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The Dreads of Alcohol...Need Support!



  • Jesea
    Jesea Posts: 376 Member
    This may not work for you, but when I go out, I stick to rum and diet Coke. I have pretty much given up soda in general, so it's part of the treat, and it's not as bad calorie-wise. I also alternate, for every drink I have, I drink a glass of water, too. During the week, I usually have a 5oz glass of wine after we put our sons to bed, and after I finish my workout. I make sure it fits into my calorie goals, though!
  • Ilbrantdai
    Ilbrantdai Posts: 58
    {{{Raising my hand}}} I too suffer from the same problem. I'm good during the week because my schedule mainly allows for me to go to work, work out in the evenings, prepare meals for the next day, shower and bed. But the weekends...mainly Sat and Sun...I have no self control over the phone calls that include invites to go here and there to party, have a drink, dinner, etc. And although I may have all the good intentions of not over doing it...I'm not as lucky with each and every outing...and you find that you have made your weekly workouts worthless:-(

    EXACTLY. Every Monday morning I tell myself, "not this week!" and end up doing the same thing all over again. I do want to try out the Alcohol Free August, though ultimately limiting my intake, as suggested by some of the posters, is ideal.
  • Hi -- I can relate on the plateau, and a little bit on the alcohol...for me the hazard is just simply going out. I have a really hard time staying on a "slimming diet" at Restaurants, with AND without alcohol.

    I like your idea of 1-month off -- and after that, I would say keep your alcohol consumption to social occasions (stick to your mocktails at home, or have 2 oz of wine mixed with juice, soda water, etc. - make a spritzer) -- and alternate drinks with seltzer with a twist so you don't go all out.

    I would be happy to support you in August! I think my challenge in August is going to be getting to the gym 4X per week...you could support me back on that one!... :)
  • White wine or champagne in moderation when you go out after your month off.
  • Masil20
    Masil20 Posts: 21 Member
    That sounds like a good challenge, to be alcohol free for the month of August. I think it may be harder for me than I'd like to admit. I know I don't meet my goals either if I've been drinking. Please add me as a friend and we can try and support each other.
  • eileen7316
    eileen7316 Posts: 72 Member
    I'll commit to doing it with you, although it will be a struggle for me, also. I'll friend request you.
  • Ilbrantdai
    Ilbrantdai Posts: 58
    First off - volunteer to DD! When you know the group, or anyone, is depending on you to get home safe, it's a lot easier to keep your intake down.

    Second - when you do drink, go for a vodka soda (or my new summer fav: coconut rum with club soda, topped with a tiny splash of pineapple juice: a 70calorie pina coloda!)

    Third - keep in mind that alcohol is terrible for women especially. It's a huge contributor to breast cancer, stroke, diabetes, etc... and yes, binge drinking "once in a while" on the weekend when you're young IS contributing to all that! See these articles for motivation:

    and Fourth - picture every drink you have as a candy bar. would you ever eat 6 candy bars in a night? of course not! but it's the same calories!! :sad:

    Thanks--the candy bar bit is especially helpful! And lol, your pic is cute. :)
  • timbiden
    timbiden Posts: 21
    Many times when you're out with friends they'll pressure you and do their best to be sure that you have a drink in your hand. One way to combat this is to order ginger ale or an "Arnold Palmer" (iced tea and lemonade... it looks like a mixed drink). Yeah, they have sugar but they are devoid of alcohol and will therefore help you retain your judgement and keep your friends off your back.
  • bethanylaugh
    bethanylaugh Posts: 237

    Thanks--the candy bar bit is especially helpful! And lol, your pic is cute. :)

    lol... i actually just thought of that while trying to think of advice for you and i'm totally going to use it for myself!

    i thought of one other thing that i do though... you'd be surprised how satisfying it feels to have a glass of club soda with lime mixed in with your friends' drinks... not only do they not give you a hard time about not drinking (because they don't know you aren't!) but you'll drink it slower than a glass of water!
  • UnderConstructionJ
    UnderConstructionJ Posts: 87 Member
    I do find that it does help when I order a diet Sprite with a lemon wedge....when I'm dead set on not drinking. That way my friends or guys at the bar, club, etc are not offering to buy you a drink since you're empty handed. So that kinda takes the focus off You're Not Drinking questions. Its also burns my britches when I go to a lot of places and they don't sell diet sodas, etc...because when I do decide to have drink I opt for vodka and diet something (other than club soda).

    But I certainly feel ya pain lady...we'll support one another:-)
  • timbiden
    timbiden Posts: 21
    It was a stress relief for me, now it's my workouts.
    Exactly! a good workout is a much better stress reliever than drinking and there's no guilt. It's a win-win!
  • akjmart2002
    akjmart2002 Posts: 263 Member
    In the interest of motivating yourself to limit your alcohol, make it part of your diet plan. That is, go ahead and consume what you want but log every drop. Figure out how many calories you get from that beer or cocktail and put it in your diary. Then you will 1) have a record of your habit and 2) have to eat less to make up for your drinking.

    This will also have the side-effect of limiting the weight gain from drinking.

    If you are a beer drinker, a good estimate of the calories in a given beer is given by this equation:

    ((vol in oz * %ABV) / 60) * 150
  • lashawn0187
    lashawn0187 Posts: 16 Member
    I know what you mean I was doing great doing the work week then on the weekends I would drink like a fish, but still workout and have paid the price because I have only lost 1 pd in the 15 days that I have been working out. So I decided to either once a week (if I lost weight that week) or just leave it alone all together until I'm down 5-10lbs. I did, however, have (2) glasses of wine last night and I feel very nausea now so my body must be telling me I need to stay away from it. I know it is hard but I have found that if I just keep seeping on water or get those sugar free packets to flavor your water after a few days you won't even be thinking about it anymore. I have basically a bar at my house but I have decided the alcohol will always be there, but me losing this weight is more important and will pay off at the end when you are looking great for all the up coming holidays!
  • Nikki_42
    Nikki_42 Posts: 298 Member
    I agree with moderation in most things, but it sounds like you have an issue with moderation? If that's the case, I suggest cold turkey. Ie>If you can't eat just 1 chip, don't eat any. (so no you can't go to the local bar even though you're just going to listen to a fav band, you'll have to find other venues with no alcohol involved/around)

    If going cold turkey is an issue, the challenge is bigger than losing weight, it's an addiction, and you're going to have to address that before worrying about weight loss.
    LuLuSUPER Posts: 189
    I used to struggle with the problem on a daily basis.
    I drank 6-7 days per week. I've only drank a handful of times this year, and haven't had more than 3 beers in a night since back in March. I just grew out of it and realized I couldn't achieve my goals if I continued to drink.

    As much as it sucks to hear, "change your friends".
    After I quit drinking, I realized that most of those "friends" weren't very good friends at all, and just needed to grow up.

    Find people who have passions in life, and actually do things other than drink.

    If you ever need to talk it out, feel free to add me. I've been there before.


    -change your friends
    -question why you want that drink before you drink it
    -try going out wihtout drinking with these "friends" you will leave with a new perspective
    -trust yourself to be stronger than you craving

    I fight with this everyday, most days I win and when I slide its the vodka/diet tonic drink. AND I add 30 minutes to my cardio the next day for it.

    You can do this, one day at a time. Find something else to do
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    I haven't read everyone's replies yet so sorry if I am repeating what others have said (and I know I am repeating what I myself have said elsewhere on MFP, so apologies if you are being hit with this twice!).

    I decided not to drink for 2012 (originally it was till my birthday in Oct, but then I changed my goal), for very much the same reasons as you (tried cutting down, as opposed to cutting out, numerous times - didn't work!) and today is Day 213 without booze! It was a big part of my life beforehand so giving up was not easy at all - plus the fact that I live with someone who drinks 2 bottles of wine a night doesn't help either! It's not easy BUT it's worth it if you are an all-or-nothing character like me who too easily lets one glass become one bottle become one day become one weekend become one week become one month etc.

    I'm not sure how much you drink at present (again, haven't read the whole thread so sorry if you have mentioned this), but, if you were anything like me, my advice would be not to just stop dead. Seriously, don't do this UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES. I did this, and I suffered from the most horrendous depression for weeks and weeks afterwards - I'd even considered which methods of suicide would be the least likely to be interrupted and stopped! Even if it means you extend into September, I'd cut down gradually - if you are used to having, say, a bottle of wine a night, have half a bottle 3 times next week, then a large glass 3 times the week after, then extend your deadline of no booze whatsoever till mid-Sept. Yes, technically it means you are drinking "for longer" but it beats going through what I went through!

    Good luck - if I can do it, then anyone can! xxx
  • Alicemarieed
    Alicemarieed Posts: 86 Member
    Similar here. I live in Spain and everyone goes out everyday and drink and eat tapas.its the drink that's my down fall. Well done on trying to give up alcohol for August. I looked at what the calories were that I was drinking and realised its was my total daily calorie allowance in just 5 drinks.which I easily drank over a day and night.?i now try and swim ten mins for every drink I have ..... dont punish yourself,if you feel like a drink opt for a low calorie substitute . Good luck
  • lashawn0187
    lashawn0187 Posts: 16 Member
    I agree with you ilovedeadlift, I have found that to achieve my goals I rarely even go out anymore because one I'm spending money that I don't need to and 2- as you say all those calories adds up and then the food choices goes down south so quickly. And many people who go out every weekend to the club, etc. are not trying to lose weight or have a goal and can get you off your foci so I just leave it alone all together. Sometimes it is kind of lonely for the first few months, but after I have lost all the weight and able to maintain and see them again they are like OMG you look great how you do that? All I can think is if you only knew the sacrifice I had to take. If it was easy as people say everybody would be doing it.
  • bfkilduff
    bfkilduff Posts: 11 Member
    Something I do is log my drinks at the beginning of the day.
    Example: If I am going to a cook out on a Saturday, and I plan on having some drinks (4 beers), I log them in the morning. That way I know when to stop. As I eat throughout the day, and log calories I see my calories dwindle faster than they would on a non drinking day. As the day goes on it becomes a choice, do I have all 4 beers or eat a little more?

    I am sure it is very unhealthy to drink calories and not eat them, but it helps keep MY weight off.
  • vacherin
    vacherin Posts: 192
    PS Feel free to add me (and this goes for anyone who is planning on embarking upon a boozeless period of time!). x