Seeking Motivation And Inspiration

well im 19 years old . I'm severely overweight. 330lbs to be exact.. i really want to loose weight and get fit. i know it's not going to happen overnight but i know i can do it. my goal weight might seem out of reach but i know that if i stick to this i can do it ! i'm looking for some help with tips and stuff. also with motivation. thanks . when i read about how much weigh you guys have lost it just inspires me to do what i know i can do . thank you all for sharing your stories and you may not know it, but your helping me also. thanks hope to hear from some of you !

- Chassity,

Starting Date : Wednesday August 1, 2012
Starting Weight : 330lbs
Height: 5'8



  • Chassity,
    I would love to be a part of your support team during this adventure! I do not have as much weight to lose and I am much older (49). I have about 40lbs to lose and I just started my lifestyle change two weeks ago. It's really tough for me not to go out to lunch each day, then snack on chips and icecream all evening. But I am doing it and eating green things that I never thought I would eat. DON'T GIVE UP! Your right you CAN do it!


    well im 19 years old . I'm severely overweight. 330lbs to be exact.. i really want to loose weight and get fit. i know it's not going to happen overnight but i know i can do it. my goal weight might seem out of reach but i know that if i stick to this i can do it ! i'm looking for some help with tips and stuff. also with motivation. thanks . when i read about how much weigh you guys have lost it just inspires me to do what i know i can do . thank you all for sharing your stories and you may not know it, but your helping me also. thanks hope to hear from some of you !

    - Chassity,

    Starting Date : Wednesday August 1, 2012
    Starting Weight : 330lbs
    Height: 5'8

  • thank you so much. Yes it's going to be so hard not to fall into the things that i normally do. I'm going to stop eating fast foods and sodas and unhealthy snacks. I know that is going to be a great start.
  • emileesgram
    emileesgram Posts: 141 Member
    Feel free to add me, I too am a bit older but have struggled with my weight all my life. I am now at the lowest I have been in 15 years by diet and exercise. I know how hard it is to stay motivated but having friends on mfp really helps. By the way you are gorgeous!
  • kahlah23
    kahlah23 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi! I'm 33 and started out 3 weeks ago at 281. I'm down to 265 but I still have many more pounds to lose. I would love to be able to support you through your weight loss journey and have you do the same for me. Definitely add me if you want to.
  • ZombiePiggy
    ZombiePiggy Posts: 5 Member
    Hello! I'm 21, and close to being in the same boat as you (you can see my ticker). I'd love to be a supportive friend. We all need help and inspiration in this journey. Anyone else, feel free to add me too.