Just started today.. Already have questions!!

Hi, I'm Haley. I currently weigh 163, and am 5'4''. I had a baby girl almost 2 years ago, and while I was pregnant, and after, I gained 40 pounds :( It makes me sick to even think that! But anyway..... I started MFP today and already have so many questions..

First of all, I usually eat fatty foods, sugary, etc. I hardly EVER eat fresh fruit and veggies. I ate all healthy today, fresh fruit/veggies, no sugary snacks, fast food, blah blah blah! I have been practically STARVING all day!! Now that the day is just about over with, I have a raging headache, and horrible gas! LOL!

IS THIS NORMAL?? I am so confused, and I definitely DON'T want to feel starving, and miserable this whole time! What am I doing wrong??


  • spirit80
    spirit80 Posts: 327 Member
    Start recording everything you eat. You will soon see that is going on with your body. Don't cheat it will only hurt you. Hard to give advise when you don't know where yoy are.
  • suzziebee
    suzziebee Posts: 14
    Hi Haley, I know the feeling. I have struggled so much with what to eat and what not to eat
    I just did cycle one and two of the 17 day diet and it is amazing. it helps you get those fruits, vegies and good protiens in. I feel so good. I recently then just went to managing calories but I can't get enough - I am not really hungry. going to go back on the 17 day diet just so I eat enough of the right stuff - give it a try - there is tons a information on the web - I did buy the book for the recipes and that but I think it is so worth it.
  • anewme1202
    anewme1202 Posts: 70 Member
    You've made the first step and things aren't going to change overnight, but the more fruits, veggies, whole grain and protein you incorporate into your diet, the more your body will adjust and you won't be craving those fatty foods and sugars.

    Drink lots of water - it really will help (forget about those "empty calories" - ie: pop that's nothing but sugar and won't fill you)

    Also, protein, protein, protein to help (eggs, cottage cheese, tuna, greek yogurt etc., will all help to fill you up) Add a handful of nuts (like almonds) as well. For supper, things like lean protein and salmon is also great along with your veggies.

    Just take it one day at a time and you'll get there! Good luck on your journey :)

    My suggestion when you grocery shop and are looking for the best foods for you - stay to the outside aisles of the store, that's where you'll find everything you need and the less processed foods, the better!!
  • lmelangley
    lmelangley Posts: 1,039 Member
    It can be normal, if you're changing your eating habits all at once. The good news is that you'll detox quicker that way. My biggest suggestions are:

    1. eat protein with every meal. Most greek yogurt, beans and nuts are excellent sources if you don't want meat. Watch out for nuts, though - a small amount has a lot of calories.
    2. drink lots of water. Sometimes, thirst can mimic hunger and it's really hard to know the difference. If you're hungry and it's not mealtime, drink a glass and wait 20 minutes. If you're still hungry, eat someting. Hard boiled eggs are great - 80 calories for a large egg and tons of protein. Again, eat something small and wait 20 minutes.
    3. don't eat things you hate just because they're good for you. This is about becoming the healthiest you that you can be, not about punishment. There are plenty of yummy things out there - give yourself time and you'll find them.

    You can do this!
  • mmreed
    mmreed Posts: 436 Member
    Hello! Welcome to MFP!

    MFP is a really great resource to keep you focused and connect you with a wealth of fitness resources and like minded folks.

    1. Log your foods every day - don't skip days, or parts of your day. log everything!
    2. Analyze each day - see where it went good and where it went bad - too much fat? maybe too many carbs? over the calorie limit? Identify and plan how to correct it for tomorrow.
    3. Reach out to the community with questions or advice needs.
    4. Build a network of friends here!
    5. Above all, do not believe everything you read here. There is a lot of great advice, but also some misleading and hype type advice. Part of getting fit is educating yourself in aspects of health and fitness. Make sure any questionable advice is looked at with a scientific eye and look for facts, evidence, and most importantly real world proof.
    6. You are more than a number. Sometimes the scale may not say what you hoped - thats fine. weight loss is not a straight line declination. Its a bumpy line that drops over time. Don't let single day numbers get your focus away from term based results.
    7. Vary your exercises. Your body forms memories and can slow down how it burns fat and builds muscles. Keep it confused! Hit it hard with cardio styles. Build lean muscle to burn even more fat.
    8. and above all - take your photo now! You will want to look back and have a starting BEFORE picture to proudly display along with your series of PRESENT or CURRENT photos during your transformation and continued lifestyle of fitness.

    I welcome you, and anyone else out there to add me as a friend. I have made fitness and health my passion and love the idea of folks joining me in my new lifestyle of being fit, healthy, and most importantly - HAPPY!.

    I'm here to support and motivate!!! I find my own success comes easier when I help and fuel other folks success.

    and remember - most folks care more about the quality of fuel they put in their lawn mowers than the fuel they put in their bodies. Don't be one of those people. Whole foods. Natural foods. Intelligent choices.

    Fit for life,
    Mark M. Reed
    aka Marc Mayhem - Fitness Blogger, and Motivator!

    Add me as a friend and take part in my daily fitness discussions, tips, and commentary on MyFitnessPal!

  • ncbill
    ncbill Posts: 76 Member
    Hi Haley,

    Yes it's normal. Your buddy is used to a certain type of food and you need to slowly transition, 1-2 week into a healthier diet. When you do you will feel so much better. I recommend not trying to incorporate chips etc.. into your diet as you will crave them especially as you lose weight. Fritos are my weakness. If i get really hungry and buy a pack I will crave them for days. They have no nutritional value and only offer comfort. So if your focus on your desire to regain a healthy lifestyle as being more important than the short term satisfaction of fatty foods your desire for these foods will lessen and your body will switch. Last weekend I ate fried fish etc.. with my buddy after four wheeling and the grease moved right through me. So your body will reverse and the foods that are upsetting your stomach now will become the norm. Good luck on your journey :)
  • haleydself
    haleydself Posts: 66
    Thanks so much for the advice! I am doing this alone, and have never really had to diet before. I do crave chips, cake, icecream.. just about anything that's not healthy! Today has been a little better than yesterday though. I haven't been as hungry, and no headache yet! :D I am making some roast right now in the crock pot, that should last me a few days! Lots of veggies in it! It smells pretty good. Thank you again for the advice! Good luck :)