Day 1

janetp410 Posts: 1
edited September 20 in Introduce Yourself
I am just starting and decided to not wait until the 1st of the year like I usually do. I have set a goal of 1 pound per week. I have tried many diets but have not had success. My biggest problem is stress eating or bored. I find if I am sad or not feeling well I will eat something to feel better. It lasts for the moments then I get on the scale and feel worst. Any suggestions for staying on track and being successful. Jan


  • I started today too. My wedding is 16 weeks away - and my goal is 1.25 lbs a week!
  • I'm very bad with emotional or boredom eating. I work in an office where I'm tied to my desk for 8 hours - it's sooo hard to just not snack constantly. then with the wedding coming up - i'm an emotional wreck!
  • leannaellis
    leannaellis Posts: 15 Member
    This is day one for me as well. I know I will injest plenty of calories on New Year's but I wanted to get started while I was still motivated. I got a Polar F4 and it is definitely motivating to see how many calories your are actually burning. My problem is going to be monitoring what I take in.
  • This is my first day. I am soo excited. I like most of you ladies have a gown that must absolutely fit. Well... I purchased it without trying it on... again. But it isn't like I bought it 10 sizes too small. More like 4 sizes too small. I plan to wear it for my prom instead of a wedding although it is a wedding gown. I plan on losing 25 lbs. in between now and then, it will fit. I would get off of my backside more often except that every time I do I end up in a world of pain. Any of you have any suggestions for having hip pain at a very young age? The story behind the origional accident was roller bladeing in middle school. I ended up falling square on my right side and have always had pain on and off since. I was only 160lbs then. Now I disapointedly stare down at the shiny laughing scale telling me that I weigh 245 lbs. I do despise that scale. Anyway... HI.
  • jrbowers83
    jrbowers83 Posts: 282 Member
    Your eating problems are alot like mine. And alot of other members on here I've found. I've been using MFP for about 2 months now, and losing on average 1 pound a week. My advice is to maybe find a structured food plan to start you off. I got mine from This taught me to eat at regular times throughout the day, and how much I was supposed to be eating. After that, I got bored of eating the same foods all the time, and found MFP to stick to my calorie goals while eating "what I want". As far as the boredom eating goes... do something, anything else besides eating. And for the stress eating, start keeping a journal of what makes you stress. Taking the time to think about your problem will at least DELAY your desire for food. Mostly, don't give up and don't get discouraged. For me, I tend to lose weight every other week even if I'm eating the same. Get your water in's really important. Make small changes at a time and allow yourself occasional treats. It'll help with overindulging. I haven't been at this long so not really an expert, just giving you what I've found helpful.
  • Today is day one for me as well. I always find myself eating whatever looks good or i succumb to chocolate. Every year, i say i will diet beginning the first of the year. Every time i diet, i always succumb to one little dessert and then i feel like i should give in. to make a change, im going to have a weekly vice. chocolate. not much. maybe a 100 calorie snack. I dont want to give in again. this time, i want to be successful. This year, im making a change. im not even going to wait until the first of the year. My goal is to lose 2ibs per week, to eventually come to a total of 20ibs.I wish us all the best of luck!
  • Jenna1972
    Jenna1972 Posts: 26 Member
    Hi! I'm new too!

    My source of weight gain has been increased eating at work. I have a new supervisor (I switched departments 7 months ago) who LOVES us with food. Every time I turn around she has placed a bagel, a sausage mcmuffin, etc. on my desk. She loves to cook Guamanian food and loves to feed us. Everyone here has a reason to organize a potluck. Every week there is a birthday (complete with costco cake) or retirement, etc. that causes temptation. I also work in an office right next to the lunch room. :devil: Danger!

    It's not the reason I was 50 pounds over weight before I moved here...but I am an easy target, LoL. Since then I've gained another 20 pounds!

    I'm starting to mention more often what my goals are and she knows I go walking on my breaks, so she gets it. Now I have to break myself of the bad habits I've created even though others around me are heading off to yet another potluck.
  • Just getting started for my umpteen time now at trying and failing to lose the extra 50lbs I've carried around with me like a ball and chain. So this time instead of going for a diet plan I am planning to just get health and whatever happens, happens. Want to set myself up for success, so I thought if I had accountablity and counld see where and when I go wrong, I could see a pattern and fix it. Now that I am over 40 finding it harder to lose lbs, lost 100lbs after birth of my youngest son, but have gained 40+ back that I just can't seem to shake.
  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    To all you newbies who eat like me out of boredom and emotion, I want to invite you to this thread:

    If not this thread, then find a group or thread that is going to keep you motivated. The more people you interact with (not just reading their posts), the more successful you will be.

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