Stop focusing on your Weight Only!!!



  • dalila747
    dalila747 Posts: 153 Member
    You are right, but it's so hard when you are starting out. I had lost my first pound as off this Saturday, and today it's all back. And it doesn't help that my measurements went back up either. I think for me personally, I need to stop logging in my weight every time I lose. Maybe give it a week and see if it sticks.
  • TrailRunner61
    TrailRunner61 Posts: 2,505 Member
    I still have weight loss goals because I know I can look good and have muscles at my goal weight, since I've been there before. :)
    However, I've only lost about 5lbs in the last 2 months but I've dropped 2 sizes in jeans. All because I broke my foot, cant walk well, can't jog at all and started biking instead!
    A tape measure can be your best friend, especially when the weight loss starts to slow as you reach goal.
  • cawmacomber
    Thanks for posting this. I have a lot of weight to lose and I am focusing on pounds. I lost 4 in one week and now this week up 4-6 pounds. I read that muscle does not weight more than fat. 1lb is 1lb. But muscle is lean and compact and fat is loose and takes up more space- make total sense. I just cannot figure out whey I am gaining, when doing the same as I have been. I checked my reports on MFP an d it does not seem to be anything out of the ordinary. There were several days I did not eat all of my calories and I never eat my exercise calories. But I did this the entire time and still was managing losing approx 3 lbs a week. Any suggestions or thoughts?

    I'm not sure if you're a woman or not, but my most frustrating scale time is "bloat week". It took me a couple months to figure out why suddenly I would go from losing consistently to gaining back when nothing changed except maybe a bump up in physical activity (which should have made a decrease).
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    You are right, but it's so hard when you are starting out. I had lost my first pound as off this Saturday, and today it's all back. And it doesn't help that my measurements went back up either. I think for me personally, I need to stop logging in my weight every time I lose. Maybe give it a week and see if it sticks.

    @dalila747 - do not get discouraged. 1) It could be water weight that could be gone tonight. Or, if you are like me, I call it 2) weekend weight, which I almost innevitably gain .5-1.0 lbs. Focus on how you look. Focus on inches. And just keep at it!!
  • starlite_79
    starlite_79 Posts: 88 Member
    this is good advice. great post! i believe i shall friend request you--i can use all the motivation and information i can get! :smile:
  • ChristineDiet
    ChristineDiet Posts: 719 Member
    True very true! I have dropped a dress size in the last 2 months but have only lost about 2lbs. yes it is demoralising when you step on the scale - and yes I have to, I still want that to move, but I guess I do also need to focus on being a size smaller, my body shape changing and also my BF% going down. I'm still way up there with a lot to lose, and DO want the scale to move A LOT but would rather have the dress size go down if I had to choose.

    Thanks - it's always a good reminder, especially on those down days when everyone else seems to be losing tons and your not!!

  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I couldn't agree more. I did 30 Day Shred before I became pregnant. I was doing heavier weights and less cardio. I lost about 4lb.. but went down 3 dress sizes, it was brilliant.

    For some reason my body told me to do more cardio this time round after the baby - I've lost 36lb, but only gone down 1 dress size and feel a lot bigger than I did before. I switched back to weights and resistance before getting sick, and will be continuing to do so when I'm back to my usual self.
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    @CoderGal - I couldn't agree more.
  • rascallycat
    rascallycat Posts: 248 Member
  • mommaski4
    mommaski4 Posts: 305 Member
    Such a timely post for me. I ignored my scale this morning. I have been working out on the weight machines with heavy weights 3x/week for the last two weeks. The scale had only moved 3lbs since I started back 3 weeks ago. I do not want the scale to discourage me. I know that I am doing well. I am going to have enough challenge next week when the kids go back to school and activities, trying to readjust my workout times. I do not need the scale to get in my head. That said, I might weigh in Friday just to see. Not sure yet. But it will be a challenge to ignore the scale this week.
  • pinthin87
    pinthin87 Posts: 296 Member
    I definitely think that this is true. I weigh myself every morning, but on the days when I forget to weigh I usually feel much better about myself. Also, for me the scale constantly goes up and down and sometimes on the down days I am still not happy with how my body looks! The scale can read 132 and I am down 2 more pounds but my stomach still sticks out. I have read that you have to lose fat before you can see the muscles you are building. My biggest concern is my stomach. Seems like no matter how much weight I lose it still looks big unless I am cutting carbs and sugar. Would love to get your take on this. :-)
  • JakinsandPeykins
    Awesome info! I needed to be reminded of all these things...i am suddenly getting a craving for lifting! ahh...thank you.
  • CoderGal
    CoderGal Posts: 6,800 Member
    You are right, but it's so hard when you are starting out. I had lost my first pound as off this Saturday, and today it's all back. And it doesn't help that my measurements went back up either. I think for me personally, I need to stop logging in my weight every time I lose. Maybe give it a week and see if it sticks.
    The thing about exercising is that you need time to repair your muscles. Which means there will be a temporary buildup of fluids. This weighs weight and is Not fat. Mostly fluids that are in the form of energy. You exercise, you deplete this fluid. You give your body time to repair, the fluid comes back to help that process. It's a good thing.
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    So so true!!! I've given up the scale for awhile!! I want to rely more on how I feel, how do I look in my clothes, are my workouts progressing. It helps more in the long run to get in touch with yourself....don't rely on the scale to tell you how good you should feel!!!
  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    Great post! Not even the trolls could touch it.
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    Thank you so much, I needed this little pep talk. I have not been losing weigh but inches and %BF and was feeling a bit disappointed because I saw so many others dropping pounds like crazy! I also tried the BMI online and it said i was over 25%, when my PT said I'm only 21.3%. I was worried it was wrong but it sounds like I have nothing to worry about. I could use some encouragement whenever possible! Friend request coming your way!
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    Great post! Not even the trolls could touch it.

    Thanks David. Just trying to help wherever I can and this had been on my mind for a few days!
  • srhershey
    srhershey Posts: 181 Member
    I tend to weigh myself every morning just to see where I'm at. Since May I've lost only 8 lbs according to the scale. I know I've lost more, because I also take measurements. According to my measurements from May until last week, I've lost a total of 17.5 in overall. I have more shape, my thighs don't rub to the point my shorts are creeping up, and I went from a 14 to an 11-12 in pants. I've been doing a lot of the 30 Day Shred and Insanity (only 2-3 days a week) so I know I've gained a lot of muscle. I still have more weight to lose, but if I never took my measurements (I do this weekly), then I would've been really discouraged to only see an 8 lb loss. Definately take measurements as it aids in more motivation.:smile:
  • oboeing
    oboeing Posts: 1,816 Member
    I love you for writing this. in talking to one of my kickboxing instructors about my game plan, weight never came up. he asked what my goals were, and i said i wanted to be fit and strong. i want to lose the fat. that's it. i picked a weight that i think will be close to where i want to end up, but it's the fitness level that is the important thing to me. i weigh myself once a week and take measurements, but i really base everything on NSVs, like how I feel after whatever work out i'm doing. as long as i feel stronger, i know i'm headed in the right direction.
  • imanole
    imanole Posts: 169 Member
    So so true!!! I've given up the scale for awhile!! I want to rely more on how I feel, how do I look in my clothes, are my workouts progressing. It helps more in the long run to get in touch with yourself....don't rely on the scale to tell you how good you should feel!!!

    Lizzie - yes. If you are exercising - you should feel great about matter who you "are" right now. The mental war is more important than the physical because in the end - your mind tells your body what to do. And if you don't feel great about yourself, it's gonna be hard to win. I feel my next thread just came clear. :) (Watch someone take it before I post it...hehe)