Weight gain with exercise and diet

OK, I have been doing my fitness pal since January. I started at 122. now at 133:(- I am small framed. I am 5ft 3in and 30 years old, female. I work out every day with a heart rate monitor, chest strap style. I usually burn approximately 700 calories and I work out 6 days and week and have been known to work out 7. I run, lift weights, cardio and HIIT. Having done Insanity and Asylum p90x and Supreme 90. SO I have been steadily gaining weight. My husband assured me it was muscle but I have gained 11 lbs. since January! Its almost all around my midsection besides the muscle I have added to my legs, (which is great if thats what your going for but I can't wear my pants anymore). SO increased belly fat majorly. You can see it. I have had issues with the Net calorie thing but I try to take in 1600 cals under the food heading with the exception of an off day (1370-my BMR). Last week i tried cutting down exercise to 400-500 cals and upping my intake and I gained another 3 lbs this morning! Some one please give me guidance. I take no medications and have no hormone issues or medical issues. Should my net equal my BMR-1370?:sad:


  • bump
  • bpotts44
    bpotts44 Posts: 1,066 Member
    Open your food diary. Why are you trying to lose weight at 120 lbs?
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Hey there!

    Well, if you let MFP set itself up for you, you should eat back some of the calories you exercise. Additionally, you should manually set MFP's goals for 30% protein given your exercise level.

    To me, it sounds like the classic crash and burn method that is creating your difficulties. AKA, you're trying TOO hard.

    You will need to ensure you are getting enough protein every day given that level of exercise. You should also make sure your deficit is roughly 500 calories a day for 1lb a week, +/- 250 for either 0.5lb or 1.5lb a week.
  • Tilran
    Tilran Posts: 626 Member
    Honestly if you are excersising with that much variation in routine and sticking to your calorie intake truthfully, then I am at a loss.

    I'd recommend taking pictures and measurement to see if your husband is correct about muscle weight. I am actually going through the same thing kinda. I am putting on muscle and losing fat (I can see it in my belt size and muscles), but I am not droping weight. That being said, 11 pound gain means you are either becoming wonder woman with muscles or something is wrong.

    If you are using a HRM and it is telling you that you burn 700 calories a workout every single day, and you intake 1500 calories, you are net 800. Are you consuming back to 1500 or staying at 800? You want to experiment with both options to see which gives you results. I would recommend NOT eating those calories back, but that could possibly put your body in starvation mode, so again...experiment with both options.

    Wish I could help more, but you are doing everything right if you what you stated is all true.
  • Oh no I am 133 this morning, I would be extremely happy back at 120. I am trying to figure out how this happened when I work out every day and log my food etc. I know what I burn vs. what I eat and I don't get it.
  • how do I open it?
  • Thats my next step trying to eat 1800 cals or whatever I need that day per my exercise to get my net back at my BMR goal of 1370. Does that sound right? It is truly devastating to work hard and see no results or to be getting the opposite results of what you work for. I had been using a protein shake+ nonfat yogurt as a post workout meal but keeping it within my caloric goals and my legs (which are naturally larger) have gotten huge! Muscle I believe but I'm not a gladiator. SO I nixed that and am making sure to eat protein with every meal/snack which I do every 2-3 hours, I try to eat as cleanly as possible. Drinking only water, etc.
  • Open your food diary. Why are you trying to lose weight at 120 lbs?

    its open and 120 was my starting weight
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Did you also gain inches?

    OK I re-read your post and you did gain...:(
  • sd225303
    sd225303 Posts: 4 Member
    Are you on any medication? I had this problem for a year or so and discovered that my medication had stalled my weight (and caused excessive weight gain-- TWICE) . I just quit the same guilty medication in June (why he kept putting me on it I will never know) and now have to wait 2 or so months for it to get out of my system. I am about your size and age, actually. I am also trying to get back down to 120.
  • Are you on any medication? I had this problem for a year or so and discovered that my medication had stalled my weight (and caused excessive weight gain-- TWICE) . I just quit the same guilty medication in June (why he kept putting me on it I will never know) and now have to wait 2 or so months for it to get out of my system. I am about your size and age, actually. I am also trying to get back down to 120.
    no medication at all. but i may need some if I can't figure this out :laugh: I should have tried to maintain at 120 instead of pushing myself so hard and now I don't know how to get back to where I was. I had read about a supplement called CLA and then ketones, I heard they were supposed to help you get rid of fat but I don't know a whole lot about it.
  • invisibubble
    invisibubble Posts: 662 Member
    Measure yourself. Often. Weight means little especially when exercising a lot. Also, you eat too little given your workouts IMO.
  • albayin
    albayin Posts: 2,524 Member
    Are you on any medication? I had this problem for a year or so and discovered that my medication had stalled my weight (and caused excessive weight gain-- TWICE) . I just quit the same guilty medication in June (why he kept putting me on it I will never know) and now have to wait 2 or so months for it to get out of my system. I am about your size and age, actually. I am also trying to get back down to 120.
    no medication at all. but i may need some if I can't figure this out :laugh: I should have tried to maintain at 120 instead of pushing myself so hard and now I don't know how to get back to where I was. I had read about a supplement called CLA and then ketones, I heard they were supposed to help you get rid of fat but I don't know a whole lot about it.

    Totally feel your pain. :( Is it possible you could be overtrained? Back off bit on exercise and try to eat normal without being too stressed out over this stuff might help.
  • NoahandPresleysMom
    NoahandPresleysMom Posts: 763 Member
    Measure yourself. Often. Weight means little especially when exercising a lot. Also, you eat too little given your workouts IMO.

  • Measure yourself. Often. Weight means little especially when exercising a lot. Also, you eat too little given your workouts IMO.


    OK then back to the Net calorie vs what I burn vs BMR. My BMR is 1370. I try to burn about 700. I want to lose .5 to 1 lb a week. I would settle with anything right now so how many calories should I take in on a normal 700 cal burning day? not net just under the food heading?

    Also, regarding inches, I have noticeable fat around my belly that I didn't have before and after 3 kids, I don't want it back but it has settled there in the worst way.
  • Did you also gain inches?

    OK I re-read your post and you did gain...:(
    Yes on my arms and shoulders noticeable muscle. My legs are ripped. My husband likes an athletic type but even he said you need to stop doing legs, they have gone from sexy toned to bulky...I'm short so this doesn't help. I gave up the protein shake post workout and am only doing cardio. Insanity, Turbo Fire, Cathe but no leg videos and staying away from plyo.
  • Feelnpurdy
    Feelnpurdy Posts: 13 Member
    Just throwing this out there no offense... pregnant maybe?
  • Just throwing this out there no offense... pregnant maybe?

    Would have to be Divine Intervention. 3 c-sections, Dr said no more, so had the tubes tied. I wish though, I would love a little girl with these 3 rough boys I have!
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    Tell me about this 700 calorie burn - how do you do it ? how long does it take ?
  • Tell me about this 700 calorie burn - how do you do it ? how long does it take ?