How do you maintain low calorie diet without starving?



  • eviegreen
    eviegreen Posts: 123 Member
    I'm super short, so the calorie intake MFP gave me is also 1200. But I actually consume between 1500-1700. The key is to exercise and earn more calories. Think of it as a points system. The more you exercise, the more calories you need to eat, and you'll be less hungry.
  • run17
    run17 Posts: 27
    I find that eating a protein, high fiber carb and a little healthy fat with each meal keeps you full longer.
    for example: breakfast might be an uncle cracker 9 need cracker ( they are big and filling) with crazy richards peanut butter and apple slices for breakfast.

    greek yogurt with cinnamon and some nut sprinkled on it.

    string cheese with fruit or veggies for a snack

    chicken cut up with salsa and low fat cheese in a low carb wrap or you can make a quesadilla

    dinner- chicken or fish with veggies and a sweet potato or low carb pasta with low sugar sauce and veggies/salad

    all these things are filling and will keep you in your calorie goal

    oh- hummus is great with veggies and kashi crackers. i make my own with chick peas, a little olive oil, almonds, lemon juice and garlic. Put it in a processor and it is really good!

    you may have calories left for a treat like dark chocolate or an apple with peanut butter

    try making smoothies for breakfast with plain greek yogurt, whey vanilla protein powder and fruits with flax meal. very filling. it is great pre or post workout! goodluck
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    Exercise. Almost my entire motivation to exercise is to be able to eat more. I burn on average 600 calories a workout so get to eat around 1800 on workout days to net my 1200.
  • Dezmodus
    Dezmodus Posts: 68 Member
    It looks like you've got a lot of higher calorie foods that are less filling. Eating more foods that are lower calorie, but higher fiber, or higher protein can help you feel full.

    Also drinking water instead of snacking. I must be up to about a gallon and a half of water a day and i never feel like i'm starving. If that's not working out for you, try chewing sugar free gum when you feel hungry.

    If you're feeling hungry late at night, you should probably just have a glass of water and go to sleep. The body needs a full night's sleep to function, and that plays a big part in weight loss. If you are sleep deprived, you'll have a harder time losing weight.
  • Dezmodus
    Dezmodus Posts: 68 Member
    also, how filling are those beef patties?
  • I am so full right now, and under calories for the day. Try no carb/low carb. You will feel full and happy!!

    I'd feel miserable and ANGRY! Low carb isn't a blanket solution for everyone.
  • krisiepoo
    krisiepoo Posts: 710 Member
    that's what MFP had me on too and I failed trying it off/on for over a year. then I started reading about BMR and TDEE and my cals are now set at 2000/day and I'm never hungry and I've not binged since because I'm eating enough.

    this 2000 includes 3-5 days of exercise/week so I don't have to add my exercise and worry about eating it back
  • Kjphotography90
    Kjphotography90 Posts: 77 Member
    How many lbs do you have it set to lose a week? Maybe bump it down to 1 lb per week if you have it set on 2 and try that. You may not feel so hungry!! Just a thought. Low carb made me feel really pissy and hungry. I couldn't do it, it def isn't for everyone!!!
  • I would suggest adding more veggies. They have fiber which fills you but very few callories. Also, add a small serving of nuts like almonds, or even peanut butter. They have a little bit of fat and lots of protien; so they can help fill you too. These two things have really helped me not be hungry.
  • maisfree
    maisfree Posts: 12 Member
    Thanks everyone for all the suggestions, I am amazed how fast you guys replied! Sadly, I don't think I would like eating shredded paper... ;) but it seems like exercising to increase my calorie limit and choosing food wisely are my top choices. What types of carbs are low calorie yet filling? I would think brown rice, but they take so long to cook ... :( it's so easy to go with bread or pasta... and they seem to be not the best choices...

    Anyhow, please keep the posts coming! I continue to check them =)
  • People suggest greens and veggies, But I can say from experience, those dont fill you up. I could eat salad all day wtihout stopping. Invest in low fat, high fiber, high protein foods. Chicken, Oats, and protein bars are what I am on right now. Vegetables come as a side, and I munch on Carrots and Sunflower seeds.

    As far as eating less, your body has to get used to it. It is trained to take in a certain amound of foods each day, and when you deprive it of that, it will let you know.

    There will be days that you will crave anything and everything. You will splurge. Trust me, I know. I did it. The only difference you can make when that happens is what you will splurge on. I LOVE carrots and ranch, or spinach dip.

    Bottom line, the more you work out, the more you can eat. Your body uses extra energy to work out, and the more you do work out, the more fuel it will need after. It is like a car. If a car goes 30 miles at 30 mph, your gas tank will be in pretty good shape, but If you go 120 mph for the same distance, the tank will be a little more empty. You gotta refill it sooner.

    Oatmeal, eggs in the morning, and save room for some meat in the evening. Work out, and push yourself. Eat proteins.
  • Oh, and eat pasta like you would Ice cream.....sparingly. Those are CHOCK FULL of calories, sodium, and carbs.
  • -Having a really high protein breakfast helps keep me full for the day. Try three egg whites and a serving of either cottage cheese or greek yogurt. Ill make hard boiled eggs and just eat the whites. I know it doesnt work for everyone but when I stuff myself with protein at breakfast, im so much less hungry the rest of the day.

    -Water. Like a gallon a day.

    -celery with a little kosher salt. it takes a while to eat and has fiber which is filling. plus almost zero calories

    -Another thing that works for me is keeping busy, especially at night. Sitting on the couch watching tv makes me want to eat. Try to see the times of day or activities where you seem to find yourself hhungry and see if there is something you can adjust.

    If you are really starving, adjust your calories. there is no point in trying to eat 1200 per day, failing, and beating yourself up every day. maybe up your calories to 1400 for a few weeks and let your body adjust and then try to go to 1200.
    ITS_MY_CHOICE Posts: 62 Member
    I would say you are eating too many processed things. Im from Australia and can't recognise some of your foods.

    Here are some foods in the past week I would swap out:
    Cream - Half and half, 1 fl oz
    Kellogg's Special K - Cereal - Strawberry - 2.5 oz Single Serving, 1 Container
    Oreo - Sandwich Cookies - Golden, 2 cookies
    Home Made - Home Fries, 1 cup
    Bakery - Banana Nut Muffin - Large, 5.5 oz
    Mcdonald's - Cheese Burger, 1 burger
    Hellmann's - Real Mayonnaise 30oz Jar, 1 tbsp (13g)
    Homemade - Red Velvet Cake With Buttercream Frosting, 0.5 slice
    Golden Krust - Jamaican Style Spicy Beef Patties, 1 Patty
    Soup - Cup Noodles Chicken Flavor, 0.1 Container (64g)

    I don't know what all the olive garden stuff is, im assuming its take away.
  • waffleflavoredtea
    waffleflavoredtea Posts: 235 Member
    Just eat as many 0 calorie foods as you can bc they dont count

    Agree I like paper (shredded paper goes down easier). That keeps me full all the time.
    you're hilarious. but not helpful to the OP. you come here just to troll? :(
    She meant the famed 'zero cal veggies and fruits' which are claimed to take more calories for your body to digest the food than the foods actually contain calorie-wise.

    It's a myth, but she suggested it with good intentions.

    ...Anyway, to the OP - I'd agree that filling up with lots of raw veggies and lower sugar fruits is great any time you get in that 'snacky' mood. :)
  • needamulligan
    needamulligan Posts: 558 Member
    eat lean protein. eggs are great for a cheap calorie food that will hold you for a long time.
  • Oh, and eat pasta like you would Ice cream.....sparingly. Those are CHOCK FULL of calories, sodium, and carbs.

    HUH? Sorry, no, this is just false. There is NOTHING wrong with pasta, in moderation, just as there's nothing wrong with brown rice, quinoa, or lentils. What's with the carb bashing?
  • maisfree
    maisfree Posts: 12 Member
    also, how filling are those beef patties?

    My friend brought them from Jamaica, and I decided to have them for dinner... probably not a great idea, but they are actually quite filling. Thanks for your advice, it makes a lot of sense.
  • Thanks everyone for all the suggestions, I am amazed how fast you guys replied! Sadly, I don't think I would like eating shredded paper... ;) but it seems like exercising to increase my calorie limit and choosing food wisely are my top choices. What types of carbs are low calorie yet filling? I would think brown rice, but they take so long to cook ... :( it's so easy to go with bread or pasta... and they seem to be not the best choices...

    Anyhow, please keep the posts coming! I continue to check them =)

    Brown rice in the rice cooker---then divvy it up into individual servings or buy the pre-cooked frozen kind

    pasta is 100% fine --whole grain

    bread is 100% fine---choose whole grain

    sweet potatoes



    wild rice
  • for filling/healthy carbs try quinoa. its a complete protein and cooks a lot faster than brown rice plus its more nutritious. google it for the details. its really good and has a nutty type flavor. cooks it about 15 minutes.
    or bulger. you can just add water to it and in an hour (?) its ready. make it in the morning and eat it with dinner. or make big batches and eat throughout the week.