my 30's are hitting hard, and not in a good way.

beckyk1979 Posts: 11 Member
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
In this last year since Jan. 2009 I have gained 25 pounds of the 35 pounds I had previously lost, that took me 2 years to lose in the first place. I am now, once again, 200 pounds. I am so frustrated with myself!!!! I swore i would never be 200 again. I also just turned 30 in Sept. and i have noticed, because of either aging, or the extra weight, or both that i absolutly feel old and fat.....=) UGH! my foot hurts, i have neck-aches, and today while trying to do a new workout video my ankle just can't take the impact. I never had these problems before, even with my extra weight i always felt strong, healthy, and young.

So, I just needed to rant about it, and now i need to get over it and get moving. =) But i do need some far as my ankle popping and hurting during cardio excersize, what can or should i do about it? I bought the Jillian Michaels fat blast work out and it is a great work out but i can't really do a lot of it because it involves a lot of jumping and i don't want to hurt my ankle.



  • tayner
    tayner Posts: 372
    I LOVE to spin. Cycling is very low impact on my joints, and in spinning class you have music to help distract you from thinkin about how much you are working!

    I know this isnt much of a help if you arent a member of a health club, but you could also get a bike and go ride outside.

    Hope this helps, and good luck to you!
  • SpiveyMay
    SpiveyMay Posts: 20 Member
    Hi Becky. I also just turned 30 in November and am surprised that I feel older. It takes me longer to warm up and cool down from my cardio routine and when I push myself too hard, the stiffness and soreness the next day is worse that I can remember. I wondered if it was a mental thing with turning 30, but that doesn't really bother me. There is nothing I can do about it and it is better than the alternative.

    For your ankle, you should be able to modify your workout so you aren't jumping, but stepping instead. (I have had to do this is the past with some knee issues.) The stronger you get, the more you should be able to do. It may be just strengthening the muscles around your joints before you feel better. Definately listen to you body and don't hurt yourself, but do what you can.
  • FireRox21
    FireRox21 Posts: 424 Member
    I am right there with you! I also turned 30 in September and can feel it. My face has some wrinkles and my skin is sagging a bit around my jaw line. I have had rheumatoid arthritis since I was15, so I cannot do any workout that involves jumping around. I have really gotten back into swimming and am training for swim meet season that starts in Feb. I have gained about 40lbs since my mid-20s and it has been hell trying to lose. I just got serious about really trying to lose the weight three weeks ago. I was doing great, lost 5lbs, but after weighing in this morning I find I have gained a pound back! Guess it's not good to start trying to lose weight in the holiday season. I just bought a Wii and plan on using EA Active and Biggest Loser for workouts along with intense swimming for my cardio exercise. I have to modify EVERYTHING due to my joints.

    I would suggest spinning classes and swimming to help get cardio without the strain on your ankle. Also, after every workout, elevate and ice your ankle to prevent damaging swelling. Don't be too hard on yourself, some of us are right there with you!
  • sillysallyf
    sillysallyf Posts: 40 Member
    I just turned 30 myself in October. I also feel older. I usually feel like I am young. But lately I just haven't been feeling young. I know I still am young or I like to think that I am. I just want to feel young too. My current weight of 204 is the heaviest I have ever been. I didn't even weigh this much when I was pregnant with my kids. I have a full time job where I sit at a desk all day. Thats when the weight really starting sticking to me. When I was an at home mom. I had a wonderful workout routine. But now not so much. I too am frustrated with myself. I used to be the small one in my family, well not anymore. Just wanted to let you know that you are not alone in the way you feel.
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I have a lot of knee issues and so when I first started on my journey to get smaller I also did a lot of cycling. I have an indoor trainer for my bike when it was too cold and rode it outdoors when it was not. At the same time I worked on things like lunges and squats to get my legs stronger. If you are having trouble with your ankles, try a beginnner yoga or pilates.

    Good Luck and Welcome.
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