
Hi all...
Ok, so I finally cracked open "Michael Jackson: The Experience" on Nintendo Wii yesterday. I thought I was going to DIE after not even completing an entire song. OMG! I was crushed... :( I started thinking back to how I could walk for miles and barely notice and how I would ride my bike w/my friends on the weekends and not be the least bit tired. I danced to MJ my entire childhood. I'm severely out of shape. It's depressing. I didn't work out @ all today. After yesterday, I felt so sad and I loss my motivation. I'm wondering if I will ever be able to truly be fit. I'm doubting myself and just freaking out. Any suggestions??? Please..


  • CurlyGurlie88
    The only way you will fail, is if you give up! You've got to keep on going. The most important thing is health, for me, I've had to come to the realization that fit doesn't mean I'm a size 2, it means that I'm healthy and happy. You've got to take one step at a time and keep working at it! Remember, and this is something I forget sometimes, weight loss does not happen over night. You're gonna have mess up days and it's gonna be a lot of work. Today I went uphill for 15 mins on the tread mill. I jogged a little and walked a fast pace... a week ago, I wouldn't have been able to even do that! Take pride in the little complishments that you do, I think you are thinking too big. Try one step at a time. Don't worry girl, you CAN do it!
  • froeschli
    froeschli Posts: 1,292 Member
    'just keep swimming, just keep swimming, just keep swimming..." That's what the annoying fish from finding Nemo would say :wink:
  • alicebud
    alicebud Posts: 72 Member
    Don't let coulda woulda shoulda thoughts hold you back. When they creep into your thoughts, slap them back. Focus on your new drection - FORWARD!
  • Bijoux_Bug
    Bijoux_Bug Posts: 36
    Noooo!! Don't give up!!
    If it's not difficult then that's when there's something wrong.
    You might not be as fit as you once were, but that's the point of MFP!
    It's to get you back on track!

    So please don't give up. Slowly but surely you'll get the hang of the dances.
    BABY STEPS!! And before you know it you'll be doing the Thriller like a pro :)