GE Diet-Detox

Has anyone ever done the GE Diet? I am interested to know what your thoughts were and how the whole 7 days went. I found this as an article on Pinterest. It seems pretty straight forward as far as a detox goes. It doesn't require supplements or an any fancy foods. Here is a link:

I am starting this myself today, but would love to hear feed back from other who have tried it or known people who have done it.

Thanks everyone!


  • drmerc
    drmerc Posts: 2,603 Member
    Never heard of it. Why do you think you need to detox?
  • MMullen49
    MMullen49 Posts: 5
    drmerc, because I had a really nasty ear infection 2 months back and I was on 5 RX including steriods twice. So I want to detox and cleanse just to rebalance and clean out all the "stuff" that my body took in. My system just felts sluggish and bloated.