Thinking of Giving Up...

... my weightloss goal, in any case. I'm growing steadily discouraged and thinking I should just stick to a "not gaining weight while travelling for work every week" goal until I get a new position. I literally travel EVERY WEEK, sometimes my travel days are 14+ hours long and I always fly so bringing a cooler from home or any of that type is out of the picture.

I don't always make the best choices, that is true, but I think I have different priorities right now.


So dejecting.


  • ghiagirl893
    ghiagirl893 Posts: 69 Member
    Dont give up! If you do, someday you will just be a huge balloon. Just do your best, try to find healthy options. If you can, go to a grocery store and buy those prepackaged things of fruits and veggies cut up, sliced turkey, hummus, etc. You can do it. Try to make good use of the hotel gym. If you dont have one, go explore the town.
  • davidr730
    davidr730 Posts: 126 Member
    don't give up!. With a little planning and a few stops to grocery stores instead of restaurants you can do this,
  • Cat054
    Cat054 Posts: 1
    Stick with it! When I was traveling a ton, I found that keeping healthier snacks in single servings helped me out. I kept some in my carry on and others in my suitcase.
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    You shouldn't give up. You just have to plan more. Yes, it's harder because of your situation, but plenty of people still do it. What's stopping you from doing it too?? Nobody but yourself woman. Just how bad do you want it?!
  • megan1869
    megan1869 Posts: 166 Member
    Don't... I know how crappy situations can be... I just finished taking the bar and gave up during the preparation period because I felt guilty working out when I should be studying... I know it sounds silly but its amazing how guilty a pile of books next to you on the treadmill can make you feel lol... anyway long story short I totally regret giving up completely... I didnt gain weight but I definitely didnt see progress and thats disappointing...just my opinion
  • Pink_Tina
    Pink_Tina Posts: 164
    When I fly (if there's time between flights) I do laps around the airport while carrying my backpack. Also, if you're forced to buy food in airports, there's usually a Star Bucks and I get the mixed seasonal fruit cup for a snack or grab a yogurt from one of the side sandwich shoppes. If it's a full meal you need , just go to any of the food court shoppes and stick with a small portion of some kind of meat and lots of veggies.

    Also, if your work puts you in motel/hotels, see if they have a fitness room. If not, just walk around the motel/hotel, making sure not to go too far so you don't get lost. Or if they have a swimming pool, water jog and do some laps. Or try to do some situps and pushups while you're in the room. All kinds of things you can do to keep losing even while traveling. :)
  • suzyqz1029
    If traveling is temporary (like, less than a month), then maybe it is ok to adjust your goal to maintain rather than lose that week. However, if traveling is part of your everyday lifestyle, then it is better to figure out how to make it work rather than just give up. Do you have any free time in the cities you are visiting? If so, then take a brisk walk to explore the city. You get to sightsee a bit and burn a few calories all at once. That would offset the not so good choices and the time spent sitting in a plane. If you don't have free time, then try to plan ahead to limit temptations. Bring a healthy snack to eat on the plane and say "no thank you" to the free snacks (fruit travels well and doesn't really need to be refridgerated, as do carrots). When you aren't eating out for business, make a concious effort to choose Subway or something relatively healthy. When you have a business meal, then choose the healthiest thing on the menu that still looks appealing. And try to enlist somebody (friend, family, coworker) to support you when you are stressed. When you start to eat out of stress, stop yourself and call them instead. It's harder to eat if you are talking and complaining about all the travel you are doing!
  • myth4ever
    myth4ever Posts: 372
    not an option
  • foraubs
    foraubs Posts: 263 Member
    Been there, done it.
    You can do amazing things with that little coffee maker in the room! I once washed my iron and used it to toast an english muffin because I'd always plan for my own meals and they were out of suites with kitchenettes.

    Don't give up.
    I agree with a previous poster -- if it's temp., you could consider maintaining, but if you're making a lifestyle change and this is part of that lifestyle ... well, it's a silly time to learn to swim when you start to drown.

    Best of luck and enjoy your travels!
  • eraweir
    eraweir Posts: 41 Member
    I should clarify that by "giving up" I mostly mean giving up expecting to see any change on the scale/change in inches. (Especially because it seems like I just come down from one flying-caused water retention only to start another!)

    So far, I've made sure to ALWAYS find a grocery store so I can do yogurt/granola/fruit for breakfast and try to stick to soup for lunch so I only have to deal with one restaurant meal per day. If the hotel gym is non-existent/sketchy, I either do 5 minute walks every hour (or as often as I can sneak out) around the neighbourhood surrounding the railyard or a jumping jack/situp/pushup/leg lift routine in my hotel room -- last week, I made it down to the gym 3 out of 5 days on location while working 12 hour shifts, though! Hooray!

    Anyway, it hasn't been perfect. But it's kept a travel GAIN from creeping on and I've still been able to experience some local specialities... and maybe that is the best I should be hoping for. It will keep me from being disappointed, if nothing else.
  • fishtank63
    fishtank63 Posts: 11 Member
    The fact that you've posted this on a site that will give you nothing but support tells me you're not ready to give don't!!!!

    I travel quite a bit for work and have always found that biggest hurdles to be the project breakfasts, consisting of nothing but bagels, cream cheese, and other breads.....I grab a healthy breakfast before the meeting, or pack some healthy oat bars to eat in the car on the way to the meeting. Lunches and restaurants....pile up on the salads and fruit (if available) and stay away from the breaded catastrophe's they tend to bring in.

    Find some time to exercise, walking around the hotel or around the city is great, and walking during breaks at work, if possible. Put some time in at the gym before any planned dinners works well (skip the happy hours for exercise and still meet up for the dinners works great - if necessary I use the old "I need to catch up on some emails, but I'll join you for dinner" quite a bit.

    Good luck, and keep on keeping on. Making your health a priority and planing accordingly will lead to your ultimate success.
  • bunnyklutz
    bunnyklutz Posts: 17 Member
    Don't give up, you will regret it. Times may be hectic but as a previous poster said it is a lifestyle change so make it work with your life. One of my biggest regrets is the many number of times I've started losing weight than given up because of a bump in the road or another. If I had stuck to it, perhaps I would not need to lose as much as I do now.
  • donald149
    donald149 Posts: 211 Member
    I'm the same way... Had so many hotel / rental car / airline reward cards that i nearly needed a seperate wallet . (luckily there's an app for that!) My advice, keep trying. For me, I eat more often but smaller portions. Otherwise I run straight for a greasy burger as soon as i step off - running faster than the smokers. Took me years to skip the pastries at starbucks but i now get a banana with my coffee. It's easy since it's usually after security. Just don't look at the receipt to see what yoiu've paid for the banana.
  • ldrosophila
    ldrosophila Posts: 7,512 Member
    Can you even get food through TSA?
  • eraweir
    eraweir Posts: 41 Member
    When they ask me if I have food, I always say no. ;) Trail mix, granola bars, etc are easy to get through security but customs can get twitchy about produce.

    My first career is acting, so I usually ramble about trains and how excited I am to travel down to the States for meetings which gets distracting enough that they never look in my bags.
  • CrystalDreams
    CrystalDreams Posts: 418 Member
    i work 7 days a week right now, im out all day... i know it seems impossible, but really its just not wanting to do the work. id rather go out to china buffet than prepare a healthy meal.... plus there is always subway lol
  • smill02
    smill02 Posts: 1
    :sad: I started this about a month ago maybe two. I lose track. Right around week 5 I started gaining again and am frustrated. I'm down again, but I am doing this on my own. for me not family, friends or anyone else. I want to stick to it, but am really hard on my self from one week to the next with slight gains and little losses. If I can't make this work I told my Dr. I would seriously consider surgery.. I really don't want to go that route. I need more support to stay focused. Any suggestions. HELP.
  • jackirisbugsy
    Just take it one day at a time and don't give up. Focus on making the best choices you can for only one day, the next day will be a new start, so each day is a journey of it's own. Hang in there.
  • TravisBurns
    TravisBurns Posts: 353 Member
    Why did you start in the first place? What goal did you have in mind when you started? Just remember that giving up is digging yourself back down and getting back to where you started before or worse. getting motivation to make changes gets harder and harder when you keep quitting.