Row the World...... Group Closed and Ready to GO !!!

LeeKetty1176 Posts: 881 Member

Here we go guys...... we have 25 Teams of 6 in this game, and a few are putting the final touches to names and Crew etc etc,-89.714355&spn=11.204027,19.753418

a few thing to double check on

1) the conversion for Cals to miles is 0.5. that is take the total cals for your team and multiply that by 0.5.
2) send that number to me !!!
3) please please please send me the total miles from your last update. NOT TOTAL TO DATE !
4) this is for people to focus on working out and unless you have permission from me to log ONLY house cleaning, food prep etc I for one would prefer to stick to that....... not that im a kill joy but i dont want people logging EVERYTHING just to win !
5) I will be throwing in the odd GAME day and WATER day so watch out.....its up to you to spot them !!!

We have a few boards set up so feel free to log in and make friends and give other teams stress and crap, but most of all have some fun !!!!

Have i missed anything ?????

oh...... GOOD LUCK !!!!
