I need helpful friends

Hi, my name is Jess, I started on here in January and lost almost 30 pounds, but then I made it to complicated and "fell of the wagon" and deleted my old account, but now I am back and want to start over again, and looking for some good friends that can help me, I am a great friend in return not to pushy but good at pointing out important things, the only thing though is at this time I am not as focused on being healthy and doing everything 100% right, right now I just want to lose some weight, after I tackle that then I plan to step up my nutrition more, so I really don't want friends that are going to harras me about my protein or vitamins, but just my calorie intake and excersize, I also will not delete you as a friend if you don't log in for a few day's. I would like friends that will do the same, although I will prob be on here every day like I was last time, sooooo any who, I hope some one reply's cause other wise ama look pretty pathetic lol


  • JuliaSchumacher
    I will add you. I am a daily user. I try to motivate my friends everyday and I'm looking for friends as well. :)
  • Keiko385
    Keiko385 Posts: 514 Member
    You can add me, in need of some friends as well.