Trouble with week 4 (C25K)

OK so I started C25K a few weeks ago, and now I am stuck on week 4. I ran the whole 1st workout of the 3/5/3/5 cycle and felt alright. When it came to doing it again my legs just won't let me. I can run all but the last 2-3 mins of the last 5 min run. From the knees down start hurting. It is not my breathing, I feel like I have that pretty much under control. I have checked my form and feel like I am doing it right. I am not going to give up, I am determined to run again. It was so easy in high school lol! Any thoughts?


  • LeenaRuns
    LeenaRuns Posts: 1,309 Member
    I'm not doing C25K, but as an avid runner, I totally understand. I swear to you, running is 90% mental--your body can do it, you just have to believe it. Good luck!
  • Dethea
    Dethea Posts: 247 Member
    I would say don't worry about it at all. If you have to, repeat the workout until you get it! I have to redo a whole week because I started to slack off a bit.

    I think it's a lot easier on my body when I do at least a day in between running workouts, and if it was especially hard I might take two days off in between. I tire out much more quickly without my rest days!

    What pace are you running at right now? Maybe try going a little bit slower for the last five minutes one day, and then try again at full pace. Make sure you have some good tunes to listen to, also!
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Don't run as fast? I felt like my ankles and shins were starting to hurt so I stopped jogging/running and walked =/
  • freew67
    freew67 Posts: 348 Member
    Weather? Sick? Tired? The list could go on and on. Sometimes our bodies are just not up for it. Could be your legs just saying they need an extra day of rest. There is no shame is sticking with week 4 till your able to finish it without any issues. I agree with acdchica also. Running can be very mental! lol
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    I'm a c25k "grad" as they say on here. I say take your time. I know I did. It took me forever to finish it BUT I would repeat days and weeks until I felt comfortable enough moving on to the next day. The best thing you can do is take your time and listen to your body. Congrats on getting to week 4! Yay you!!! :flowerforyou:
  • mlemonroe2
    mlemonroe2 Posts: 603
    try going slower. i fast walk faster than i jog! i did the c25k last year and had to repeat some weeks. in the end, i skipped the last few weeks and was able to do the 3 miles in 9 weeks. i was doing 15 minute miles so i was slow, but i didn't care about speed. you can work on that later! good luck!
  • TaylorsGranddad
    TaylorsGranddad Posts: 453 Member
    read my the C25K part of my blog, it might help.
  • starcatcher1975
    starcatcher1975 Posts: 292 Member
    Jog slower or repeat the week?

    I just finished that week and I had to jog the last 5 minutes really slow. I start week 5 tomorrow but I'm already thinking I might have to repeat it because it's all 5, 8, or 20 mins runs. I can hardly do the 5 mins at a time, I don't know how i'll manage 20 mins on day 3.
  • dad106
    dad106 Posts: 4,868 Member
    Could it be that you have the wrong shoes and are getting shin splints?

    Also if you are running outside, you have to run much slower then you normally would.
  • nuttyfamily
    nuttyfamily Posts: 3,394 Member
    I am a grad too. Don't give up!

    What sort of pain are you experiencing from the knee down? Have you been fitted at a running store for shoes?

    Are you taking a rest day between runs? Make sure to stretch well after you runs.

    And then like above, it is very mental sometimes. Try slowing down. There were times I swore I was slogging slower than my fast walk but I kept at it and pushed through it.
  • FlynnJulio
    FlynnJulio Posts: 1 Member
    I am on week four also. I started my first session today and it kicked my butt! I didn't think I would get through it but I have to agree, it seems more mental than anything because somehow I managed. I just did a body pump class so my legs were KILLING me today which made it even harder but I kept telling myself it will be worth it and this will be the hardest. Usually by the third session of each week I am finding it so much easier....just in time to bump it up again ;)

    I was told to use the elliptical and arc machines and anything that works the legs to help gain strength and muscle to make it through longer runs, maybe try that if you aren't already...?

    Stick with it and I'm sure the next time you will be able to do it!
  • I used to get shin pain so bad it would delay me for a few days. Have you tried a different pair of shoes? for me, that was what was wrong. My form wasnt wrong, but my shoes were making me hit the ground in a way that it stressed my shins.

    Also, try increasing stride length and move through your hips. That is using full body mechanics as well. I know that I used to just run with my shins too, and once I thought about running differently as I was doing it, it got better!
  • legnarevocrednu
    legnarevocrednu Posts: 467 Member
    Don't beat yourself up! The cool thing about C25K, is that you go at your own pace. I had to repeat two weeks while doing it. Also, make sure you do some stretching before beginning. I didn't read everyone elses responses, so I'm sure this is a repeat. I know there were even a couple of times that I stopped not even 5 minutes into it because I just wasn't in the mood haha.
  • nickhuffman74
    nickhuffman74 Posts: 198 Member
    I agree with Acdchica. Running is a mental game as much or more so than a physical game. All the couch to X apps will push new runners, that is the point.

    As a new runner you must be able to distinguish between pain and discomfort, and be able to adjust your pace as needed to reach your goals. A runner friend once told me that if you take a step and a sharp pain occurs and quickly goes away that you need to stop as you possibly have an injury, if its a dull pain when you take a step then it is just muscle soreness and you need to push through it.

    Also try downloading Nike+ or Runkeeper for your phone and set it to alert you of your Pace and Average pace every 1/4 mile to help you learn how to keep a steady pace. Then you can determine if your starting run paces might be too fast and then you can adjust your overall pace and really dial it it to something manageable.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    It took me 13 weeks to complete the 8 week C25K program. Just keep repeating week 4 until you're comfortable with it and then move on. No shame in taking your time!
  • kscouten
    kscouten Posts: 40 Member
    Ok so I am going to try and answer as many ?'s as I remember! Shoes, I could probably use a new pair but the ones I have are not bad. I have not been fitted for running shoes, but that is a good idea thanks! Pace, I run slow but not turtle style, around 5mph. Rest days, I run every other day. I walk the opposite days at 3-4mph. I do some stretching before my runs but do stretch afterward.
    I want to thank everyone for the advice, I will look into all that was given!
  • chezileigh
    chezileigh Posts: 255
    Nothing to add really apart from that there's some really good advice here. You might find it easier to complete it the first time on a treadmill and then do it out and about after that maybe?
  • ggeise14
    ggeise14 Posts: 386 Member
    I am also repeating week 4 this week but mine is not being able to get my breathing under control and yes, the mental thing! Last year I did C25K and made it through but it was on the treadmill so this time I'm outside and it is tougher. I'm a landmark jogger unfortunately so I need to get my head around it. Hopefully I can move on to week 5 next week -- good luck to you also!
  • rikkejn
    rikkejn Posts: 17 Member
    This site has been so helpful, so wanted to share a bit of a revelation. I started w4d1 on Monday, and thought I would collapse. It was by far the worst day and the only one I almost quit. I also managed to hurt my ankle, so was limping for two days. Today (Wednesday) I was petrified. By accident, after 5 minutes walk I just started running and forgot to set the threadmill to a higher pace - and voila - no more pain and strain. So I finished the full programme at 7k/h rather than my usual 7.5-8k/h - and finished without too much trouble. So BIG learning - if you struggle, slow down....
  • badbcatha05
    badbcatha05 Posts: 200 Member
    Are you using a treadmill? My legs hate the treadmill. If you are, try hitting the road, sidewalk, or a track. See if the change of surface helps.