Anybody Else Doing Turbo Fire?

I've been doing Turbo Fire for a while & can honestly say I love it! Chalene Johnson is so motivational. I tried Insanity, but I got bored after a while. Is anyone else doing Turbo Fire or have you already?? Would love some input


  • mom2fabfive
    mom2fabfive Posts: 207 Member
    I am starting my first round of TurboFire tomorrow! I just finished Chalean Extreme last week. Can't wait to see what TF does for me. If it is half as much as CLX then I will be a happy girl!
  • CrystalX82
    CrystalX82 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm in week 12 right now! i'm doing the 20 week program. So far my results are a loss of about 8 pounds, 2 inches on my waist and 2 inches on my hips. Not the extreme results I was expecting but I can definitely notice a difference in my energy and my body is starting to tighten and tone up.. and i've never been in a workout program where I looked forward to the workouts as much as I do with TurboFire! .. I'm hoping some more weight loss kicks in within the next weeks... afterwards I plan to do the Chalean Extreme program. :smile:
  • Rappla88
    Rappla88 Posts: 185 Member
    I'm in the process of doing Turbo Fire and LOIVNG it!!! I have done quite a few of the beach body programs however I've never been as motivated as I am doing Turbo Fire. I'm going into my 3rd month of turbo fire and I'm noticing lots of changes and I'm super excited to get my workouts in! I am planning on finishing my next 4 weeks, then I'm going on vacation, when I come back my plan is to do another 2 months and then do Charlean Extreme!!
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    I'm on week 6 of the prep program, since I was so out of shape I decided to ease into it. I definitely am feeling a lot stronger, I'm just getting into more of the workouts that include jumping and am feeling stronger there along with the Core 20. When I first started I could barely do the Core 20 even with modifications, it blows my mind how much more I can already do. I love it!
  • npatel160
    npatel160 Posts: 233 Member
    Absolutely LOVE TurboFire - I am doing the 20 week program and I am about to finish week 7 and start week 8.....I would be on week 9 but had to put the workout on pause for a week :( I am really hoping that I lose the last 10 lbs and tone up with TF....It such a great workout and sooo much FUN!!! Best wishes to all of you, feel free to add me for support!!!!!!
  • yahifranch
    yahifranch Posts: 15 Member
    I just starter today! I would love to team up to stay motivated! I am doing the TurboFire Prep Schedule because I'm really out of shape and obese. I want to work my stamina and resistance to be able to do the HIIT routines and not be frustrated to start them right away and realize I can't just do them.

    Hope you all have an amazing day full of grace!
  • sanaa4560
    sanaa4560 Posts: 29
    I m a turbo junkie.m doing turbofire it is amaxing n i love it ;))
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    I do a com o of TurboFire and ChaLean Extreme. I love them both!
  • yamagatafan
    yamagatafan Posts: 15 Member
    I am officially "re-starting" on Monday, Aug 6th. This week I am concentrating on meal planning since that has also been one of my major downfalls. :frown: