
Kasiunia Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I'm new here. My name is Kasia and I decided to start by new year's resolution earlier this time. I'm trying to loose some baby weight. I had a baby 10 months ago and I'd though it would be so much easier to loose weight. Now, that I finally see my reflection in the mirror clearly, I decided the time to do something about those extra pounds has come. Wish me luck! :)


  • hulkj
    hulkj Posts: 218
    :wink: Welcome!!!
  • Hi and welcome, It's nice to know someone else is out there and I'll
    not alone. I lost 25 lbs from September 1st to November 1st and have
    plateaued. I feel very discouraged and alone.
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    You are NOT alone! There are PLENTY of groups on here that would welcome you with open arms! (Just check out the Support and Motivation board!)

    I will put a little plug for my own group right here! If you're looking for people to help challenge you, come and check out the May Day Challenge postings. I know it looks like we've already started, but anyone can join us at anytime! Just put your starting weight in, then check in once a week. We have Fridays listed, but you can use that as a weigh in day, or you can just put the weight you got that week.

    That's just ONE group! I know plenty of other groups out there that would LOVE to have anyone join them!

    With MFP, and some work, you can do it!!!
  • Thanks for the encouraging words:smile:
  • Thanks for the quick response, and encouragement.
    I have to keep at it. I AM DOING THIS for me. I look into the groups
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