Anyone else out there have be on a gluten free diet?

Anyone else out there have be on a gluten free diet? I am and feel better but its hard.


  • lindseyb317
    lindseyb317 Posts: 56 Member
    yep - for almost a year now. let me know if you have any questions.
  • rahrahrita
    rahrahrita Posts: 225 Member
    There has been sort of a 'gluten free food' trend going on lately so there are plenty of gluten-free options at the grocery store for people who actually need to avoid gluten. Ezekiel bread, brown rice pasta, and almond or coconut flour are great gluten-free alternatives for foods that you can't eat anymore.
    I'm not gluten intolerant but I do enjoy eating these foods because they are healthier than the gluten-laden originals but they taste just as good :)
  • thebrianmo
    thebrianmo Posts: 108
    I was diagnosed with Celiac disease so therefore I have to be gluten free and I do well with it for the most part.
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    My wife and son are gluten intolerant, and I think that I am to a lesser degree. I haven't eaten anything with gluten in it for about a year, and fully believe that I am much better off for it.
  • TheVimFuego
    TheVimFuego Posts: 2,412 Member
    I don't have to be but since I cut the grains I feel so much better I don't think I'll consume them in any great quantity in the future.

    Some interesting observations on wheat by the author of Wheat Belly:
  • Alicemarieed
    Alicemarieed Posts: 86 Member
    Hi I am gluten free as well. Where do you live? We will have to share recipes
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Since Jan 2011. I'm Primal/Paleo.
  • I'm on a gluten free diet :) Definitely hard!! I wouldn't be if it wasn't for Celiac Disease though!
  • luciousone
    luciousone Posts: 5 Member
    Have IBS due to a badly performed gallbladder removal op, and now cannot tolerate dairy or wheat, but manage well enough on other foods. Tend to make more food from scratch so that I know what's gone into it. Have managed for 3 years now and feel so much better for it
  • Yes, I have to live on that one too. I have breadmaking down to a science, so if you bread lovers out there want my recipe I'm happy to share. I know everyone says that, but honestly, I spent two full weeks doing a "make/bake/taste/toss" method.

    If you can shop at a Whole foods, the very best tasting bread kit is by Namiste or you can buy the ingredients for my recipe which works out to $3.25 per load instead of $5.99 per kit.

    If you own a regular breadmaker, I can show you how to trick to be a GF breadmaker.

    If you don't own a breadmaker, I can teach you how to get it to rise without a commercial rising oven.

    Any interested are welcome to send a friend request.

  • reojames
    reojames Posts: 96
    i don't "have" to be gluten-free, but I am!
  • Maymichelle
    Maymichelle Posts: 106 Member
    Anyone else out there have be on a gluten free diet? I am and feel better but its hard.

    I am gluten free as well & love it! Makes me feel so much better. There is a Gluten Free Group here on MFP...join!! =)
  • kajpen
    kajpen Posts: 120 Member
    I am gluten free (celiac/gluten sensitive), and over time I have cut all grains, as even the gluten free ones cause tummy issues. I do occasionally have certified gluten free oatmeal, but that's about it.
  • rlbryce
    rlbryce Posts: 7 Member
    I must follow a GF diet. I'm nearly to the 5 year mark and am very strict. Choose eggs, protein shakes, fruit or yogurts for breakfast. Lunches are a great time to have a salad, my favorite adds tomatoes and a small slice of fresh mozzarella plus a bit of light balsamic vinigarette - I use Annie's or Newmans. Add a slice of chicken or sirloin to boost protein to make it a dinner salad. We eat lots of quinoa, easy to flavor with garlic, veggies or even salsa. It is a complete protein. Snacks: fruits and veggies, and you can have 1/4 of a Liz Lovely cookie for 2 points or 85 calories! So even treats in moderation. I am currently eating the Veggie Chips made by Snyders in the 100 cal bags. They are marked GF. Keep a stash of Lara Bars in your gym bag, a quick recovery snack, or just eat 1/2 of the bar after workout. Think of food as fuel for what you need.

    When I wasn't trying to lose weight, I used Corn Thins popcorn cakes, topped with black forest ham [GF McKenzie brand, sliced from my local deli who wiped down the slicer before my order] and a slice of cheddar cheese - microwaved for 30 seconds, and it is an insane lunch! I cut out bread 99%. I just bake a treat with Pamela's once in a while. Hope that helps - you can do it!
  • CF4L
    CF4L Posts: 58 Member
    I am do to an autoimmune disease but haven't found it that difficult to be honest
  • Thanks to all who posted
    The whole gluten thing is hard for me because no one around here seems to know anything about it (not even the DRs). People kinda act like I'm making it up. I feel 95% better since going gluten free, my baby went from getting up five x a night to once a night, she has gain the weight she need too. She is no longer under weight. Each of my children have done a lot better since being gluten free. One of my kids had asthma that she took an inhaler for 4-6 x a day and her asthma is gone. I couldn't tell you the last time she had to use her inhaler.
    So I know its what is best but it is really hard. I feel like we can't eat anywhere but home. The few times we have tried to go out we got sick. Things like Church dinner, birthday party's and stuff like that are out too. Unless I plan ahead and make something for my kids.
    My baby and I have been gluten free for about 8 months, my other 2 have been gluten free for about 6 months and my oldest for about 3 months.
    As for me I'm fine with being gluten free. But my kid don't understand why they can't eat the things they use to. To make matters worse my oldest (8) thinks I just doing this to be mean.
  • momof8munchkins
    momof8munchkins Posts: 1,167 Member
    I have celiac disease. I have been gluten free since Jan'11.. at that time it was just me.. but very soon after our kiddos started displaying the same symptoms so they are gluten free as well. It is hard at first but you get used to it being a way of life very fast.
  • aholly70
    aholly70 Posts: 577 Member
    I'm gluten have no choice been for 4 months now,My daughter no choice either so husband is eating this way to we all feel so much better.They have alot more name brand foods that are gluten free now,so it's getting easier for me.I found Hormel natural lunch that is gluten free today,and prego sauce is also.Feel free to add to me.