Teachers trying to get fit?

Hello all I'm a 25 year old teacher trying to get fit. Summer has been a roller coaster with my diet. Good days, and bad weeks. Vacation indulgences, and celebrations are my weakness so I'm looking for some fellow teachers, about to go back to work. I'm hoping we can form a community that discusses routines, stresses, successes, and set backs!!!

The 2012-2013 school year is my fitness year!

Introduce yourself and what you teach!!


  • KarenAnnne
    KarenAnnne Posts: 190 Member
    Hi! I'm a teaching assistant for self contain elementary. I'm down to my last two weeks of summer break before I have to return. I have had a life changing summer as this was my first break that I devoted totally to myself. After getting not so good news at the doctors in May, I decided to change my lifestyle instead of being put on medicine.

    So Since June 10th, I have logged over 200 miles biking, jogging, or walking. I do elliptical and strength train. It has become such a passion of mine that my biggest concern is that I wont be able to fit it in once I return to work. I just don't want to go back to the same bad habits that I had when I left at the end of May.
  • dannykayvance
    dannykayvance Posts: 8 Member
    Sooo proud of your dedication and your success!!! Congratulations and I hope your news is now news of the past!!
    Lets keep in touch about how to fit it all in. I share your concerns with timing!