losing motivation.

i started out about a month and a half a go. i went hard and i saw a few changes in my weight but, im stuck in a rut. i joined with my boyfriend, who has since given up on getting in shape with me. at home, we have nothing really 'healthy', and my parents dont grocery shop often. so, i was just wondering if there was anybody out there who had some tips, or something that will maybe get me out of this rut and start losing weight again!


  • ARyding17
    ARyding17 Posts: 75 Member

    You can do this, try and convice your parents to get healthier food. Make little changes, maybe if you cook you could know exactly what you are putting in it. If you don't have a gym membership walk, bike, anything! There are so many videos online that you can get as well.

    Over all just log everything! Even if you don't eat healthy but you are eating not much than you should still lose weight.

    Over all don't give up! I am here for you girl. :)
  • melinadanielle

    thank you so much. maybe i'll start asking to make dinner. that way i can know exactly whats going into everything and like you said, make my parents pick up some healthy stuff.
  • belle_7
    belle_7 Posts: 18
    Just try and stay positive and know with in yourself that you can do it! I live at home with my mom and she does all the shopping and alot of the stuff she buys is healthy but a lot is also no good... then my brother and his family just moved in temp. and OMG did they bring a heap of junk food along with them boy oh boy was I tempted but I stayed strong and if I would slip up from time to time I would eat it in portions... If you have a taste for chips either smell it or only take on or 2 but try not to over due it.. & PUSH yourself to get up everyday and work out 30 minutes makes a big difference TRUST ME!

    Good luck and remember to stay positive and believe in yourself you can do it =)