petite girls, does this happen to you?



  • jackieatx
    jackieatx Posts: 578 Member
    I'm not petite by height but I'm very petite by frame, at 5'8 122 everyone agrees I'm "normal, not too thin" looking, and they're always guessing the wrong clothing sizes. My grandma buys me childrens large clothes (I'm 20) and my mom buys me womans size 8 pants and neither fit-- I think everyone, even family, should refrain from buying other people clothes or commenting on their size. :tongue:
    Also, it has so much to do with variations in sizing from brand to brand, and composition of muscle and fat! (I'm currently all bone and fat.) Don't rely on people's comments, even doctors, rely on what you look/feel like.

    Omf those owls are slaying me!! Too cute!

    On the topic at hand I can't relate because I'm 5'9" and have size 11 feet. I am jealous of all of you because you can wear the cute heels I always have to buy the ones without a platform or I tower over everyone in a bad way.
  • gramacanada
    gramacanada Posts: 557 Member
    Clothing sizes change over the years, and are different from Brand to Brand. Even on different items within the same Brand! When I was 14, I weighed 115. I wore a size 10. A few years ago I weighed 148 and wore a size 6. I ignore sizes and just wear what fits. When someone asks I say, it depends on the day, the item, the brand, the colour, the temperature, how I slept. :wink: They never ask again! In my estimation as you age and gain weight the size goes down! :laugh::laugh: People have no idea what they're seeing when they look at others. i know someone who is 4'10' she is perfectly proportioned. Until I met her, I had no idea size 0 even existed! :smile:
  • EngineerPrincess
    EngineerPrincess Posts: 306 Member
    I'm not petite by height but I'm very petite by frame, at 5'8 122 everyone agrees I'm "normal, not too thin" looking, and they're always guessing the wrong clothing sizes. My grandma buys me childrens large clothes (I'm 20) and my mom buys me womans size 8 pants and neither fit-- I think everyone, even family, should refrain from buying other people clothes or commenting on their size. :tongue:
    Also, it has so much to do with variations in sizing from brand to brand, and composition of muscle and fat! (I'm currently all bone and fat.) Don't rely on people's comments, even doctors, rely on what you look/feel like.

    Omf those owls are slaying me!! Too cute!

    On the topic at hand I can't relate because I'm 5'9" and have size 11 feet. I am jealous of all of you because you can wear the cute heels I always have to buy the ones without a platform or I tower over everyone in a bad way.

    Aha thanks, and yeah I could relate to this topic because being extreme on either height scale and people will judge you, y'know? Sometimes I wish I were 5'2-5'4, that way I could wear heels galore and not look like a giant next to my 5'6 boyfriend. x)
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I'm not a girl, but I can relate. What Rayman79 said is very true. People hold their weight very differently.

    When I was in the Army, I always thought I was overweight, even when I was in the best shape of my life. I am 5'7" and the Army said that my ideal weight was something like 145-159. I could never get below about 163.

    So, I would have to go in to the drill sergeant's office, and he would check my body fat percentage by measuring around my neck and waist, plug it into a bodyfat calculation chart, and make sure that I wasn't over the bodyfat limit. Of course I was way below the limit, but that didn't stop the drill sergeant from telling me to lose weight, anyway.

    It was basically beaten into my head that I needed to lose weight cause I didn't meet the Army standard, even though I had a 29" waist, I could run 6:00 miles for 5 miles and bench press nearly twice my body weight. It makes no sense to me, now. But at the time I was young and impressionable, and it was a drill seargent telling me to lose weight, so...

    And because of that I feel like I got a first hand look at how people with anorexia feel. I look at pictures of myself from that time in my life, and I can't fathom how I ever felt bad about my body. But I did.

    I'll never get back to the kind of shape I was in then, but I'm ready to get as close as I can.

    OMG I can totally relate. I was almost chaptered out of the Army because I was "overweight" at 5'11" and 185lbs. Army wanted me to weigh closer to 165, but I just couldn't get below about 175-180 because of weight lifting I did in high school and the fact that I am just more muscular. Tape tests were brutal because I have a naturally thin neck.

    Never mind that I could throw a a .50cal with barrel on my shoulder and run for a mile or more (that's about 110lbs for those of you that don't know how big a .50cal machine gun is) or walk more than 25miles in a day with an 80lb rucksack, and M60 machine gun (M60 weighs about 24lbs), I was still "fat".

    No matter what weight I am people always think I'm smaller. When I told a co-worker the other day I still wanted to loose about 20-25lbs she looked at me like I was insane.
  • alleycat88
    alleycat88 Posts: 756 Member
    I'm 5'4, and started at 155lbs. a size 8, mostly because of my boobs. I'm down to 143 and want to get down to 130, which would make me a size 2/4. I'm already down to a size 6. even when I was at my heaviest people would think I was around 130 so it justgoes to show how differently people carry their weight.
  • TiasF
    TiasF Posts: 58 Member
    Yes! This is definitely the case for me. I have a very small frame, I am 5'2" and i carry my weight VERY well, thank God. i told my trainer how much i weighed and she could not believe it! I also asked all of my close friends how much they thought i may weigh, & no one said above 200, & i am over 250 now. i've seen ppl my same weight that do NOT look the same, so im not completely sure what my goal weight should be or how i'll look.
  • bluex232
    bluex232 Posts: 135 Member
    Can totally relate. I'm 5' 3.5" and weigh 128 right now. Size 4-6. Still have around 10 pounds to lose, which will put me down into the size 0-2 range. BUT, I'm also nearly 49 years old and can tell you from experience that 20 years ago sizes were much different than they are today. Stuff is much, much bigger. I still have some old stuff from before I had kids (no, I'd never wear that stuff, but it's there to remind me of what my body was like), and those old 8's are tight on me now. My mother, who was a department store model for a while in the '50's, was shorter than I and weighed less than 100 pounds and was a size 12!! -- Clothing companies continually tweak sizes to make them bigger because some women will buy anything if it's in a small size. And the general public still thinks a size 6 is tiny. Oftentimes it's just not.

    Im jealous! Im 5' 3.5" and 124 and wear size 8-9! Ugh I hate my Butt and Thighs!!! LOL :wink: Proof that everyone carries their weight different though!
  • Carfoodel
    Carfoodel Posts: 481 Member
    I am 5 ft 2" and started off at 297 lbs - I am now at 237, and I had originally thought that I would aim for about 140lbs - but looking at pictures from that website that shows photo's of people at different sizes and body types - I am now thinking that I should be aiming for about 130lbs.

    When I have told people what weight I am now - I get told quite often that I don't look it and when I say I am wanting to lose at least 100lbs yet and aiming for 10 stone (140lbs) I get looks of horror or worry and asked "are you sure?" strangely though, people don't seem to realise how short I am.

    I am not telling people that I am now thinking of going to less than that, I am just saying that I am aiming for a UK size 12 and the occasional 10 would be nice or I think it would just get too awkward lol.
  • ChasingStarlight
    ChasingStarlight Posts: 424 Member
    I am 5'2 and am now at my goal weight of 115. My mother who has put on a lot of weight keeps hassling me about being too thin, after originally hassling me about being too fat. I used to be 99 quite naturally until age 20, I ate a lot but had a quick metabolism, so I have a very small build.

    I feel a bit sad that I didn't feel I could share my joy at hitting my original goal weight with my mother because of all the grief I would get.

    Sometimes people just cut you down for their own reasons. you just have to try to ignore them and do what feels right for you.
  • SherryRueter
    SherryRueter Posts: 2,949 Member
    I don't tell people what I weigh. I really consider it to be intrusive. I mean, would you go up to an obese person and say, "hey, what do you weigh?" Heck no! So why go up to anyone else and ask them that question. And then, what does it really matter. Kindof like your age, its just a number!

    What does matter is 1) are you eating the foods that fuel your body, or are you not eating or eating processed foods? 2) Are you exercising in a healthy manner? Not 5hours a day, but you are Active. 3) You are not tired or sleepy all day long. 4) You are not sick a LOT of the time. As long as you are healthy, active and enjoying life, the number on the scale is truely a number.

    I use to get a lot of people saying mean things...
    ...your gonna blow away (um...your not because your fat?) don't eat enough to keep a mouse alive (um...eating fruits and veggies is a crime?)

    Focus on what you are doing right, and what you can do. Focus on the positives
    ...I ate healthy today
    ...I exercised today
    ...I can keep up with my kids
    ...I have a happy positive attitude

    Tell the negative voice in your head to *SHUT UP* - Chalene Johnson.
  • stephdg89
    stephdg89 Posts: 37
    Good for you! I definitely don't carry my weight well at all. I'm very petite and "small-boned". I am 5'2 and right now weigh 122 but up to a size 6. I think I look big too. My ideal is to be around 110 lbs and back into a size 2. I think that is when I looked the best and didn't have flabby stomach or rolls. lol
  • matty86suk
    matty86suk Posts: 26 Member
    Rather than weight or size goals, set a fitness goal. Start at running x miles and set your goal to y miles, the weight will come of naturally, do it daily or at least 4 times a week. If running is too much, ride a bike, stair master or other cardio machine. Weight is a good indicator of progress but fitness is better. You shouldn't just want to be slim or xx pounds.
  • dhakiyya
    dhakiyya Posts: 481 Member
    weight is far more than just how much body fat you have. denser bones and muscles and a larger build will make you heavier without you having any extra fat. It's a real shame how few people realise that because people who are naturally muscular, larger build or have denser bones are often told they're overweight when they're not.

    Dense bones = lower risk of osteoporosis, stronger muscles = better for your health in so many ways.

    If your weight does not match your dress size, don't use weight/height (BMI) charts as your goal at all, measure your body fat percentage and use that instead.

    If you have strong muscles, dense bones and not that much body fat, you may be overweight according to those charts when your body fat percentage is actually in the healthy range. Trying to lose too much weight to satisfy the BMI chart may result in you losing healthy weight (e.g. weakening your bones or muscles) in order to get there. Go by body fat percentage instead, it's a much better indicator of health and what's right for your body, than weight/height.
  • iiiEllie
    iiiEllie Posts: 224 Member
    Yeeah, I'm 5'2" and 201 pounds, and a comfortable size 9/10
  • sandradi87
    sandradi87 Posts: 13
    I used to be annoyed that my old gym buddy was heavier than me, had the same strength, yet looked 100X better... I guess he had very heavy kidneys or something :laugh:

    Best explanation. ever.
  • jennaworksout
    jennaworksout Posts: 1,739 Member
    i'm 5'2 at 119pds....I take on average a size 4 , ( i have size 2 clothing and there is NO WAY i am actually a 2) but again I think it depend on the persons body shape as well as the make of clothes, i find I'm a 2 at one brand and then a 6 at another...i say you shouldn't go by sizes
  • Ivana331
    Ivana331 Posts: 230
    not to me. I am 5'2" 133lbs and wear a size 10-11pants...... I don't see how being petite has anything to do with changing pant size. I also don't understand how you are a size 6 at 160lbs....I was a size 5 at 110lbs!!
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I work with 2 women that are the same weight as me. One is 2 full sizes bigger than me and the other is 3 sizes bigger. You can't judge based just on size or height or even weight.
  • Cappicorn
    Cappicorn Posts: 83 Member
    Yeeah, I'm 5'2" and 201 pounds, and a comfortable size 9/10

    See now, I'm 5'0, started at 200lbs and was almost too big for my size 16 pants. When I was 130lbs (years ago), I was never smaller than a size 9/10 pants size because of my hips and stomach, and this was before I had my kids. I'm short, but unfortunately not petite.

    Completely depends on where you carry your weight. Everyone's different.
  • dottheallison
    Oh my gosh. So many responses - I wish my computer would work for more than 10 minutes so I could answer everyone! It's so nice to know I'm not the only one.

    Thank you everyone for all your honesty. I know it seems silly to talk about numbers when really I think most of us are in it to be healthy, but lets face it: to a certain degree the numbers are a signifier. They obviously aren't the end all-be all. But markable goals. I don't really care how much I end up weighing in the end, I just want to be healthier and feel better about myself.