Foods that are artificially sweetened?

Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
Okay, so I try hard to avoid ALL artificial sweeteners. They give me migraines and make my glands swell and I personally believe ingesting them is one of the worst things you can do to your body. So here are a couple things that I found out have artificial sweeteners that surprised me... What have you found that surprises you?!?

Light Miracle Whip and Mayo - Who knew? I never thought that Miracle Whip/Mayo would be sweetened at all!
Total Cereals - Even the plain Total has Splenda
ALL gum, except Dubble Bubble and Bubble Yum... Seriously, I've looked at so many other kinds and they're loaded with it, even if it doesn't say sugar free!
Thomas English Muffins
Quaker Mini Rice Cakes - The large rice cakes don't, but the mini ones do - what's up with that?!?
Kettle Corn - Apparently they have to use artificial sweetener because sugar would burn. Or at least, that's what I read when I looked online.


  • squishycow7
    squishycow7 Posts: 820 Member
    English Muffins?!!?!

    I'm (almost) equally disturbed by things that are sweetened (by anything) for no reason. Like spaghetti sauce - I like it just fine when I make it without sugar, so why are you adding all this corn syrup?

    The food industry is scary.
  • SherryRH
    SherryRH Posts: 810 Member
    Sugar is generally added to spaghetti sauce to cut back the acidity of the tomatoes.

    I bought some bran cereal and tasted and thought "Man this is really sweet for a healthy cereal". After looking at the box, I realized it had fake sweetner in it. Darn!
  • DelilahCat0212
    DelilahCat0212 Posts: 282 Member
    those sandwich thin things. some of them contain stevia now but a lot of them still contain sucralose. :noway:

    allbran cereal

    i knew about thomas's english muffins because I read labels. REALLY ticks me off because I like multigrain and whole wheat english muffins. some store brands around here have no sucralose in them so that's what I buy.