Not eating enough

I've been coming in under 1200 calories and not eating back my exercise calories and after 2 weeks I only lost 1 pound. My nutritionist told me to eat more protein and try to go up to 1300 calories for the day. At least I am going down, just slower than I had wanted to. I'm so scared to eat more because I'm in that mode of eat less weigh less, which doesn't seem to be happening. But I'm going to try to eat more and see what happens even if I gain weight next weigh in - which is in two weeks.

I need support for this because I really don't believe that you can lose weight by eating more and by eating back your exercise burnt calories.

She suggested adding extra protein to my beakfast, lunch and snacks. Things like nuts, eggs, reduced fat cheese like swiss, cottage cheese. Any other suggestions? Oh, also peanut butter.


  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    There are entire groups dedicated to this mentality.

    A way I try to explain it is that your body gets damaged doing everything. Walking, sleeping, talking, breathing all damage your cells. Exercising REALLY damages the cells. Think of that little tiny cell... now stomp on him. Repeatedly. Over and over. That's what you are doing to all your cells as you walk and jog. When's the last time you saw any living creature be healthier after being stomped on repeatedly?

    So, how do we repair these cells? Well, they are mostly water and protein. So... PROTEIN. Repairs to the body are done through supplies and energy. Protein being the supply, calories being the energy. We can get energy from fat cells or food throughout the day. Protein we need through food. If we don't have it, we can get a little from our muscle (reduced muscle mass now), but that is also a VERY limited supply.

    Eventually, you simply have no more supplies. So, the body doesn't spend the energy to do repairs. Why would it? Would you work 10 hours a day building a house with absolutely no supplies? No! You can't!

    So, reduced calories usually means reduced protein. With less protein, you don't use as much energy repairing. Because of this, it is actually possible to eat under your BMR, and gain weight!

    If eating less led to fitness, Ethiopia would look like a Hollywood dream land.
  • Tia0692
    Tia0692 Posts: 2
    eating more often leads to losing more weight.. as strange as it sounds, when you dont eat your body goes into starvation mode which halts meabolism and causes your body to store more fat, if you go all day without eating then eat a big meal it will mostly be stored as fat.
    i just started a diet plan i came up with a week ago and lost 5 pounds already, with no workout besides sit ups and leg toning. i posted my diet plan in the news feed if you want to add me and check it out
  • meshashesha2012
    meshashesha2012 Posts: 8,326 Member
    i've never been able to wrap my head around these first world problems of people intentionally starving themselves as a way to "look good" then their hair falls out, their skin looks like crap, they're always in a bad mood from lack of food and they've aged several years but at least they fit in smaller jeans :laugh:

    in any case, dont worry about fat so much if you're increasing your protein. i usually add ground turkey or chicken sausage to my eggs for extra protein.

    eat your food. your body needs it to survive and stuff like that.

    try eating something that's above your BMR but below your TDEE and that should be fine
  • SendeeM
    SendeeM Posts: 7
    I have been doing the same thing. For this first week, I have not eaten all 1200 calories in a day. When I exercise, I would not
    add those in, I think of them as an insurance policy.
    My philosophy is go hard the first couple weeks, I seem to do well with this - then the weight loss seems to taper off. Even when I did weight watchers, the first week has gone the same , a big chunk of weight , then slower as you go.
    But I will say I am hungry today.
    Looking at my breakfast and lunch, I can see why.
    I am trying to figure out what to have for dinner since I have alot to spare today.
    None of its easy, we are all trying to figure it out -
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I just joined a new group to help me change my attitude towards calories, food intake and weight loss. It's called Eat More To Lose Weight and looks like just what I need.