what to do?

i havent tracked my food on this website much but i do keep a count of what im eating. to be honest it is wayyy too low. i barely get 800 calories a day and my body is starting to get messed up. no more time of the month for 6 months and im starting to get weak. the problem is i have such an issue with food. i am going to start seeing somebody for an eating disorder but ive actually had a pretty good day today. ive exercised and managed to eat around 900 calories which is better then ive done in awhile. my question is basically should i try now to eat something a little more? im so afraid of gaining and im so used to eating very little that upping it over 1000 just freaks me out. i kinda just need reasurrance that i will not gain because i havent had near this much in awhile.


  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Well first of all, are you losing weight still? If you are then you are losing muscle because you aren't eating enought... 2ndly have you gained before when you eat 1200? I really doupt it, you may gain a little at first because your body is so used to living on 800 calories but it will adjust and then everything will be ok in fact better because you will be able to workout harder... I'm glad you decided to post cause we can help :smile: You should defiantly eat more though, don't be scared, you won't gain consistently as long as you are exercising and eating the right amount.. don't get discouraged you can do this :smile: :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • sandra400
    sandra400 Posts: 51 Member
    please do see someone, do not put it off, you will feel so much better. i would try to eat 900 cals then 1000 then 1100 then on to 1200 cals allowing your body adjust between each adjustment up that way you are not over loading your body or your mind. hope this helps.
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    Well first of all, are you losing weight still? If you are then you are losing muscle because you aren't eating enought... 2ndly have you gained before when you eat 1200? I really doupt it, you may gain a little at first because your body is so used to living on 800 calories but it will adjust and then everything will be ok in fact better because you will be able to workout harder... I'm glad you decided to post cause we can help :smile: You should defiantly eat more though, don't be scared, you won't gain consistently as long as you are exercising and eating the right amount.. don't get discouraged you can do this :smile: :smile:

    ~Leash :heart:
    i am still losing, usually about a lb or so a week. im just so confused lately haha. but thank u very much,
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Well the fact that you said you feel weak is not good, do talk to someone and I agree with what sandra said.... oh and by the way I have not had my time for about 7 months but thats cause I'm a runner and an avid exerciser so it can be normal according to my doc but I went to the gyno and they gave me a pill to take every 3 months for like 7 days or something and it makes you get your cycle, you have to take it every 3 months if your not regular, I haven't taken it yet so not sure if it works... good luck!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • lbpw
    lbpw Posts: 77
    :smile: :smile:
    Well the fact that you said you feel weak is not good, do talk to someone and I agree with what sandra said.... oh and by the way I have not had my time for about 7 months but thats cause I'm a runner and an avid exerciser so it can be normal according to my doc but I went to the gyno and they gave me a pill to take every 3 months for like 7 days or something and it makes you get your cycle, you have to take it every 3 months if your not regular, I haven't taken it yet so not sure if it works... good luck!

    ~Leash :heart:
    oh ok well ill definitely have to look into that im seeing my doctor soon, thank you :smile:
  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Hey darling!

    I kind of understand to a certain extent. In my mind I always thinking eating = weight. I have a hard time eating 1200 calories every day. From day to day I don't really know if I am going to be active or not so I can't really count on getting to exercise either which only furthers my negative thought process. However, I do know that eating is important. Its hard not to focus on every little thing you put in your mouth but you have to put it out of your mind. I think it is important for you to talk to someone about this. I'm always told that at some point your body will go into starvation mode and you will start gaining. I don't know if this is always true, but I tend to think it is with me. If you ever you need someone to talk to, please feel free to message me. I love to chit chat and understand how you are feeling! :o)
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    please do see someone, do not put it off, you will feel so much better. i would try to eat 900 cals then 1000 then 1100 then on to 1200 cals allowing your body adjust between each adjustment up that way you are not over loading your body or your mind. hope this helps.

    I agree. And remember, you have to eat 3500 calories over your BMR to gain, so you have a long ways to go! (That was to try to reassure you that you won't gain by eating over 1000 calories a day.)
    Please get professional help soon. We are here to listen.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    It's very good that you recognize that the lack of eating is a problem and you're willing to reach out for the help. You've come a long way (76 pounds, AWESOME!) and it is scary to think of letting yourself go back in the other direction. I just want to tell you, you look great. I think you'll look and feel even better when you start eating. Basically just start remembering the Food Pyramid, and plan balanced meals for yourself. Throwing in a few snacks of fruits, veggies, or complex carbs, and you'll be adding the needed calories to maintain AND give your body the energy it needs.
    I had an eating disorder as a teenager. I'd been the "fat girl" all through elementary school, so in junior high I went almost a year with eating almost nothing, or throwing up what little I did eat. Then I got teased for being too skinny and started to overeat again because I never really learned how to eat healthy, and well now here I am. But you have the tools (MFP) and support (your friends here, a doctor when you see one, etc.) and you can get on track to a healthy life. Just keep us all posted. We're rooting for you.