Why am I not seeing any results?!



  • KristenCook2
    KristenCook2 Posts: 57 Member
    You can more accurately track your food by searching for each item individually by brand name. For instance, search for Ragu Spaghetti Sauce, then your noodles, etc. instead of just searching for spaghetti.
  • KJF0808
    KJF0808 Posts: 9
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?

    and search by brand name like prego or Ragu- for your sauces etc- it gets easier don't get defeated!~

    Thanks, I'll try to get more specific with my search.
  • Kanlassak
    Kanlassak Posts: 101 Member
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?

    If you're making it from things that can be found in the database, there's a recipe option where you put all the ingredients and tell it how many servings that makes. Then you can use it every time you make that dish. If one of the ingredients doesn't appear, you can add it to the database if you know the nutrition info for it.
  • marypatmccue
    marypatmccue Posts: 521 Member
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?

    There's a recipe function. Or, you can add each item seperately. Noodles, sauce, meat, whatever you use..

    Also... you might try to eat more and create your deficit by ... exercising ;-) you'll be happier, and maybe not be skinny fat! I'd rather weigh a little more with a more compact body because I've got muscles, than be thin and skinny with no definiton.
  • cvance3
    cvance3 Posts: 64
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?

    But we have a recipe builder - Use that. You can select the ingredients and servings per recipe, and it's right there in your tracker! That'll get you into the habit of measuring/weighing everything you make and determining the appropriate protion size.

    Hope that helps some! :smile:
  • Goal_Line
    Goal_Line Posts: 474 Member
    With a goal of 6lb, I presume you don;t have a lot to lose. So you don't really have any "low hanging fruit" to get off quickly, so one week may not be enough time to see results. That being said I have a few observations:

    1) If I were you I'd exercise.

    2) You should eat much better. Eat real food. Lean protean and veggies.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?

    I use a 'guesstimate' substitution perhaps once every two or three weeks, other than that it's weighed and logged, If you look at my diary you'll see ingredients rather than a meal. Treat yourself to some 'add and weigh' digital kitchen scales, they'll soon show a difference in your bathroom scales :flowerforyou:
  • lanie37
    lanie37 Posts: 204 Member
    I cook everything at home from scratch, and while I am cooking, will log each item that goes into the meal rather than trying to find something that matches up. Drink lots of water too, I dont understand when people say they cant drink that much water....it really isnt that hard. Good luck
  • DanaDark
    DanaDark Posts: 2,187 Member
    Your diet must be exploding with sodium... so much possible water retention.

    No exercise.

    Protein is too low.

    Not enough water intake.
  • CassieD2008
    CassieD2008 Posts: 10 Member
    I think that your sugar intake is also too high. You should be eating less than what MFP has given you. With all of these cereals and processed food in your diet, you will not lose weight the healthy way. You may even be losing muscle mass because you are not eating enough lean protein.
  • mmychal
    mmychal Posts: 69
    You can build your homemade recipes into MFP by tracking the ingredients you are using for your recipe. I've had good luck doing that when I've been making my own stuff at home. you will have to look up each individual ingredient, however, but I find the MFP database contains a lot of great data for even obscure brands of things.
  • carcrsh
    carcrsh Posts: 70
    I looked at your profile and it says you're 5 foot 5 and weight 130. Since you're already at a pretty healthy weight it could be harder to lose those extra pounds. I'm 5'6 and when I weighted 177 the pounds flew off but now that I'm at 143 it's been taking a lot more work. Especially since I like eating.

    If you can I'd say try finding a 24 hour gym around and signing up for a membership. Right now I'm a part time student and I work part time so I don't get too much free time but working out later at night when I get off of work helps and makes me feel good.
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    With the amount of generic items (not actual products) and guessed weights (0.9953 cup cherios???!!! WTF) you could EASILY be going way over on your calories, for everything you should use brands, only using generic for things like fruit and veg. Everything should be measured in grams, only using cups for veg, and given the amounts your putting in, im guessing your not actually using a serving cup (which if you werent aware is about 1/2 the size of an english tea cup or 1/3 a normal mug)
  • lizziebeth1028
    lizziebeth1028 Posts: 3,602 Member
    Why am I not loosing ANY weight?!

    I meet my calorie goal every day and I am pretty conscious of what I am eating. Yet here I am, a week into MFP and I have not lost a single pound, if anything I may have gained one or two depending on the day.


    You really have to give yourself more than one week! Did you gain all the weight in one week? Well you're not gonna lose it in one week.
  • CWSpiegel
    CWSpiegel Posts: 114
    Couple things.

    As others have mentioned, you need to stop eating out and start making your own meals. Without getting all cultish about processed vs. whole foods and all that, it lets you control what you are eating to a much higher degree than guestimating. Personally, I do not believe in the whole "If It Fits Your Macro's, Do It" mentality, especially if you are just trying to lose 10-20 pounds (more than that amount, it makes a little more sense). You have time to cook. I have a soul-sucking corporate job, going back to school at night for my MA, an Aussie Shepherd that needs to be walked at LEAST 3 miles a day (or she will get bored and destroy stuff) and a 23 year old girlfriend who constantly needs me to pay attention to her. If I can find time to cook the majority of my meals, so do you. Weight loss isn't for the lazy. Thats how we got out of shape in the first place. Take some time on a Sunday and go to the store, have your butcher give you exact weights of your proteins or have them give you specific amounts, open up a bottle of wine and cook. It's fun. You will learn to enjoy it. Sure sometimes I would rather watch the baseball game and drink beer, but on Monday afternoon when everyone else is going out for Taco Hell, you will have a healthy and satisfying meal. And when your co-workers tell you how good you look in a month, it will make all the sacrificing and hard work worth it. I do all the cooking in my house, and I make recipes on here all the time. It's really my favorite tool of the site, and it really lets you make your favorite foods a lot better for you than if you ate them out. Example: Chicken Wings. I'm a guy, I love effin Chicken Wings. I make them at home with a recipe I snapped up from Bon Apetit, and I can have 8 wings for 400 calories WITH Blue cheese. If I had them at Hooters or somewhere else, were looking at close to double that, without the cheese.

    Drink more water. Even when you don't want to. Watch your portions. Cook your food. Skip the crud. Use the stairs. Borrow a friends dog and walk it. Park in the farthest spot possible. Make better choices.

  • dbevisjr
    dbevisjr Posts: 183
    As some have already pointed out you need to give more time for the scales to change. Also I suggest doing the measurements. I think you will find them in the check-in area under the "My Home" tab. If you exercise and eat the proper amount of protein you will build muscle tissue as well as burning fat which can make it look like you are not making progress. That is in fact great progress since fat just weighs you down but muscle is a living organism that burns calories on it's own by just being there. Even though the scales may not show this progress the measurements will. I also suggest setting a specific weigh in day. Either the same day each week or the same day each month. I weigh in on the 1st of each month but some people like to set it for every Friday or every Monday. Your body weight can vary 2-3 pounds each day. Don't beat yourself up today for being 2 pounds heavier because tomorrow you may be a 2 or 3 lower, or vice-versa. Stick with it and give it a few weeks to start working. It DOES work.
  • Treece68
    Treece68 Posts: 780 Member
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?
    The best way is to go to recipes and create one for things you make and eat the most that way it is there for you. I did this for the bread I make, chicken Alfredo, spaghetti bolognese & chocolate chip cookies. On a day off take an hour or two and do this and you will find it's better than adding take out dinners.
  • khopkins516
    khopkins516 Posts: 63 Member
    I use the recipe builder a lot and I love it!
  • Ge0rgiana
    Ge0rgiana Posts: 1,649 Member
    Wait... WHAT? Am I the only one who noticed OP said she's only been at this a week???
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I agree, I do need to eat healthier.
    It's hard to find the time to make your own food when you work full time, but I'll work on it.

    I have found that taking an hour or two on my day off to pre-prep my meals for the week (particularly my lunches for work), helps save time later on. It's very easy to make the excuse, "I just don't have time to pack a lunch today. I'll just pick a "healthier" option from the drive-thru." If you do it all in advance, that eliminates the temptation to make allowances later. Another option would be to make a double portion of your dinner, then pack the second helping as your lunch for the next day.

    Also, you've only been at this for a week. Have a little patience. It may take you a while to figure out which methods work best for you. Not everyone is the same.