HELP! I hate cardio

JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
So there it is. I hate cardio! I'm great on my lifting days.. I feel motivated to push myself and really REALLY enjoy weight training.

I do a full body weight lifting day followed by a day of rest from weights. On days of rest I'm supposed to do cardio but I find myself dreading the machines.

So a couple of questions...

Being as overweight as I am (300 lbs, 5'8) is cardio a must?

Is cardio considered anything that gets your HR up? Lets say I do ball slams with a 14 lb ball, can this be cardio? This exercise gets my HR up. Same with battle ropes, they really get my blood pumping but I don't feel bored.

How often do I need to take breaks between weight lifting? My weight training sessions go between 2-2.5 hrs each. During these I'm lifting as heavy as I can without failure (most of the time, sometimes we get to failure) for 3 sets of 8 reps.

Thanks for all thoughts and opinions!


  • findingme07
    findingme07 Posts: 156 Member
    I am not an expert, but I believe you need to get into your cardio zone with a certain heart rate level for a specific period of time. The following is a site I have used in the past to calculate my heart rate zone:

    The more you do cardio the easier it gets.....
  • TurkieFacie
    I think cardio is a must to burn away fat. I try to do my cardio in the morning before I eat breakfast - remember to drink a LOT of water too! Also, I am not a big fan of running/elipticals but have found that I don't mind the stationary bike set on medium resistance for at least 40 minutes. I try reading most of the workout (being a college kid there's always reading to be done) and it helps not focus on how much you're hating the cardio. Anyways, I say to work out in the morning before eating because that way you work off the stored calories (fat) instead of the calories you have eaten during the day. Hope it helps!!
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    I am not an expert, but I believe you need to get into your cardio zone with a certain heart rate level for a specific period of time. The following is a site I have used in the past to calculate my heart rate zone:

    The more you do cardio the easier it gets.....

    I should add that getting my HR to the level they say it should be is a bit of a problem. I am currently on HBP meds to lower my HR... so it's tough to get me above 110 or so.

    Also it's not that cardio is hard... I can do easily 1 hr on a treadmill (with a weighted backpack on) or ellip machine just fine.... it's the wanting to... or LIKING it... that is a problem
  • jibbala
    jibbala Posts: 76 Member
    Cardio is needed for weight loss and for general health. I dont think you need to do hours of it if you pay attention to the intensity of your workouts. Certainly the things you mentioned can be cardio if they get your heart rate up. If you like those sort of activities, maybe a boot camp class or some circuit or interval training would be good for you. You also may want to experiment with what is out there and see what you like. Running is not the only type of cardio there is and unless I am in a class, cardio in the gym is MIND numbing.
  • paintlisapurple
    paintlisapurple Posts: 982 Member
    Have you tried incorporating the two? I like to do 10 mins. elliptical-15 to 25 mins kettlebell/balanceball (incorporating different moves keeps the heart rate going-then 10 more mins elliptical. I love it and this method works for me because the elliptical is BORING.
  • mrsnathanandrew
    mrsnathanandrew Posts: 631 Member
    I greatly dislike cardio machines, treadmill, elliptical, ect. I, however, have found a love of cardio classes, I love kickboxing, I do tae bo, I love the Insanity dvds, and Zumba...if you told me to do an hr on the treadmill I would push it off and find an excused, but pop in a tae bo dvd or something, I seriously could do hours!
  • clee369
    clee369 Posts: 101 Member
    Check out complexes. They're a series of lifts performed with minimal weight one after another. My favorite one goes like this: deadlift, RDL, Rows, Power clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat. Do 6 reps of each exercise, one after the other, then rest for 90 seconds. Then do 5 reps, rest for 90 seconds, 4 reps,etc. After you do your final set of one rep each, rest 90 seconds and do the whole thing again. Take about 15 minutes to do, and if your heart is pumping after that well then I cant help you.

    Also in regards to your weight training, what program are you on?
  • tobnrn
    tobnrn Posts: 477 Member
    Cardio is NOT a must. The only cardio I do is 5 minutes of raquetball before I lift 3 days a week. I eat at a moderate calorie deficit. My clothing sizes have decreased dramatically since doing this.
  • AllDIVA
    AllDIVA Posts: 45 Member
    Do they have kick boxing at your gym. do they have cardio kick boxing? (not as much fun as regular kick boxing) Get really really really good music. cover the machines so you do not see how much longer to go. Do it and get it over with. I do not like it either. Did 45 mins on arc rider... like ellip.. and then 30 mins on treadmill (my least favorite). set goals.. like running 30n seconds at a time..then 1 minute next time. see your progress. Hope this helps.
  • MoreBean13
    MoreBean13 Posts: 8,701 Member
    I listen to audiobooks during long runs- it's great for "boring" cardio- I just recently started a thread looking for suggestions if you're interested:

    It really helps pass the time, and if you ONLY listen to your story during cardio- you'll look forward to tghe boring cardio to hear the story!
  • nz_deevaa
    nz_deevaa Posts: 12,209 Member
    Cardio is needed for weight loss and for general health.

    Cardio isn't required for weight loss, but it is good for your general health.

    I do a 20min bike ride as my 'warm up' on lifting days, and a 10 - 15min walk as a cool down after lifting.... the times are so short I don't get bored. I don't do a 'cardio only' day.

    On the day I do my heavy deadlifts, I walk first otherwise the cardio interferes with my lift.
  • kmm7309
    kmm7309 Posts: 802 Member
    I hate cardio too!

    I go to the gym and watch TV while doing cardio. I don't really like TV either, but I use it to catch up on the news and distract me from doing cardio.

    I don't know if I'll ever like cardio. I don't think it's REQUIRED for weight loss, but it will make everything easier on you, and it'll make you feel better in the long run (no pun intended!). :flowerforyou:
  • iKapuniai
    iKapuniai Posts: 594 Member
    Cardio is definitely NOT required to lose weight, contrary to popular beliefs. Years ago I lost 85lbs in 9 months by Strength Training ONLY. Personally, I think strength training is way better and would have better results anyway. I wouldn't even worry about cardio, because even some strength training workouts will get your heart going just as well. Besides that, the more strength training you do, the more muscle you'll build, which will help your metabolism, which ultimately helps you burn more calories <- and THAT is what makes you lose weight.

    Love and Alohas,
    Ihilani Kapuniai
  • lilpoindexter
    lilpoindexter Posts: 1,122 Member
    I don't like cardio either. But I think you will get much better results with it. I walked at a local park with a nice walking path, but when that got boring, I picked up bike riding. My bike is all packed away in the trunk of my car for a nice after work bike ride tommorrow...I like doing it before I get home, so I don't make excuses later. When the season changes, and it gets darker at 4pm, I'll probably go back to the eliptical at the gym.
  • Hezzietiger1
    Hezzietiger1 Posts: 1,256 Member
    Anything that get's your heart rate up is cardio..

    don't use cardio machines if you hate em.. I don't.

    Today I did a circuit that consisted of..

    40 yard sprint
    30 second squat jumps
    10 lunges
    10 pushups
    60 second high plank
    60 second rest

    repeat 5 times.

    If I use cardio machines.. it's 10 minutes or less and just a warm up
  • crisanderson27
    crisanderson27 Posts: 5,343 Member
    Cardio is NOT a must. The only cardio I do is 5 minutes of raquetball before I lift 3 days a week. I eat at a moderate calorie deficit. My clothing sizes have decreased dramatically since doing this.

    What Lori here said.

    Although she didn't mention that she hikes 1-2 days a week for peace of mind...and this does help her get in basic health type cardio (which we really shouldn't neglect). As her trainer...I can most certainly attribute the fact that she's gone from a very tight size 12, to a size less than a month, to the strength training/relaxed diet program I have her on.

    She was hiking, and actually substantially more active, prior to us working together...yet the changes were nowhere near as dramatic.
  • azwaa
    azwaa Posts: 81 Member
    I hate cardio, but I surprisingly am liking Insanity. I think the key to those workouts is constantly changing it up every one to five minutes. I could never to a machine for for 45 minutes, but I can do Insanity without being bored. Part of getting healthy is pushing your body and mind even when you don't want to do it, but you also have to find something you can commit to. Cardio doesn't have to be a treadmill, find what you like and run with it.
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Check out complexes. They're a series of lifts performed with minimal weight one after another. My favorite one goes like this: deadlift, RDL, Rows, Power clean, Front Squat, Push Press, Back Squat. Do 6 reps of each exercise, one after the other, then rest for 90 seconds. Then do 5 reps, rest for 90 seconds, 4 reps,etc. After you do your final set of one rep each, rest 90 seconds and do the whole thing again. Take about 15 minutes to do, and if your heart is pumping after that well then I cant help you.

    Also in regards to your weight training, what program are you on?

    This actually sounds more like my style. I do Deadlifts as part of my normal weight lifting and it's one of the toughest things I do. Really gets me pumping!

    I'm not really on a program. We had a session with a trainer and she suggested doing full body lifting every other day. 2 exercises per body part. I've recently switched things up because we joined a seperate part of our gym that offers more goodies to play with. It's more of a crossfit type gym but connected to our normal gym and we have access to both.

    For those who suggested dvds or classes I will have to think about those. Our gym DOES offer classes (mui ty (spelled wrong I know), MMA, Boxing, Karate. on top of the other classes that are some forms of Les Mills (I haven't looked too close at them). The problem is I tech. do not have access to these because I come in as a guest (on my hubbys membership). Though I've been invited to the classes by trainers so maybe they wouldn't notice!
  • JessyJ03
    JessyJ03 Posts: 627 Member
    Cardio is NOT a must. The only cardio I do is 5 minutes of raquetball before I lift 3 days a week. I eat at a moderate calorie deficit. My clothing sizes have decreased dramatically since doing this.

    What Lori here said.

    Although she didn't mention that she hikes 1-2 days a week for peace of mind...and this does help her get in basic health type cardio (which we really shouldn't neglect). As her trainer...I can most certainly attribute the fact that she's gone from a very tight size 12, to a size less than a month, to the strength training/relaxed diet program I have her on.

    She was hiking, and actually substantially more active, prior to us working together...yet the changes were nowhere near as dramatic.

    I do a ton of hiking in the fall which will probably make up my cardio during those times. Right now it's just SOOOO hot here in Arizona to go hiking. I miss it like crazy though.

    Nobody has answered my question on how long should I rest between lifting days? Is rest needed after every lifting day?
  • clee369
    clee369 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm no personal trainer, but compound exercises (like deadlifts, squats, power cleans) work more muscles at a time then isolation movements and are thus better for burning more calories. And yes you do need at least a day between weightlifting sessions, sometimes more. I would recommend checking out the book Starting Strength, or the program Stronglifts 5x5 if you actually want to get into an actual weightlifting program. Not to mention they will teach you correct form for barbell lifts.