Dealing with left over pizza

For the past view months I've had this habit of ordering takeout every weekend. From Chinese to pizza. I did it because I felt like I "needed" it. Looking to satisfy a craving. But as soon as the food entered my mouth. It wasn't that great.

However the past two weekends I've been trying to avoid ordering out. But the sunday evening it kinda falls through. Yesterday I was so close. I was talking to my bf on how I needed snacks. Something to munch on. If I had those type of things. I wouldn't crave or ordered take out. But we both didn't want to go outside to go to the store to get the little something something.

And then out of the blue he said he wanted pizza and some soda. So lo' and behold we got to papa john pizza pies.

One peperoni and one pineapple. I had like 3 slices yesterday. And all I can think to myself.

Awww crap. It's gonna be twice as hard to get back on the horse.

What should I do. I can't throw food away. Should I just eat the pizza and just suck it up. Or portion it out for the rest of the week.

I'm definitely need to research on munchies I can eat. So I can avoid ordering take out on the weekends. It's not helping the situation but making it worse.


  • mirandamayhem
    When i had hypnotism one of the things emphasized was "waist or waste"? If you eat it and don't need it you're still wasting it but it's going on to your waist. So bin it.
    Or portion it out, but i don't think I'd want something like that 3 days after I bought it. Next day, sure, but not over the week.
    Depends how much you want to get to your goal at this precise moment in time. If you're not motivated you can find any number of reasons to eat it, but if what you want is to hit your goal, open up the bin and throw the food away!
  • indigochilds
    indigochilds Posts: 69 Member
    When i had hypnotism one of the things emphasized was "waist or waste"? If you eat it and don't need it you're still wasting it but it's going on to your waist. So bin it.
    Or portion it out, but i don't think I'd want something like that 3 days after I bought it. Next day, sure, but not over the week.
    Depends how much you want to get to your goal at this precise moment in time. If you're not motivated you can find any number of reasons to eat it, but if what you want is to hit your goal, open up the bin and throw the food away!

    Thank you for responding. I did tell myself I was gonna start August 1st. Well today. So I should have the left over for lunch and dinner. And it should be gone by then. I just wont see results for a while. : |
  • stuffinmuffin
    stuffinmuffin Posts: 985 Member
    I'd chuck it in the bin and go to the supermarket and stock up on some good foods that you can reach for in the cupboard when you fancy a snack and without sabotaging your efforts.

    It's not an easy journey and agree that the odd treat every now and then wont harm your progress but so long as the majority of the time you stick to the programme you will get results.

    p.s. I used to be lazy about heading to the store to buy food but now I just see it as additional calorie burning!

    Good luck! xx
  • momtokgo
    momtokgo Posts: 446 Member
    I would have some today (if you really want it) and toss the rest. Or save it for your boyfriend to eat, hes the one that suggested it. And the next time pizza was ordered, i would only order one instead of two. Then you don't have to worry about having so much left over. I don't know what Papa Johns is, but most places with make you a half and half pizza if you want two kinds.
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Pizza freezes really well, bag the pieces separate so when you have a craving again, you can have ONE piece and soothe the craving without doing major damage.
  • amy1612
    amy1612 Posts: 1,356 Member
    Why dont you freeze it?

    Also, stop setting yourself dates for 'getting healthy'. Just do it. Eat well, make sure you have things like nuts and fruit in the house, and read this...

    And then go and read more of those articles, theyre all awesome.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    What's the problem with eatin gout once a week? I do it. Restriction doesn't help things- moderation is key. I say go ahead and enjoy your pizza once a week, any leftovers throw in the freezer and save for next time. That's what I do. Papa Johns freezes and reheats well- the thin crust anyways lol.

    You shouldn't beat yourself up. You don't have to be perfect. This is a lifestyle change, not a deny-yourself-everything-diet!!!!
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    ILearn how to through extra food out. It's ok to have pizza, but leftovers are dangerous if they are not built into your daily food plan. I always through out left over pizza or chinese.
  • Scoochie1
    Scoochie1 Posts: 121 Member
    I love my takeaway too but I find the freezer kind much lower (and you can cut it and only cook half)
    Jars of Chinese style sauce last forever, so do frozen oven chips and rice.
    If you have your takeaway favourites it is worthwhile having a think about freezer friendy substitutes.
    You can still order takeout, but if you only do it half as often you will save a ton of cash and save a ton of calories :smile:
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    I'd toss it. It's not going to make it any easier the next time. Sooner or later, you have to say good bye to things that you crave or that comfort you. Is it wasteful? Yes....but at some point, you just make the decision that you are going to do your body better.

    For me, even trying to ration out proper portions the rest of the week wouldn't work. Because those kind of foods trigger my cravings and desire for more of those foods.

    I've even been known to take the offending food, put it in the sink and drowned it in water. Because I can make that decision in an instant and once that's done, it's truly just garbage.

    Good Luck.
    DEEDLYNN Posts: 235 Member
    P.S. Go read your profile..... I think that will lead you to exactly what you need to do with the leftover pizza.
  • creeperlegume
    creeperlegume Posts: 171 Member
    I know how you feel about not wanting to waste food and throw it away, but I also agree with whomever said not to order two pizzas! That's just setting yourself up for failure. Can you eat pizza? Yes! Just have one slice (or two if you busted a lot of exercise cals out that day) and fill the rest of your plate with a salad. That way, you still feel like you're enjoying a meal with the BF, but you're not stuck with the guilt of waste vs. stuffing yourself afterward.
  • Peta22
    Peta22 Posts: 377 Member
    Pizza freezes really well, bag the pieces separate so when you have a craving again, you can have ONE piece and soothe the craving without doing major damage.

    My thoughts exactly... This is what I do :)
  • RhonndaJ
    RhonndaJ Posts: 1,615 Member
    Me, I'd portion it out. Pizza is a huge downfall for me, but I've reached the point where a piece along with a salad makes me happy.

    Mind you, ordering two pizzas would never happen, so that may be way too much to portion.

    Interestingly enough, having a frozen pizza in the freezer tends to keep me from wanting it too much, since I tell myself that I can have it when I really want it. Same with Chinese.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Pizza freezes really well, bag the pieces separate so when you have a craving again, you can have ONE piece and soothe the craving without doing major damage.

    My thoughts exactly... This is what I do :)


    I have no qualms about eating pizza. I have it at least once a week. It's just bread, sauce and cheese. Those ingredients aren't bad on their own, and they're not bad when they're put together and called pizza.
  • 3LittleMonkeyMom
    I would throw it away or freeze it. OR make the bf eat it but I sure wouldn't. I'm lucky, my husband will eat anything like that without any prompting. :laugh:
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    Definitely stock up on some healthy snacks you can have. Popcorn, veggies and hummus, fruits, smoothies, whatever floats your boat. Remember, it's always (almost always) better for you if you make it yourself!

    As for the pizza, either let your boyfriend eat the leftovers, or stick it in the freezer. It's okay to have a piece once in awhile, or even two pieces. Pair it with salad or something like that, and it's not a bad meal.
  • Mima79
    Mima79 Posts: 112 Member
    if that slice of pizza make you happy EAT IT! but dont make it a habit thats the key for sucess !!!
  • HisPathDaily
    HisPathDaily Posts: 672 Member
    Yes, it freezes well, but this is not going to help the issue if you have control issues. Something that warms up in 60 seconds in a microwave is not exactly going to help ... you'll just keep thinking that you have it in the freezer. This doesn't have to be a life-long change ... but until you can confidently say I control food and it doesn't control me you need to trash it.

    Next time, if you really must order a pizza ... BEFORE you order make sure you are ordering just enough to have for a reasonable dinner ... splitting a 4 square (2 slices each) and leaving nothing in the fridge/freezer will leave you feeling less guilty, and less tempted.

    Trash it!
  • cessnaholly
    cessnaholly Posts: 780 Member
    My downfall is pizza. When I order delivery, I eat what's allowed in my calories, and put the rest in the freezer right away, packaged 2 slices to a ziploc bag. Otherwise I keep eating it.