need food advice (weird)

So recently (about 4 days ago) I was switched from Vyvanse to Adderall XR for my ADHD.

I'm liking Adderall & all BUT I can NOT eat.

I have to choke down food as quickly as possible before my body kicks in the "I'm too full, will puke" signal

I'm all for losing weight but I'm only clocking about 800 calories a day when I should be eating almost 2000 given my (newly) active nature.

Any advice or suggestions on things I can eat that are small yet GIANT in calories?


  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I remember this happening when I was on Ritalin. I'd talk to your doc, actually. If its making you sick when you try to eat, that's not good.

    That said, protein shakes? Meal replacements like ensure?
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member
    my son takes ritalin (just for school, never at home) and he doesn't eat much for lunch.. he eats a good breakfast and a good dinner.

    eat in the morning before you take it.. and don't do the extended release.
  • Vmsunderland
    Doesn't actually make me sick just makes me feel sick it I "eat too much"

    Can't do instant release because of the way my body reacts to them.

    Will try protein shakes! Thank you!

    I did speak with my doctor about my symptoms, he said it's normal & defiantly to be expected.

    He also suggested eating in the morning... I just hate to because I'm never hungry when I wake up.
  • bethany1213
    I'm a physician assistant plus several of my family members are on this drug. You need to make sure to eat a large breakfast- get enough calories (and healthy ones) to fuel you through the day. During the day, if you can't eat much, thats ok, just make sure to stay hydrated and try and drink protein shakes or Ensure shakes if you feel like you need nutrition and calories. Eat again in the evening a larger meal if you can, after you are coming off your medicine.
  • jfan175
    jfan175 Posts: 812 Member
    Ditto for the protein and Ensure shakes. Track your calories and protein cafefully after you determine your daily intake goals..
  • Vmsunderland
    Thanks so much for the advice guys I will defiantly be trying this!
  • theblackbirdtree
    Doesn't actually make me sick just makes me feel sick it I "eat too much"

    Can't do instant release because of the way my body reacts to them.

    Will try protein shakes! Thank you!

    I did speak with my doctor about my symptoms, he said it's normal & defiantly to be expected.

    He also suggested eating in the morning... I just hate to because I'm never hungry when I wake up.

    I feel you on this! Try eating higher fat foods that are healthy, they empty out of your stomach slower and will ease the "super full" feeling while upping your calories.
    Make yummy trail mixes with almonds, sunflower seeds, dried berries/cherries, whatever you like! Enjoy peanut/almond/coconut butter on toast or english muffins.
    I also vouch for protein shakes.. full of vitamins and minerals and adding a tablespoon of nut butter makes them delicious and higher calorie too.
    Enjoy your meat! Bake and grill fish, chicken, pork, ect. ect. Don't be afraid of having nutrient and calorie-dense foods alongside cleansing vegetables that WON'T fill you up like spinach, corn, peas, and asparagus.. avoid broccoli, kale, vegetables that tend to fill up the stomach.