Why am I not seeing any results?!



  • lporter229
    lporter229 Posts: 4,907 Member
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?

    I use a 'guesstimate' substitution perhaps once every two or three weeks, other than that it's weighed and logged, If you look at my diary you'll see ingredients rather than a meal. Treat yourself to some 'add and weigh' digital kitchen scales, they'll soon show a difference in your bathroom scales :flowerforyou:

    This. I think you will find it to be true for most people who have been successful losing weight, that if you look at their diaries, every ingredient is tracked or things are listed by recipe. Guesstimates can be way off.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?

    I use a 'guesstimate' substitution perhaps once every two or three weeks, other than that it's weighed and logged, If you look at my diary you'll see ingredients rather than a meal. Treat yourself to some 'add and weigh' digital kitchen scales, they'll soon show a difference in your bathroom scales :flowerforyou:

    This. I think you will find it to be true for most people who have been successful losing weight, that if you look at their diaries, every ingredient is tracked or things are listed by recipe. Guesstimates can be way off.

    If, for the sake of time and convenience, you are "guessing", it's better to overestimate on your intake and underestimate on your exercise cals.
  • ChristyRunStarr
    ChristyRunStarr Posts: 1,600 Member
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?

    Do each thing....for the pasta do the noodles, the sauce, the meat, whatever else goes in it. If you can, use the app on your phone cause you can scan barcodes and it enters it in for you.

    I work full time as well (as do a lot of people obviously) and if I want something in particular, I'll make it Sunday night for a few days or I keep things like a box of pasta and salad dressing and I make a quick (15 minutes top) pasta salad. And I have some peas that I add in. Also, if I want chicken, I'll cook it on Sunday/Saturday and then either freeze it or keep it in the fridge til the morning.

    You can do it, it just means setting aside a bit of time
  • I agree with many other people commenting - you need to eat healthier and more often! Avoid anything processed. Try to shop the outside aisles of the grocery store (produce, meat, dairy). Limit carbs. A "perfect diet" for weight loss is 25% fat, 25% carbs, and 50% protein. I also work full time, but I prepare my meals for the week on Sunday. I shop every Sunday so my food is fresh, and buy ziploc containers to portion everything out. Portion control is key. Estimating a 1/4 cup and actually measuring a 1/4 cup are a lot different! I work closely with a trainer who monitors MFP for me and gives me advice, so if you need any advice I'll be happy to share what i know!
  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?

    The create your own recipes its an option on the top right corner that way you can input all the nutritional values and MFP will figure it out for you then you can get a more accurate read.

    Are you exercising?
  • EchoOfYourPast
    EchoOfYourPast Posts: 459 Member
    Try meeting your goals with healthier eating....not just the amount of calories.....
    Eating more vegetables and fruits and less fast food.....
    Increase your activity with exercise...

    I am not a perfect eater or gr8 at getting exercise daily...but i have found that the better eating choices i make staying within my calorie limit and the more exercise i do i lose weight....

    I've lost 10 lbs...at least 20 more to go.

    You can do it!!
    San :)
  • tejasmh87
    tejasmh87 Posts: 91 Member
    It's all been said before but I'll add a bit of input too since I just completed my first week too.

    First off, YOU'RE HERE! :D You already kick so much butt right now just by being here and making the inital effort! *BIG HUGS*

    Next, yes it is better to search brands of the food you use to cook with and measuring out to log. It can be a bit of a pain but it is worth it. Trust me- I never paid much to portion sizes and the "serving size" on labels... boy did that shock me! think of it more as getting the puzzle pieces lined up every day.

    The recipe feature is wonderful if you make regular dishes at home. You just type in all the food brands/names, select the amount you used and after that is all done, select the serving size (aka homemade pizza- 1 slice/a serving etc) and TA DA! You are set!

    If you can invest in a GOOD set of measuring spoons/cups- the kind where the measurment is engraved or embossed on it. The normal labeled type will probably rub off way too soon. Also, get a good kitchen scale with oz/gram/lbs would be nice features to have.

    Sodium is a killer, its everywhere and its hard to eat "without" overdoing it- especially when you are still changing your diet. To combat this up your water intake. Personally, I drink upwards of 80oz a day (yes there are 4-5 trips to bathroom while at work) however once I upped my intake a few months ago I felt better- more clear-eyed and bright and not so tired. Now I also can tell when I am thirsty as opposed to hungry.

    I didn't actually exercise too much this week- more work and some drama with house sitting gig. I will be working out twice a week at my office's gym starting today. But put on a cheap pedometer (walmart have some for $10) and just see how far you get- I only averaged a mile a day last week.

    Also- don't weigh daily. I became OCD with multiple times a day in years pass. Its hard to break but once a week works better for me and might for you. You'll just have to test it out.

    You will get the hang of the site/app and if you log everything in detail (as annoying as it can get) even when you have a bad day; move some more and keep staying in your calorie goal area with tweeks to your food choices I would almost bet money that you'll lose this week :) I have faith in you!

    Stay positive and stick with us! *HUGS*
  • SparkleHorse224
    SparkleHorse224 Posts: 98 Member
    I'd like to add that a lot of my convenience foods on my food tracker aren’t actually me eating out. When I make things at home the search on the MFP app doesn’t give you a homemade option, so I just go with some that sounds close to what I actually ate. For example, last night I made spaghetti, but MTF didn’t have anything on the search so I selected something that sounded similar Fizolies. I do that often, I try not to eat out if I don’t have to, how can I accurately track what I’m making at home?

    You can add your own recipe in the food section. Like, I made fish tacos last night so I put in this recipe: 5 4-oz tilapia fillets, 1/2 head of cabbage raw, 1/2 cup panko, 1/4 corn meal, 1/2 cup salsa, 1/2 cup canned black beans, 5 low-carb tortillas. It will let you put in servings and everything, then you just save it and you'll have it for next time.
  • rose313
    rose313 Posts: 1,146 Member
    You're probably underestimating how many calories you're actually eating. If you just type "spaghetti" in the thing how do you know what ingredients are in the spaghetti compared to what you put in it? As others said, use the recipe builder. Also, it's only been a week. When you do something new, do it for at least 3 weeks before expecting to see a change.
  • saverys_gal
    saverys_gal Posts: 808 Member
    Wait... WHAT? Am I the only one who noticed OP said she's only been at this a week???

    ^^^^ THIS.

    Be patient young grasshopper.
  • ellie319
    ellie319 Posts: 139 Member
    remember it takes awhile to see any kind of progress...give it at least a month!
  • DoOrDoNotThereIsNoTry1
    DoOrDoNotThereIsNoTry1 Posts: 149 Member
    Sorry KJ, your food selection is pretty terrible. I only looked at a couple days, both days you were over and both days you had cupcakes, chocolate bars, frozen ice cream.
    If you really want to change, you need to change your lifestyle and commit to yourself to be healthy.
    If you are hungry and want a snack, grab an apple or carrots or protein shake, something with nutritional benefit.
    Believe me, I like my ice cream and I like my drinks, but you have to show some restraint.
    Eat lots of lean protein, stay away for the processed sugars and carb meals.
    And drink water. Sometimes you may think you are hungry where in fact, you may just be thirsty.
    Good luck.
  • jimsuzy
    jimsuzy Posts: 20 Member
    You really do need to track your sodium. Also you can put your own recipes in MFP and break it down into servings so you know excatly what you are eating, I love it and use it all the time. I will tell you the same thing everyone told me when I asked basically the same question....You are not eating enough protein. MFP seems to set the goal for protein low.
  • yenyarooiam
    yenyarooiam Posts: 21 Member
    Portion size is the first thing you need to look at The number 1 reason people do not see weight loss
    You have to read labbles carfully they can be tricky and never go by fat free low this ect check and conpair
    Exsample skippys natural pennut butter you get 2 tablesoon for 90 cal compared to the fat free low cal 2 teaspoons for 90 cal see the deception there so always read lables and compair
    Two messure your food you can use messuring cups or food scale you can pick up one cheap
    You can always use google to convert if needed last night I found out 100grams is 1/2 cup for meat
    If your out with friend family eye ball it eat no more then the size of the palm of your hand of each in ur plate stay away from bread and apps Fill up on sald if you can always ask for dressing on the side you can add 2 tablespoons yourself
    You can also eat a healthy snack at home befor you go out to make sure you wont over eat or be tempted when you go out
    Hope this helps
  • bassanne
    bassanne Posts: 56
    Use the receipe tool under food. That is a great way, it calculates it for you. 1 pound of hamburger, 1 jar of prego, and save it. Then you just go into your receipes and pick it.
  • Sharyn913
    Sharyn913 Posts: 777 Member
    Less processed carbohydrates
    More protein
    Less Sodium
    Less sugar
    Drink more
  • MikeInAZ
    MikeInAZ Posts: 483 Member
    I'm gonna be blunt here, don't take offense. You need to cut out the fast foods and the ice cream stuff. You need to cut out the "healthy choice"/frozen meals. The processed foods too.

    Add a multi vitamin (a good one, liquid is better), a high potency fish oil/omega 3. Add a lot more raw vegetables, or vegetables in general. Eat a vegetable and fruit with every meal. Green and orange stuff, like brocolli, kale, squash, yams, etc. More fruit. More protein. More whole grains like brown rice, barley, quinoa, steel cut oats. Make some homemade hummus, eat with veggies. Eat a handful of nuts, walnuts and almonds daily!

    Drink 8-10 cups of water a day. Get 30-60 minutes of "Activity" a day in. Even if it's just walking briskly.

    Good luck!!
  • ClammyCupcake
    ClammyCupcake Posts: 49 Member
    Cut the frozen and fast food, eat more whole fruits and vegetables, and start exercising. Even if its a half hour walk in the morning before work/school/whatever, it'll help. And if you have no time, you can squeeze in jumping jacks and push ups before bed or when you wake up...it takes 5 minutes
  • jsj024519
    jsj024519 Posts: 400 Member
    everything that everyone one posted thus far is accurate!