Any other Dads out there?



  • I want to create a legacy of healthy living and vigor in my family to replace food addictions and poor health that have continued for generations.

    Good luck in your quest!

    Thanks Rob! My thoughts exactly!
  • alsatty
    alsatty Posts: 28
    Ii have two kids. A16 year old son who keeps the roads hot and a 12 year old daughter. Feel free to add me
  • curtnrod
    curtnrod Posts: 223 Member
    Three boys and a grandson; they are the joy, and some days...the bane of my existence. LOL
  • I'm Daddy to an 11-month old little girl-- she'ss my greatest motivator for getting healthy. Add me guys if you like.
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    Proud Dad to a 2 year old girl and a 15 week old boy, they are my raison d'être.

    My daughter was one of my main reasons for starting this journey and now I have two to keep up with, I want to be able to run around the park all day with them and set a great example for them to follow.

    Feel free to add me anyone, I have reached my goal but log every day to maintain and stay focused.

    A :)
  • Dad_of_3
    Dad_of_3 Posts: 517 Member
    Three Superman shields in a row. That rocks!

    And I'm a dad of 3...
  • Biglar010410
    Biglar010410 Posts: 7 Member
    Hello, I am a father of 3. 10(soon to be 11 next week), 8, 17 months. I'm going through some tough times right now with my wife. However, my kids are keeping me busy. I've been focussing so much of my energy with my family and my marriage that I've done nothing for myself. I'm starting this jouney again and could use some support as well.


  • DerekG79
    DerekG79 Posts: 116 Member
    Awesome guys. Dad here to and 8 and 4 year old we hope to adopt soon and a 10-month-old baby. Love my kids and they are truly the inspiration I need to get fit. Feel free to add me!