C25K... beginner with a question

Does anyone know if you are supposed to do the Couch to 5k program daily or if you are to have rest days? I downloaded the C25K on my iphone and I can't see days ahead, only the day I'm on. For example: Yesterday was day one so it said Week 1 Day 1 and today it says Week 1 Day 2. I'm curious if it goes through Week 1 Day 7 or if it'll only be 5 or heck 3 days even and I'm supposed to know which days to rest.

Any input would be greatly appreciated. I'd like to run a 5k in October for our Volunteer Firefighters Annual Fundraiser.


  • vbmama2012
    vbmama2012 Posts: 60 Member
    I use a podcast, and the recommendation is 3 days per week. I do Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. That way, I have Saturday and Sunday off from the C25K.
    I'm also working on toning up the body, so I'm also incorporating Power 90 6 days a week. basically, I'm doing 6 days of cardio and 3 days of strengh training.
    How are you liking the C25K?
  • vbmama2012
    vbmama2012 Posts: 60 Member
    In addition, I'm also doing the C25K to get ready to run my first 5K (I've walked others). I'm going to do the Color Run in December.
  • Eerinelizz
    Eerinelizz Posts: 114 Member
    Hi there, I completed c25K about a year ago, and I believe you run 3 days per week (so it goes up to Day 3 each week). I would do strength training and yoga on my off days, I think your body needs the break from running! Good luck to you, it's such a great program.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Yes, only 3 days per week. Running every day will lead to injury (at least for new runners). I always ran a day, walked a day, rested a day. So, I didn't always get 3 runs in a week while doing the program.
  • mayberry310
    mayberry310 Posts: 146 Member
    Thanks for the quick response...that's good to know! I had googled, but seen varying answers and was sure someone here would know the answer.

    I will admit, I've never been a runner. I was a bit nauseous when I was done, but I think that was my fault for starting only 15 minutes after dinner. But honestly, for me, I think it's mind over matter. I want this, so when my app told me it was time to RUN on the last RUN cycle I wanted to just walk and breathe easier... BUT I didn't. I pushed myself through it knowing if I threw in the towel on the first day that I'd be mad at myself.
  • vbmama2012
    vbmama2012 Posts: 60 Member
    I agree, the first day is always the toughest. My first start on C25K, I made it through week 2, and then I gave up. I've started it up again, and I'm at week 3. I feel stronger than I did 2 weeks ago, that's for sure! Keep it up! The rewards will be worth it!
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I was a bit nauseous when I was done, but I think that was my fault for starting only 15 minutes after dinner.

    Yep, that will do it. I try to not eat within 2 hours of running. The few times I ate dinner and then went running, I didn't feel well. So now I usually run right after work, before going home.
  • lissieinthesky
    I will admit, I've never been a runner. I was a bit nauseous when I was done, but I think that was my fault for starting only 15 minutes after dinner. But honestly, for me, I think it's mind over matter. I want this, so when my app told me it was time to RUN on the last RUN cycle I wanted to just walk and breathe easier... BUT I didn't. I pushed myself through it knowing if I threw in the towel on the first day that I'd be mad at myself.

    Hey Mayberry, I just started with Day 1 myself, today! You're ahead of me now but I agree with what you said. I'm not a runner either and I'm trying to become one? I guess? Lol, but it felt good to actually do what the prompt told me and to run when I needed to run, etc. I think this will work a lot better for me than just going out "to run" and probably not doing as well as I hoped or thought I was. Anyway, just thought I'd share that I'm doing it too. Keep it up! How's it been going? :smile: