when it comes to exercise and it you want to achieve your goals and have a better life JUST DO IT force yourself there nothing better than coming out of the gym knowing youve worked hard it also releases the feel good chemical in the brain and over time will make you feel better.
  • ChrisJ2626
    ChrisJ2626 Posts: 28 Member
    My best advice, just get out and do something! Start the day with a good multi-vitamin for some energy, maybe a cup of green tea. Force yourself to go and exercise, because it will make you feel better! It's tough sometimes to keep the motivation, but I find that if you are ever on the fence, just get up and go!
  • kathypt
    kathypt Posts: 4 Member
    Thanks--i'm going to try this
  • gailashton
    gailashton Posts: 292
    No more excused. My husband showed me a picture of myself 90 pounds ago. To tell you the truth, I never thought I was that fat. I look at it now and I still can't believe it. I'm still not a size 6 but I'm oK with who I am. If you are OK with who you are then stay that way, but the mirror or a camera should never be your enemy. Go for a walk. It's easy, it's simple, it doesn't cost anything; that's how I started. I would walk as many times a day as I could. Even if it was only for 15 or 20 minutes. If I get a chance to exercise, I do it. I share my diary with my friends. I'm not 100% good all the time, but when I slip up I'm right back at my game and I exercise at least 5 times a week. If you want to change and you want some help lets be friends. Ask me anything. I'm no expert but I know what has worked for me. If I had looked at me now a year ago I would have never thought I could look like this again. I blamed it on getting older, menopause, etc. The truth is, it is what you make it. Now lets do this!