No results!! Ahhhhhh!!!

I have been counting my calories for over two months and working out for a few weeks. I gained one pound. I'm ready to scream! I have lost a few inches, but I feel so discouraged! It has never been so hard for me to lose before. Has anyone else experienced this in the beginning? Any tips? I'm open to suggestions!


  • vmloya
    vmloya Posts: 5
    I'm in the same boat as you!!! I don't know why it's so hard this time round! I've lost weight before and for some reason and working hard and not seeing results.

    I'm thinking I have to limit my carbs. That seems to work for me.
  • yarwell
    yarwell Posts: 10,477 Member
    I have been counting my calories for over two months and working out for a few weeks. I gained one pound. I'm ready to scream! I have lost a few inches, but I feel so discouraged! It has never been so hard for me to lose before. Has anyone else experienced this in the beginning? Any tips? I'm open to suggestions!

    Tips ?

    Open your food diary if you want opinions on what you eat.

    Describe your exercise regime and how many calories you are eating.

    Tell us how tall and light you are now, and what your goal weight is, and how active you are.
  • satxtrap
    satxtrap Posts: 120 Member
    Open your food diary if you want opinions on what you eat.

    Describe your exercise regime and how many calories you are eating.

    Tell us how tall and light you are now, and what your goal weight is, and how active you are.

    ^^^This :)
  • ronnio_ron
    Also it will help to know what weight loss plan (deficit) you have set your MFP on.
    Are you eating back excercise calories and how much excercise do you do per week?

    Losing inches is a good sign, but I cant help on the weight gained part, as I have not gone thru that....but yes definitely more details will be very helpful...
  • snowpony
    snowpony Posts: 47 Member
    I have lost weight before. It seems like I can't get rid of my weight now with my old tricks. I'm starting to think that I have to work even harder now because my body is used to finding ways of keeping my fat.
  • Mckategoals
    Mckategoals Posts: 3 Member
    Oops lol I didn't realize that my diary was not open. I am 145. My goal is 120. I gained all my weight in school from depression, poor eating, and no exercise. I walk close to 3 miles about 5 days a week and use my eliptical machine a few times a week as well. I've been using 8 pound weights doing sets of 15 or 20 all different ways, crunches, squats... a few times a week. Plus I clean my house daily and have two kids.... I've been dieting with a few slip ups for about two months at 1200 calories. I have been working out for three weeks or more. No progress....
  • rusialeelee
    -limit fat, sugar -- seems like you cut it close or go over a lot.. (everytime I did that I gained too)

    -lots and lots of water! - no drinks except water. occasionally glass of wine or beer but I'd rather eat than drink my calories
  • amyniceneasy
    amyniceneasy Posts: 143 Member
    Cut out some of the junk food and replace it with real food.
    Eat your dailiy allowance plus excersize calories
  • aligatorwww
    aligatorwww Posts: 48 Member
    Try to eat more veggies, have them with every meal. Add one or two servings of fruit per day with some raw almonds or a handful (6-12) of pistachios or some low fat cheese. Whole grains and brown not white rice. Eat back your exercise calories with only healthy foods and eat between meals so you're not starving when you do finally eat. Try to eat some protein after you exercise, within 45 minutes. You're so young, just keep at it and you'll lose.
  • babesintow
    You said you said you have lost inches!!!!!!!! That is your results! Don't overlook you are seeing changes because you are focusing too much on what your scale says. Congratulations! The more muscle you build the firmer you will look...a firm 130 looks much better than a sloppy 125.
    Wow!!!! That is great it took me months to see any inches and more time to see a weight change. If you are staying within your calorie goals each day the weight will come. You have gained muscle lost are doing something right.
  • GreekByMarriage
    GreekByMarriage Posts: 320 Member
    Tale Pictures! I haven't lost any weight since the beginning of June (I took pics on 6.10.12) and then I took pictures again on 7.20.12 and my back Fat (or rolls... whatever you want to call them... they are gross either way) have gone down considerably! So I haven't lost any weight but my body is changing shape!
  • wyomingmama
    wyomingmama Posts: 71 Member
    Totally understang! Me too sweetie!
    You are gaining muscles!!!!!
    Inches lost is awesome!

    I have come to the conclusion.... the number on the scale is not the point!!

    I'm upping my game!
  • CommandaPanda
    CommandaPanda Posts: 451 Member
    What's your routine like in the gym?

    Start trying new things to break your plateau. That's what I did, I just recently broke my plateau about 5 weeks ago after being stuck for several months. Now it's just surgical planning when it comes to my daily meals.

    Each person reacts differently to different eating styles so maybe it's time you start experimenting for yourself to see where your body is at.
  • Kathy53925
    Kathy53925 Posts: 241 Member
    I don't mean to sound super rude, but your food diary is full of garbage! You need to cut out some of the treats and add more fruits and veggies. I eat alot of sweet cherries because they help control my sweet tooth.

    I think more healthy foods would help you alot.
  • AnnaYESiCANdoIT
    AnnaYESiCANdoIT Posts: 86 Member
    you clearly dont eat enough calories in a day. you should never skip meals!
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    I have been counting my calories for over two months and working out for a few weeks. I gained one pound. I'm ready to scream! I have lost a few inches, but I feel so discouraged! It has never been so hard for me to lose before. Has anyone else experienced this in the beginning? Any tips? I'm open to suggestions!

    it is frustrating when the scale is not showing progress...however, the tape measure IS showing you progress, and that is more important. My measurements now, at 204lbs, are very similar to where they were 8 years ago when I was 174lbs ( and *thought* that I was HUGE). The scale is being slow, but I am finding muscles that I didn't know I had! I would much rather be a muscular 175lbs and a size 8 than a flabby 145lbs/size 10.
  • Athijade
    Athijade Posts: 3,284 Member
    You are not eating enough on most days. You should be NETTING the 1200 calories. Some days you are barely netting anything at all.