Anyone doing Insanity that want to buddy up?

Today is Day 2 for me so I'm a complete newbie to Insanity. Did the fit test yesterday and almost lost my lunch which had been eaten 4 hours prior! I was glad to see that these fit people on the video were struggling and sweating profusely! But im completely dedicated to finishing this program to the best of my ability! But if anyone wants to become friends and help motivate each other that'd be great!


  • chasity09
    chasity09 Posts: 18
    iam on week two!! and i love it i have lost almost 4 pounds since i have started it. yes its hard at first still is hard for me but i totaly understand what you mean by almost lost your lunch . as i did as well!! head up this work out is hard but it really works!
  • amallia921
    amallia921 Posts: 51
    I am going to start next week. I did the fit test already. I was almost laying on the floor by the end... lol But I am excited to do it!! I know a couple who did it and lost 5 lbs in 2 weeks. So I am hoping to see some great results!!
  • annabanana1786
    annabanana1786 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm in Week two of month two, but I love having a support group do feel free to add me!!
  • Emancipated_Tai
    Emancipated_Tai Posts: 751 Member
    I'm in week 3, I just did the 2nd fit test yesterday and made some improvements! I will say it doesn't get easier, but I've learned to love it! You can do this!! :drinker:
  • kb_CG_wife
    kb_CG_wife Posts: 181 Member
    Uhhh yeah? Not like we haven't had this conversation already. Lets earn some tshirts!
  • telcochik
    telcochik Posts: 1,643 Member
    Yay more Insanity friends!!! I just finished week 3 day 2 workout this morning. So far so good. Please friend me if you want!

  • edgehn
    edgehn Posts: 25 Member
    Today is day one for me im about to do my fit test! if anyone want to friend me for added support feel free :-)
  • Berger2011
    Berger2011 Posts: 48
    Week 3 day 2 today so feel free to add me!! I know I love having Insanity Buddies and look forward to getting my T-shirt. :wink:
  • Thanks guys! Finished Day 2! Ha! Still felt like I was going to blow chunks but this to shall pass ;) Rock on!