Greatly Needing Buddies that Know the struggle

I am 286lbs and looking for a few pals that know the struggle of needing to loose alot of weight. I have lost 30lbs on my own before coming here but feel having a buddy system of some kind would greatly make a difference. I am hoping to meet some wonderful and supportize fitness pals here that can help motivate and share their struggles or tips along the journey. Looking to drop 50lbs by next June thats my year marker. Love to have friends to share that with. Wishing everyone the best in their own personal journey, heres to success!!!:flowerforyou:


  • CupcakeHarpy
    CupcakeHarpy Posts: 100 Member
    Hey, I know the feeling. I've always struggled and could never stay below 230. I've been 250, down to almost 220, up to 280, down to 250, down to 230... now up to 247. bbbllleehh. I've done the WW points system, jenny craig (ew, btw), and now I kinda made up my own rules and am hoping for the best. I guess I struggle because I love food and cooking and baking. Lately I've been experimenting with cooking healthier meals and trying to make that as exciting as the foods I typically enjoy. I have also done sparkpeople, which wasn't bad, but I spent a lot of time sitting at the computer. When I tried MFP counter on my smartphone I was thrilled that I didn't have to punch away at a keyboard and I could just scan the barcode. Soooo this is a new adventure for me. I just came to the actual website today, so still kind of new. Add me if you like and we can chit chat and hopefully we can help each other out and celebrate successes.
  • KayeG79
    KayeG79 Posts: 37
    Congrats on the 30lb loss so far! That's awesome!! Keep up the work! You can do it!! I was looking at your profile and we started at the same weight. Once I hit where you are now, 285ish, I stalled. It was stuck for months. (not trying to discourage you or anything. Everyone is different. I think it was just my time to plateau) I finally broke through that though and am now down to 269 for a total of 49lbs gone! I never plan on reuniting with them either. lol!! I joined MFP a while ago but never really got into it until just recently when I saw a commercial for it and realized I had signed up. I put the app on my phone and checked it out. Now I log everything I eat and track all carbs, calories, etc. Although I'll be honest, I don't pay too much attention to anything but the carbs. I started using my elliptical for 30 minutes each day and I'll tell you, that has been a huge help! Now that the scale is actually going down, this is a fun thing to do! lol!! Who'da thought?!?!?! lmao! I am making my way to 45 minutes and hopefully by the time my kids start school in September, I'll be up to an hour. But if I never make an hour, I'll be happy with 45 minutes. But anyway, feel free to add me as a friend! I'd love to have some support from others on the same journey!
  • hann789
    hann789 Posts: 3
    I defiintely know what you're going through. I've been a yo-yo of weight loss up until now and when I peaked at my highest weight of 360 I knew I had to change. I have a lot of weight to lose and I would be happy to have you as a friend :)
  • stampnstitch
    stampnstitch Posts: 10 Member
    Hi, I'd love to be your buddy...I've been on and off the bandwagon...and actually getting really scared as my weight continually seems to creep up (at 269 right now)'s interesting because I never really thought about the community help...but thought today, I really need some people who know what I"m going through...and then saw your post! My goal is to lose at least 25 lbs by the end of the year. I've joined my work's gym and got a consult for a very "do-able" workout for 4-5x a week. The food part is really hard because I love to cook (and try different things). Since I'm Korean, it's sometimes hard to keep track of the calories (but MFP so far has the best database for a lot of Korean dishes/condiments/etc. :D

    I hope you'll add me as a friend and let's encourage each other! :D