Atkins - thoughts, suggestions?

I had a lot of success with weight watchers before but since having a hystorectomy I've gained back more than a couple pounds and lost all my motivation. I'm thinking maybe my body needs a change so I'm looking for opinions on the Atkins diet. A friend of mine is doing this & is having great success...way to go Nan! But I'm mainly curious about long term weight loss and any negative effects. Any thoughts?


  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I think a lot of MFP users find the most success when they make lifestyle changes they can live with forever. Can you see yourself doing Adkins every day for the rest of your life?
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    I've got 0 problems with it if you go to the maintenance program after 2 weeks.

    I'd compare the induction diet to're just cooking the books...(basically you'll lose every pound of water weight, feel great about it, plateau, and rebound if you don't switch to a more balanced diet).

    The maintenance diet is actuallly good if you want to follow it though, but nobody ever gives him credit for actually including it in the book/diet.

    I'm actually on a diet (I wrote "on a diet" but I just threw up in my mouth for saying that) similar to what is prescribed in the maintenance: 40% protein, 30% carbs (almost all from fruits and veggies) and 30% fats.
  • :drinker:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    My suggestion is that if you're going to do it, do it the right way - go get the book, read every page, make sure you know it's do-able and then follow the plan as it's intended. The problem with most folks who try "Atkins" is that they think they can just live off bacon, eggs and cheese and they'll do just fine. You can for a while but obviously that's not a long term lifestyle change.

    I did pretty well with it about 6 years ago when it was popular and there was low carb everything on the shelves at the grocery store. Once it fell out of popularity and I fell off the wagon during a vacation, I decided it just wasn't for me. I can live without most carbs but I like my yogurt and pasta too much.
  • treeselynn78
    treeselynn78 Posts: 14 Member
    Eh, I'm undecided. I'm having a hard time grasping cutting fruits and so many veggies.

    I did really well with WW, lost 65 lbs and kept it off then had that surgery & started gaining....along with gaining weight I lost ALL of my motivation.
  • bethira
    bethira Posts: 132 Member
    I did Atkins. I lost 30 lbs, fast. I couldn't help but lose the whole time I as in ketosis. The problem for me was as soon as I wasn't in ketosis, I gained it all back nearly as fast as I lost it. Also, I couldn't realistically do a diet that wouldn't let me eat fruit (fruit is my junk food and has been since I was a kid).

    I had to find a food plan that would let me eat anything as long as I'm under my total calories for the day. I couldn't find a formal "diet" that worked for me. So I just try to eat a lot of fruit and veg, some protein, and really try to stay away from pasta and bread because those are gateway foods for me. I track every bite and that has really worked for me.

    And in all things, it comes down to what will work for you. Atkins for me was a quick fix but not something I could do for a lifetime. The salad I'm eating as I type this is something I could eat forever because it's got a little ham and a little cheese on it and it's really freaking yummy.
  • 2hmom
    2hmom Posts: 241 Member
    I think a lot of MFP users find the most success when they make lifestyle changes they can live with forever. Can you see yourself doing Adkins every day for the rest of your life?
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Atkins IS doable for the rest of your life! I have done it and will never, ever go back to my old way of eating. My health is better, I feel better and losing weight is just a wonderful side effect :love: When I do "cheat" I feel like crap. Shows me what that crap food does to my body.

    Read the Atkins book....every page of it and give it 2 weeks. I love it! And yes, you will gain it back if you go back to your old way of eating, but isn't EVERY diet like that? Hellz yes! If you go on Weight Watchers and lose weight, but go back to candy and potato chips, won't you gain it back? It's *kitten* nine to say "you'll gain it back with Atkins". You will with every stinkin diet. Atkins is a lifestyle change, a wonderful one in my opinion, but to each his own. Add me if you want :) Good luck whatever you decide!! There's a group of us Atkins/low carbers on low carb living. Look us up, it's a wonderful support group! Atkins has changed a lot in the years. It's not "eat a pound of bacon and lose weight", like some will say. Get the new Atkins book :)
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    i do atkins/lowcarb. if you have any questions, let me know!

    all the veggies, eggs, and meat/fish/chicken does get old after a while, but it helps immensely with cravings and hunger (if you're an emotional eater)
    once you get creative with recipes, it's quite fun.
  • SuffolkSally
    SuffolkSally Posts: 964 Member
    I did Atkins. I lost 30 lbs, fast. I couldn't help but lose the whole time I as in ketosis. The problem for me was as soon as I wasn't in ketosis, I gained it all back nearly as fast as I lost it. Also, I couldn't realistically do a diet that wouldn't let me eat fruit (fruit is my junk food and has been since I was a kid).

    I had to find a food plan that would let me eat anything as long as I'm under my total calories for the day. I couldn't find a formal "diet" that worked for me. So I just try to eat a lot of fruit and veg, some protein, and really try to stay away from pasta and bread because those are gateway foods for me. I track every bite and that has really worked for me.

    And in all things, it comes down to what will work for you. Atkins for me was a quick fix but not something I could do for a lifetime. The salad I'm eating as I type this is something I could eat forever because it's got a little ham and a little cheese on it and it's really freaking yummy.

    Seconded - I lost a lot of weight on Atkins and felt very well on it. But over time I found the dietary restrictions too hard - I like pasta, rice, bread, cider, otatoes, chocolate! My moments of weakness got closer and closer together and then of course I gave up and the weight went back on.

    Also I think it's hard to get sufficient dietary fibre on Atkins, which is a concern for me.

    It did teach me a valuable lesson about the importance of protein, so now I aim for 100g a day. It's great for energy and for not feeling hungry!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    BTW-- You do NOT cut out fruit forever :) You add it back in as you go. I eat all kinds of berries right now. Berries aren't as full of sugar as others fruits.
  • mike4him
    mike4him Posts: 16
    If it is not a lifestyle change it is not a good idea and you cannot live and eat forever on the Atkins diet..It is a short term weight loss and is unhealthy. Body by God is what I would least start eating like that and introduce a new item and eliminate a bad item..slowly you will feel better, look better, lose weight and have more energy..for example start replacing your regular pasta with whole wheat pasta or 8 grain pasta..look at labels..try to buy items without added sugars and with no more than 3-7 items in them..My wife and I have changed our lives and our kids are starting to come around, too. My wife and I have eliminated headaches, knee pain, hip pain, snoring, runny nose, colds all the time, body aches of all types just by changing our diet and doing cardio and weight lifting 3-5 times a week..It is incredible..I wish you the best of success..stay away from quick weight loss schemes..get to a good gym and start doing cardio and weight training ..even if it is slow and easy..over time it will become easier and easier to do..
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    I have problems with 'diets' that eliminate entire groups of foods and are restrictive. I'd rather make it a lifestyle change. Use MFP as a guide to find your calorie goal - for most people it's somewhere above 1200 and below 1800. Pick a number, make healthy food choices, stay within your calorie goal, exercise, log everything as accurately as possible and you will have success!
  • Bailey543
    Bailey543 Posts: 375
    Pasta....there are alternatives...spaghetti squash is pretty much identical to pasta to me. You can make it with spaghetti and also pasta salad. Soooo good! can get low carb's a expensive, but it's good :) It's called chocoperfection...look it up. Very few net carbs and packed with fiber, so you STAY full instead of the empty cals that a snickers has. can also find low carb bread...Jillian Bakery bread and WalMart also sells some. I get the Jilliam Bakery bread. It's only online and has to be refrigerated, but it's very, very good and 1 net carb. There is also a cinnamon raisin one that's 2 net carbs.

    Not trying to slam your reply, just stating that those problems are easily "fixed". If it doesn't work for you and low calorie does, do that. I know everyone has something different that works, but I just want people to know that I was one of those people who said "I can't give up pasta, bread and chocolate" but now I will NEVER, EVER go back to that way of eating.

    I did Atkins. I lost 30 lbs, fast. I couldn't help but lose the whole time I as in ketosis. The problem for me was as soon as I wasn't in ketosis, I gained it all back nearly as fast as I lost it. Also, I couldn't realistically do a diet that wouldn't let me eat fruit (fruit is my junk food and has been since I was a kid).

    I had to find a food plan that would let me eat anything as long as I'm under my total calories for the day. I couldn't find a formal "diet" that worked for me. So I just try to eat a lot of fruit and veg, some protein, and really try to stay away from pasta and bread because those are gateway foods for me. I track every bite and that has really worked for me.

    And in all things, it comes down to what will work for you. Atkins for me was a quick fix but not something I could do for a lifetime. The salad I'm eating as I type this is something I could eat forever because it's got a little ham and a little cheese on it and it's really freaking yummy.

    Seconded - I lost a lot of weight on Atkins and felt very well on it. But over time I found the dietary restrictions too hard - I like pasta, rice, bread, cider, otatoes, chocolate! My moments of weakness got closer and closer together and then of course I gave up and the weight went back on.

    It did teach me a valuable lesson about the importnce of protein, so now I aim for 100g a day. It's great for energy and for not feeling hungry!
  • doneatfour
    doneatfour Posts: 120 Member
    Atkins is a step program. The strictest phase is the first two week induction when you eat 20g of carbs or lower mostly from foundation veggies. They even say that you can skip it. Anyway, after induction, you gradually up your carbs until you find the point at which you stop losing weight. One you enter maintenance, you increase carbs to the point at which you don't gain. During the phases, you also expand the list of foods you can eat.

    Yes, the first few pounds will be water weight because you will be depleting your glycogen stores which is glucose plus 3-4 parts water. and if you abandon low carb early then you'll likely gain that water weight back as your glycogen stores replenish. I don't think that after the first bit of water loss that the rate of weight loss is any faster than simple calorie restriction, but low carb works better for me. When I eat carbs, I tend to have a really difficult time not overdoing it. Plus I bloat like crazy and end up looking six months pregnant after one heavy carb meal and feeling very uncomfortably full. And I have PCOS which is a hormonal imbalance.

    That being said, I don't follow Atkins, but I am low carb. This is because I'm terrible at following plans. Low carb is something I can sustain for life. Right now because I am trying to lose weight, I keep my net carbs below 50. When I hit maintenance, I plan to keep close to 120 if my body can handle it. That's fairly easy to do if I LIMIT my intake of "junk" food and keep to appropriate serving sizes of rice, breads, etc.
  • rukus1
    rukus1 Posts: 112
    I was on Dr. Atkins diet back in the 70's and lost 50 pounds but you see, I am a carb lover. Over a period of about one year I gained my weight back plus another 20. Through seveal life changing years I managed to gain another forty pounds. I've been on every diet invented but I would eventually gain any weight I loss back plus a few more pounds. Now with the help of this site I am able to eat the foods I love and keep track of my calories...I tried to do this "several" years ago with a pen and paper but it was to time consuming. Enough of my rambling...go on low carbs only if you can give up bread, potatoes and pasta for a life time.. Best wishes.
  • MissyAZjourney
    MissyAZjourney Posts: 96 Member
    Eh, I'm undecided. I'm having a hard time grasping cutting fruits and so many veggies.

    I did really well with WW, lost 65 lbs and kept it off then had that surgery & started gaining....along with gaining weight I lost ALL of my motivation.

    again, a dont have to cut ANY veggies except for starchy potatoes and such. please read the book....then you will understand what the program truly entails. also fruits are only minimized for the induction period. low glycemic fruits are slowly added back in after the first phase.
  • I did was a quick fix. Lost 27 lbs in 3months. I lost a lot of inches around the mid section. Went from a size 28W to a 24W but once I started eating carbs against the weight came back. I think it's perfect for someone who can live a carb free lifestyle
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I did Atkins. I lost 30 lbs, fast. I couldn't help but lose the whole time I as in ketosis. The problem for me was as soon as I wasn't in ketosis, I gained it all back nearly as fast as I lost it. Also, I couldn't realistically do a diet that wouldn't let me eat fruit (fruit is my junk food and has been since I was a kid).

    I had to find a food plan that would let me eat anything as long as I'm under my total calories for the day. I couldn't find a formal "diet" that worked for me. So I just try to eat a lot of fruit and veg, some protein, and really try to stay away from pasta and bread because those are gateway foods for me. I track every bite and that has really worked for me.

    And in all things, it comes down to what will work for you. Atkins for me was a quick fix but not something I could do for a lifetime. The salad I'm eating as I type this is something I could eat forever because it's got a little ham and a little cheese on it and it's really freaking yummy.
    This is awesome "The salad I'm eating as I type this is something I could eat forever because it's got a little ham and a little cheese on it and it's really freaking yummy."

    Also about Atkins I did it when it first came out I remember craving an apple but I couldn't eat an apple ... come on how are you eating healthy if you can't eat an apple and you can eat a whole bag of pork rinds (lady next door did every day) I did lose 30 pounds but I couldn't stick with it. I don't know about the new program but from my experience it's a No GO!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    If you think you can handle it, GO for it!

    I was on WW about 8 years ago, and working out a women's gym similar to curves. I think I was the only woman in the history of the gym to GAIN 30# in 4 months of working out. I went to the doctor and was diagnosed with insulin resistance. My doctor told me to attempt to control it with diet first before I went on meds. She told me to eat no more than 50g carb net per day. In 2 months I lost 20 pounds...and got pregnant. After my son was born, I was tested several times and the IR had reversed.

    Fast forward 8 years, and I had put on about 50lbs for various reasons. I spent 3 months following MFP reccomendations and working out at the gym for 90 minutes 3-4 times a week. I lost a measly 7 pounds :( As much as it pained me, I decided to cut my carbs for a few weeks and see what happened. Promised myself that if I stopped losing, I would quit. Cut my carbs down to 100g net ( 2x what I did before) and lost 8 lbs the first month....6lbs the second month...and I'm wrapping up the third month with 4lbs + of loss. That means in 3 months of going lowER carb I lost 16.8lbs vs 7lbs on a *normal* diet! I still eat real food. I ate a burger ( only half the bun) on Friday, Chinese on Saturday, and a salad from Wendy's for lunch today. I eat a plate FULL of food for breakfast. Been doing this for 3 months, and I have no problem doing it for 3 more!