Binges and Anxiety... ?

Ok, so... I experienced a strange binge yesterday. I probably had a good 6-7 thousand calories...which is fine, whatever, I'm over it. Thing is... I couldn't talk myself out of this one. I actually felt ANXIOUS... like I NEEDED to binge. My leg was shaking, my heart was pumping, and I just felt incredibly restless, all I could think about was gorging on anything and everything, sweet, salty, savory, crunchy, it didn't matter... I just needed food. This was AFTER I had already eaten 1,900 for the day, lots of protein, fiber, carbs AND fat... everything was perfect, until 10pm. I have no idea what even triggered it, it came out of nowhere. I wasn't necessarily hungry. I was "comfortable". Then I almost felt COMPELLED to binge, like an OCD patient needs to tap their doorknob 14 times before they are at ease.

I almost feel like the harder I try to NOT binge (I'm a severe food addict - it's my life, unfortunately), the more I want to binge. Only these days it feels like I NEED to binge. I'm getting all the macro/micro nutrients I need, plus exercise and vitamins, so I don't know what my body/brain is trying to tell me. I wonder if maybe it has more to do with anxiety in general than my food addiction? I don't even know.

Anyone else have this issue? I know that binges are a huge issue for a lot of people, but the feeling of compulsion kinda amps it up to the next level, and I'm not liking it. :(

Love and Alohas,
Ihilani Kapuniai


  • angel924_2004
    Hi there. I saw this and can relate somewhat. I have an anxiety disorder and depression and for the past few weeks every night I have felt compelled to eat (and I mean EAT) at night. I can do well all day (similar to you) but get to a certain point where I have to binge. I don't know if it is just a way my anxiety is manifesting, but it is really annoying - especially considering that the anti-depressants/anti-anxiety meds I am on have been making me gain weight.

    I know I try to do things to try and relieve my anxiety earlier in the evening (mainly jogging or trying to meditate) and it has helped some. But yeah, you aren't the only one out there :)
  • annwyatt69
    annwyatt69 Posts: 727 Member
    Have dealt with this my whole life, but probably on a more severe level than most. Spent most of my life on a cycle between starving and binge eating. Am finally doing o.k. with it, though I do have days. I found that when I slip up, it's o.k. I just need to get back on track as soon as possible and not let it take over.